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Embedding Streamable Videos

KoregKoreg Registered User regular
Is there a code to do this? The standard [streamable][/streamable] does not seem to work.

If, if Reagan played disco He'd shoot it to shit You can't disco in Jackboots


  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    Youtube videos will embed automatically with a link.

  • KoregKoreg Registered User regular
    Streamable videos are not youtube videos however and they do not automatically embed.

    If, if Reagan played disco He'd shoot it to shit You can't disco in Jackboots
  • BahamutZEROBahamutZERO Registered User regular
    edited April 2019
    These forums only embed things from specific URLs they want to allow to embed, like youtube, vimeo, twitch, twitter, soundcloud, and imgur .gifv pages, and maybe a few other things I'm forgetting. There's no tag for this, you just put in one of the supported URLs and it will embed them when it posts. What specifically is a "streamable" video?

    BahamutZERO on
  • KoregKoreg Registered User regular
    It's a quick upload website called Streamable for hosting videos.

    For example

    If, if Reagan played disco He'd shoot it to shit You can't disco in Jackboots
  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    We don't have native support for embedding videos from that site.

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