Title a little overblown, but maybe not.
So father has some big mass of
something in his head. Been messing up his balance and motor control. In hospital, scheduled for surgery on the 24th where they'll either remove or decide on radiation/non surgery. Hospital is local for everyone.
We (wife & I) are scheduled to host Christmas Eve with primary his side of the family. He is all for us doing the party since there's not much we can do.
However, I received an email tonight from one of the relatives saying it would be ok if we cancelled, which to me basically means I'd be the asshole now if I don't, despise father's wishes.
Not really sure what advice I'm asking for, partially just venting.
But I assumed I have to cancel, right? We're not really it any big money yet, was going to buy food, etc. this weekend.
Let your dad feel like a human being during the holidays. Reschedule for the weekend after his surgery and invite him.
No one in his position wants to be the burden, whether it's malignant or benign. You have a party and you invite him. If he can't go, you go visit him, if you can't visit him, you all go buy him cards and balloons with stupid things written on them.
Opinion based on being in healthcare for way too long at this point and watching my dad die of cancer while people hovered around him treating him like a disease process to be handled instead of a person.
I'm sorry you and your dad are going through this, be patient and get all the test results and stuff before you let your imagination run too wild. There are a lot of things that go on in the brain that due to location cause crazy symptoms and require treatment that you could happily ignore forever if it were somewhere else.
Ive visited a few people in the hospital, and those always go over well.
You can have the evite or whatever say that it's a Christmas party FOR DAD so you can get together and think about him and make things for him and be supportive.
Bonus: If it works out then you're the hero that pulled everything together for him and that dude is the asshole.
Aside from what everyone else has said, I wouldn't read this into that email. They are most likely just trying not to burden you with expectations if you're overwhelmed. It's not a request it's permission..
Think we will go ahead with it, saying it's what he wants. Either way we'll all be together and can get the news at the same time.
Yeah, that's not her intent - making me/us the jerks - it's really letting us save face if we wanted to cancel by having her take the 'blame'. It's mostly just me hypersensitive to social norms. Someone overanalyzing on here; shocking!
And, as someone suggested, do the week after for your dad if he's game for it. Either just you guys, or extended family, depending on how things go.
I totally agree that anyone suggesting cancelling are being considerate - which might also mean that they're not in the mood, which you should expect/respect, of course. It'll not be anything personal if anyone doesn't feel like attending.