Wait hasn't West just finished? What I have to make the forum badge for PAX East 2020? Oh come on! I need my rest!
sigh Fine! FINE! OK I get it, PAX East 2020 is really early, so early in fact that it is likely to be really cold. But whatever, let's get this thing DONE!
For the uninitiated the Forum Badge is an adult hand sized piece of card board that is held in a plastic sleeve that is worn during PAX East and West that identifies you as an active member of these very forums. We spend 5-6 months designing it prior to PAX East & West as a community resulting in something we all built together as a collective hive mind.
So without further ado, here are the three themes we are going to be considering for PAX East 2020 Forum Badge:
1) Dark Souls Theme (this was tried at West in 2019 but did not quite get over the line).
2) Avant-garde indie game theme (we could have some real fun with this by gently poking fun at some of the weird titles we now see)
3) Line Entertainment Bingo - Back of the badge will have a grid of typical things that happen and are said during a line at any PAX.
Please declare your selection to the themes above and we shall declare the winner on SUNDAY 24TH NOVEMBER 2019
Do choose carefully, for this thing will be dangling around your neck for 4 days as you march around BCEC skulking from the cold!
I think that one is going to win in all honesty. The fun we can have filling out the grid alone will be worth it. Also, thanks for contributing to the thread.
i forgot mine last year and the year before haha.i get so overwhelmed with stuff i wana look at that i forget all about it.this time ill set an alarm on my phone.
I'm going with 3
Choice 3. All day.
An alarm is a nice idea but I'll probably forget to set one just like EVERY YEAR i say I am going to get a forum badge . .EVERY YEAR I freaking forget..
Hey @kropotkin have any previous years ones lol
maybe set an alarm for when you're out for food? kind of a "oh hey while you're out already stop and pick up the badge first"? Or hope your friends can help remind you if you go with friends?
I almost forgot mine for West 2017. I showed up in my wedding dress and picked up my forum badge (got married the day before PAX; totally planned it that way). Legit felt like I was in costume.
I mean honestly you could probably pass that off as a Princess Peach cosplay
I vote 2, but only to balance the scales!
edit: phrasing.
As for the back, I'm going to need your help. I have created a set of likely and not so likely events that will happen while people are standing in a line for a panel or anything else. Please let me know what you think of what I have come up with so that I can include it in the final design:
Oh and apologies for the UK English spelling; I'll make it US English spelling if people prefer. Quick tip, we British really don't use 'z' much...
No that's fine, we have the whole of January to settle on the design
- in general, this text is going to be REALLY SMALL, which will hamper enjoyment. turn these into headlines, with all connecting words cut out. For instance, instead of "someone is cosplaying as something you do recognize" try "cosplay you recognize". Others can be reduced to frequent quotes, like ""fill gaps in the line"", for the sake of variety.
- Speaking of variety, there are also a lot of really similar items, like people playing videogames on various specific devices (condense to mobile and DS only, and perhaps even less than that, to just portable videogames), and "line stuff" is wildly overrepresented. Think of other, non-line things that are typical PAX experiences: a raffle blocking traffic, a professional cosplay photoshoot, a pin trade going down, Jerry/Mike sighting, etc. These could also happen in lines, of course, but don't ONLY happen there.
Those are the big ones, will save further wordsmithing and design thoughts for after that pass goes through. Thanks as always for all the work you put into this!
These are interesting points as they encompass the whole of PAX while I was assuming this would be used in lines/queues only. By expanding it to beyond lines we can be more dynamic, which is a good thing!
In light of this idea I have revised the bingo card to look like this:
one last redundancy: pokemon game and mobile game. maybe lose one and replace with complaints about the food prices?
In the interest of bingo being bingo, I would actually elect to lose mobile game in this case and keep Pokemon on a Game Boy given it's "rarer" but still common enough at PAX. Can't make the game too easy, now can we?
100% on board with the food prices complaints being a replacement. That's just genuine PAX.
As you can see the text has been abridged somewhat due to the limitations on the size of the badge we have. Let me know what you think!
Hmm... I seem to have misplaced my signature...