So can I assume that Tourney HQ (sign up) is in the tournament area? Or is it in the Tourney Annex? Somewhere else maybe?
whypick1PAX [E] Info Booth Manager~2' from an LCDRegistered Userregular
Is it PAX <insert nearest future PAX here> yet?
GundabadPAX East & Unplugged Tabletop ManagerNJRegistered Userregular
Check the map labeled Freeplay Map, and you will see a block labeled Tourney HQ. If one of those events is on your "must do" list, I would advise arriving as early as you can. Otherwise, it might save you a lot of line waiting and stress to take a more casual attitude and just stroll by after 10AM when the morning lines are gone and jump in anything that has tickets leftover.
The third approach is to stop by Tourney HQ just as any event is about to start and see if you can get a lucky seat due to no-shows.
Check the map labeled Freeplay Map, and you will see a block labeled Tourney HQ. If one of those events is on your "must do" list, I would advise arriving as early as you can. Otherwise, it might save you a lot of line waiting and stress to take a more casual attitude and just stroll by after 10AM when the morning lines are gone and jump in anything that has tickets leftover.
The third approach is to stop by Tourney HQ just as any event is about to start and see if you can get a lucky seat due to no-shows.
The third approach is to stop by Tourney HQ just as any event is about to start and see if you can get a lucky seat due to no-shows.