Date: Wednesday, Aug 28 – Early to Late
Tickets: Too Late! (But seriously, contact JobiwanKenobi if you want to go.)
Washington State has over 400 craft breweries, many with small-scale artisan brews that you're not going to find anywhere else in the world. Seattle is truly Beer Geek Heaven. The SchlitzKrieg is a beer tour for locals and out-of-towners alike, and focused on tiny up and coming nano-breweries that you probably won't find in the store. Throw in a little local history, an interesting scenic ride, and you've got a great way to spend a day outside of the Convention Center, where you can see more of the city than just the downtown.
Washington State Brewery Map2012 was the first ever SchlitzKrieg at PAX Prime, where 30 Beer Geeks were loaded onto a big yellow bus and we toured 12 local craft breweries in the greater Seattle Area in 12 hours. You can check out that year's thread
here and photos courtesy of
@courtneyj from the first year
2013 was a Cycle Saloon tour around the breweries in the Seattle neighborhood of Ballard. It was fun but too much work.
2014 was a little strange, as we didn't get enough people to fill up a full bus so we all crammed into a van and a car. It wasn't terrifically comfortable.
2015 was the year we got a motherfucking party bus, bitches!
2016 was our Fifth Annual Schlitzkrieg, where we headed South and threw in some cideries and distilleries to mix up the beer a bit. Also, party bus.
2017 we didn’t get enough people for the party bus, so this was a walking tour.
2018 we didn’t get enough people for the party bus, so we rented a van and I was the designated driver.
2019 - This will be the final Schlitzkrieg, so I am planning for it to go out on a high note.Transportation
Depending on how many people we get we may get the badass party bus. If not then there are other options.
22 – 27 people = Party Bus with a driver and a banquet permit so you can drink on the bus. AND there's a gaming laptop hookup to the video screens on the bus so we can play while we're traveling again. It's seriously an amazing time.
10 – 21 people = We may be able to get a party bus with a driver, but it may be more expensive…
~ 10 people = Jobiwan Kenobi will be your designated driver… we will get a rental van that can accommodate this group comfortably.
When putting together a Schlitzkrieg route, I try to find a route with a good mix of breweries, cideries, meaderies, and distilleries. This year we will be heading to Everett, Whidbey Island, Port Townsend, Poulsbo, and then back to Seattle. It will be a route with mead, cider, beer, distilled spirits, wine, and three ferry rides! Ending with fantastic views of the Seattle skyline as we take the ferry back to downtown Seattle.
- Æsir Meadery
- Whidbey Island Distillery
- Whidbey Island Winery
- Double Bluff Brewing (* Lunch stop)
- Propolis
- Discovery Bay Brewing
- (Poulsbo) To be relevealed! (* Dinner stop)
Assuming that we will get the party bus, tickets will be around $100 per person. However, if I am your designated driver prices should drop and there would be a refund at the start of the trip.
What is it?
What isn't it?
When is it?
What's included for the price?
• Happy Hour snacks
• Driver Gratuity (assuming that we get a driver, if Jobiwan is the designated driver then no gratuity is required.)
What's not included?
• Dinner & snacks
• Souvenirs
• Brewery Swag, bottles or Growlers
• Pre-Funk Breakfast, Lunch
Where are you/we Going?
How much will it cost?
If we reach our quota of 25 people, the price will drop to around $88 or less and I'll refund you the difference or you can donate it to Child's Play. Most of the price is based on splitting the cost of the bus evenly and I'd rather give people money back than ask for more if we don't make our quota.
How is the cost calculated?
Bus - $1850
Happy Hour Snacks - $11 per person
Water and snacks on the bus - $20
There simply aren't any inexpensive group transportation options in Seattle anymore. In 2015, we discovered that the approximately $25/per person increase in price between a school bus and a party bus made a HUGE difference in the comfort and fun of the ride. Just the bus costs $1800 for the day but it's worth the money, trust me.
Can I change my mind/plans/existence and get a refund?
Can I attend just a portion of the tour?
I have a better/different stop/place/brewery to suggest:
- Proximity to the tour route
- Hours (they need to be open, or willing to open for us)
- Size (macro breweries are discouraged)
- Willingness to accommodate the tour
How do I sign up and/or pay?
Do you need any helpers?
Why a Beer Tour?
I can't go/It's out of my budget: Will there be another event later?
Is this really the last Schlitzkrieg?
PAX Prime '09 - H1N(erd)1 Survivor - Never Forget (Your Hand Sanitizer)
PAX Prime '14 Omeganaut - Result: KO in 3rd Round (Damn you, Super Avalanche 2!)
If we're going north again, I'd be down at stopping at that one roadside ice cream place.
I have my own homebrew recipe, too, if anybody is interested. I may not be able to attend, but I still like to participate in the craft beer and homebrew community when and where I can.
It's just a shame this will be my first year hearing about this event and also the last year it will take place, at least under the same host. Hopefully you guys get enough people.
Good times.
Yeah, we toned it down a bit after the first year, twelve breweries in twelve hours was a bit... much. Last year we had eight stops: six breweries, a meadery, and a distillery.
PAX Prime '09 - H1N(erd)1 Survivor - Never Forget (Your Hand Sanitizer)
PAX Prime '14 Omeganaut - Result: KO in 3rd Round (Damn you, Super Avalanche 2!)
If @Psiberian is going again too (yes, please), that would put us halfway to Party Bus.
If @vespachica goes again (yes, please) we're over halfway.
This trip is always expertly curated, and between Joe, me, and Psiberian, we'll have a full staff of large Viking types who can swiftly deal with troublemakers.
Beautiful drives, good drinks, and lots of laughter. It really is my favorite part of PAX week.
Two important details to note:
To date, everyone has followed Wheaton's Law while on the Schlitzkrieg. PAX'ers are generally a good bunch of people, and being upfront about the pacing of the Schlitzkrieg tends to weed out people who are just looking to be drunk and rowdy at 9 AM.
PAX Prime '09 - H1N(erd)1 Survivor - Never Forget (Your Hand Sanitizer)
PAX Prime '14 Omeganaut - Result: KO in 3rd Round (Damn you, Super Avalanche 2!)
Excited to be going, sad this may be the last one. Let's make it count people!!
The Schlitzkrieg has gone to Ballard twice as a walking tour (once involving a conference bike). It is a terrific neighborhood for breweries.
PAX Prime '09 - H1N(erd)1 Survivor - Never Forget (Your Hand Sanitizer)
PAX Prime '14 Omeganaut - Result: KO in 3rd Round (Damn you, Super Avalanche 2!)
PAX Prime '09 - H1N(erd)1 Survivor - Never Forget (Your Hand Sanitizer)
PAX Prime '14 Omeganaut - Result: KO in 3rd Round (Damn you, Super Avalanche 2!)
Get the word out to the cool people you'd like to day-drink with!
Reuben's is YUUUUUGE now. They have three production facilities and a massive new taproom. They do great beers but their enormous size has now more-or-less made them ineligible for SK stoppage. The tour tries to focus on smaller, up-and-coming (read: nano) breweries and places you haven't heard of before. The caveat of course, is that if the group is in a neighborhood and there's overwhelming interest in going to a big micro or macro brewhouse, or if the tour is in an area where brewery pickings are slim and the only option is a big place.
PAX Prime '09 - H1N(erd)1 Survivor - Never Forget (Your Hand Sanitizer)
PAX Prime '14 Omeganaut - Result: KO in 3rd Round (Damn you, Super Avalanche 2!)
PAX Prime '09 - H1N(erd)1 Survivor - Never Forget (Your Hand Sanitizer)
PAX Prime '14 Omeganaut - Result: KO in 3rd Round (Damn you, Super Avalanche 2!)
Regarding the route, we have a couple of cool options. I'll put together a survey describing our options and send it out to everyone who has bought tickets so far.
PAX Prime '09 - H1N(erd)1 Survivor - Never Forget (Your Hand Sanitizer)
PAX Prime '14 Omeganaut - Result: KO in 3rd Round (Damn you, Super Avalanche 2!)
PAX Prime '09 - H1N(erd)1 Survivor - Never Forget (Your Hand Sanitizer)
PAX Prime '14 Omeganaut - Result: KO in 3rd Round (Damn you, Super Avalanche 2!)