Am looking to buy plane tickets now and there are some nice deals for 7:05 pm. If PAX ends at 6pm (like last year), it may be to tight of a squeeze, and if it's at 7pm, a definite no. Does someone know what time the doors close (and is the last thing the final round of the omegathon again?)
Take highway 99 to get to the airport when pax is over.
Oh god. That's gonna be horrible.
I think it's time for me to look into hotel rooms. I live in Seattle, but even being that close to the convention center... Traffic is gonna be a mess.
Surprised? I'll be expecting it.
I personally am gonna try to get there an hour or two before PAX to bipass traffic and to just say I was one of the first people to go to PAX '078-)
Wasn't there someone who was there at 3 or 4 the previous afternoon?
I would rather be partying.
Because the line itself is a party...
Yes I know that line was indoors and more like a blob, but it was still a bunch of people waiting to get in the theater.
I am somewhat forced to agree. You can end up meeting some cool people in line, especially because with so little else to do, you can't help but hear others' conversations and become more interested in knowing them.
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Yeah, overnighters are weird.
They seemed pretty cool to talk to for the 20min or so i chatted with them after setup. I gave them bawls for being hardcore.
I went to sleep after setup and got there in the morning and they were still there.
They will always be there. If not then ask the hotel to call one up for you.
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I never took a taxi in my entire life.
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Seattle really does have a fairly decent bus system to/from the airport and downtown which I have taken on my many journeys. Check with the Metro trip planner and you should be able to figure it out. The bus is also cheap here... just use those google maps that people have posted!
And yes, the bus system in Seattle pwns.
Depends if you want to see the concerts or not. The wristbands are being handed out in that line you love so very much :P
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