Videogaming-related online strip by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins. Includes news and commentary.
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Enlong wrote: » Also, the “each swipe of the card a slash of the sword” is correct. That omission of “is” works.
dennis wrote: » I get my Middle Earth snacks at 7-Elevenses.
I've read it through about three times and that's all I've got.
Really great value (one bite of any snack will fill you for the whole day) but the customer service people, ugh. So haughty and condescending.
Yeah, I was just trying to think of what the OP thought was a typo since I'm apparently elven-blind.
“Not much.”
One of my cats is named Elevenses (the older, bigger one Dinner) and my favorite thing is when I don't have to explain the joke.