PAX South BYOC 2020 Mega Thread

Spader89Spader89 Registered User regular
edited January 2020 in PAX South
Jan 17 Update:

Folks, we've checked in over 100 of you now, and we've not seen a car in about an hour, so we're closing down the loading dock entrance at noon. We will still have carts available for you at BYOC if you'd like to borrow them, but you'll either have to bring your equipment from wherever you parked or wherever you're staying.

Jan 12 Update:
Load-in process has been finalized:

In short, same loading area as the last 3 years, except instead of using the loading dock right at the entrance, you'll go to the far end and use that loading dock. Cut across registration to the lobby and take the elevators straight up to BYOC.

Here's a google maps link to the entrance of the loading area:

Hi Friends!

Platypus King is even busier than usual with non-PAX things so you're stuck with me (but don't worry, he'll still be filling his usual role at PAX itself)... Let's get down to business.
BYOC Badges are (as of now) still available and can be purchased from here:
BYOC Badges

Group Seating Details:
GROUP SEATING CLOSE DATE: January 15th at midnight CST

Group Seating Requirements:
Your party is considered a group if you have SIX or more people.
Groups must pre-register seating assignments prior to PAX, or else seats will be based on first come first serve availability.
Requests are taken on a first come, first serve basis.
Passes for ALL 3 days of PAX! (recommended to maximize fun, but not a hard requirement)
If you have multiple BYOC badges, those count as seats (group members) so if you have 6 BYOC passes in your "group" (regardless the number of physical bodies) you qualify for group seating.

To request group seating, use the seating chart below to choose your seats and email (NEW EMAIL FOR THIS YEAR)
Include the following information when requesting:
Group Name
Number of People (include handles too)
Desired Location (include a backup location, too, as we can't promise we'll be able to keep the chart up-to-the-minute updated)

Please note the seating chart is not final and subject to change. This is actually always the case but even more so this year. If the seating chart does change and we have sufficient notice, we will give all groups the opportunity to re-pick their seating. If we don't have sufficient notice, we will choose new seats for your group, doing our best to mimic what you chose in the old seating chart.

Seating Chart:

Pre-registration is open to all BYOC attendees this year that already have their BYOC badge in-hand. You can fill out the Google Form located here: BYOC Pre-Registration . Pre-registration basically just means we'll have all your info in the database already when you arrive on-site so check-in should go much faster for you. Again, in order to pre-register you must already have your BYOC badge(s) in-hand. To anyone picking them up at Will Call: we'll close the form at noon on Thursday, so if you're able to pick up your badge(s) from Will Call before then, you'll be able to pre-register.

More information will come out in the mailer, but just to drill some of the usual points home:
- Bring your own network cable! 20ft recommended.
- Each seat gets 2x power outlets
- No appliances (fridges, toasters, hot plates, microwaves, soldering irons, coffee makers, etc)

Spader89 on


  • Spader89Spader89 Registered User regular
    FYI Zerzhul's coming to my rescue filling in those missing links, so standby for now!

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Links are in. Thanks for your patience.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Reminder for anyone seeing this before the Holiday Hangout... If tradition holds, the forums here will be going into holiday mode soon for a little under a week and normal sections will be unavailable. When that happens, I will sticky a thread in the hangout with just the links in there and a tiny bit of info so at least it won't be totally missing.

  • Spader89Spader89 Registered User regular
    edited January 2020
    It has been pointed out to me that the BYOC badges this year do not have a badge code printed on them. You can use a QR code decoder like this: in order to find out your badge code, if you'd like to pre-register. We understand this is not optimal and will work to correct it in the future.

    Spader89 on
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    I think android and ios both also have a bunch of free qr code reader apps.

  • ThePizzaKingThePizzaKing Registered User new member
    Its gonna be another fun year.

  • Platypus KingPlatypus King Registered User regular
    Thank you again @Spader89 and @zerzhul for helping me out with the forms, I owe you one!

  • follisjfollisj Registered User regular
    Is the BYOC area in the third floor PC/VR room?

  • taumesontaumeson PAX PC Room Manager Minnesota?Registered User regular
    follisj wrote: »
    Is the BYOC area in the third floor PC/VR room?

    Yes. We're working on some of the logistics but the elevator bank is right near the convention center entrance, and it leads straight up to where BYOC is.

  • follisjfollisj Registered User regular
    That's awesome! Keeps us out of the way and isolated. Elevators will be handy as well.

  • Spader89Spader89 Registered User regular
    We have our own space at West and had our own space for the first 2 Souths. It works out really well. We'll lose the loading dock, but as @taumeson said, we're working on options.

  • FuzzoroFuzzoro Registered User regular
    I HATE the fact that we are stowed away on the THIRD FLOOR... part of the attraction was that we were part of the main floor. I can play in a corner at my own house! Why would I lug all my gear to PAX and transplant it all to the third floor... the elevators are a freaking hike from any access point. We could just pull up to the dock before and we were right at BYOC now we have to lug it all to the entrance?!?!???? .... F A I L.... Whoever came up with this plan obv doesn’t attend BYOC. I can’t park on Commerce street with a trailer load of equipment and make trips up the elevator... good grief guys. You all trying to eliminate BYOC or what?

  • FuzzoroFuzzoro Registered User regular
    @follisj we were isolated before and had VIP access to the main floor, concessions, and restrooms. That’s the whole point of paying 40$ per seat. Now I just feel like we aren’t even a part of PAX... may as well saved myself some money and got one day pass and had a LAN party at my house. What happened to the VIP part of BYOC?

  • FuzzoroFuzzoro Registered User regular
    We aren’t carrying laptops here guys.... be for real. This is a complete insult to BYOC attendees. Shoved off in some singular room on the third floor down the end of a long hall.... that sounds like fun... I can’t wait to fight with the elevator and a thousand people just to get back and forth to the main floor 🤬

  • hannsahhannsah Registered User new member
    The charm of BYOC is that your LAN party is in the heart of the main floor attractions. The argument of it being more isolated doesn’t really make sense because I could just have a LAN party at home for free. My heart sank when I found out we were going to be stowed far away from everything else. It doesn’t seem worth it. Lugging around huge equipment all the way to the third floor just to be isolate is not worth it. PAX is going to be a totally different experience this year and I’m really disappointed I spent all this money. I feel cheated.

  • SolarSimbaSolarSimba Registered User new member
    I dont want to sound rude, but I dont understand the purpose of being stored away on the 3rd floor. The easy access, and the atmosphere is the whole reason we’re paying extra for these passes. Having the ability to play games freely isnt the point. I can do that at home. Why would I pay just to travel all the way from Tennessee to Texas just to be pushed into a room away from all the good stuff. It sucks, cuz now it feels like a waste, and this is the one event that I look forward to every year. We’re paying extra to be stationed near the events, and the board games, and the food, and the vendors. Not to play on the computers we play on every day for free.

  • lollilolli Registered User new member
    BYOC on the third floor, not on the main floor?! Why?! This is unacceptable! I didn’t pay to be hidden away in the back of the building on the third floor away from everything. Are you trying to punish the BYOC attendees?

  • tkdangel17tkdangel17 Registered User new member
    Is there anyway we can be in all the action like it was in previous years? $40 to be in a room away from the thrill of the convention is really lame and feels like we are being put away. PAX has become a family tradition and we'd be glad to take our 20+ family (which is constantly growing) and each of their $40 and pitch in for a large LAN Party... we love PAX South and have been going since the beginning. Thanks.

  • statton4statton4 Registered User regular
    "Is there anyway we can be in all the action like it was in previous years? $40 to be in a room away from the thrill of the convention is really lame and feels like we are being put away. PAX has become a family tradition and we'd be glad to take our 20+ family (which is constantly growing) and each of their $40 and pitch in for a large LAN Party... we love PAX South and have been going since the beginning. Thanks. <
    what he said I have members of my clan flying in for this event, now their upset about being moved off the main floor....... wish i had saw this before buying my 4 byoc passes.

  • The Pizza KingThe Pizza King MissouriRegistered User new member
    $40 get to hang out on the 3rd floor wow.

  • Spader89Spader89 Registered User regular
    Folks I think we're overestimating the isolation factor here. We're literally immediately above the main entrance to expo. While I can appreciate some hesitant concern, let's not blow this change out of the water. Again, West has its own space and it works out really well. Give it a chance before despairing.

  • brew95brew95 Registered User new member
    I too am disappointed that the byoc area is being moved. I bought byoc passes for my kids, with the expectation of being able to keep an eye on them from the tabletop area.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited January 2020
    I think this discussion is interesting, since when PC was moved from a separate area to the main floor, there were many complaints about all the noise and being in the middle of all the "action" and how it ruined the LAN party experience.

    I am sure that some folks will share your disappointment at not being on the main floor, and others will relish being not on the main floor. It's a situation that won't please everyone, and it's reasonable to voice your concerns as long as they are civil.

    I am sure that the results of this year will be weighed when determining what to do for the future.

    zerzhul on
  • lollilolli Registered User new member
    So now we need to use the main lobby elevator which will most likely have a wait line to get into to get to the BYOC area. I just don’t understand the reasoning in having to pay extra to be isolated from the main floor and have to wait in extra lines for the elevator. As I understand there isn’t even a stairway that leads directly to the BYOC area.
    If I wanted to be isolated, I could have a LAN party in my hotel room or my home. It’s the “action” that we’re paying extra to experience. I cannot keep track of all my kids if half of us are isolated.
    This is simply ridiculous!

  • FuzzoroFuzzoro Registered User regular
    edited January 2020
    So how do we get our gear to the third floor BYOC closet? The elevator is at the entrance lobby but we are now expected to transport our equipment through the front door instead of the rear private dock (which is 200+\-yds from this “convenient” main lobby elevator). Where do we park and unload? We can’t exactly park at the front entrance. The main lobby isn’t even a part of PAX. We will be in the farthest room possible from the convention and completely isolated. Based on the results of this year I will be reluctant to promote BYOC or pre-purchase any future passes until I can confirm placement of the BYOC area.
    I expect severe disappointment and inconvenience this year. When PAX attendees walk through the lobby, enter the convention area, through all the booths, games and vendors it creates an interest in computing, game design, coding, etc. When you see the PC area with all the free play PC, everyone having fun together it’s an impressive sight and it creates an impact and impression on people that are otherwise intimidated by PC’s or have never witnessed the grandeur of a 300 PC LAN event in the midst of PAX. The location of BYOC has ZERO exposure and I expect that free play is going to be a near ghost town. It’s too far from the main floor, it has NO exposure. It’s a terrible idea. I may have personal expectations of BYOC based on previous years but the placement of BYOC this year is denying people the experience and awe inspiring sights of the event. If you ask someone about BYOC that has no prior knowledge of it this year your going to hear “what’s PC free play or BYOC? I didn’t see it at the convention” 🤷🏼‍♂️.

    Fuzzoro on
  • MallissahMallissah Registered User new member
    BYOC Questions:

    1. Where do we get our BYOC badges? I ordered mine in August, and I only received the access badges in the mail.
    2. Where are the requirements for BYOC? I remember reading about things you need to bring/do when I purchased the badges, but I can't find any of the information now.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    If all your greatest fears come true, that will be great feedback for next year's show.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited January 2020
    Mallissah wrote: »
    BYOC Questions:

    1. Where do we get our BYOC badges? I ordered mine in August, and I only received the access badges in the mail.
    2. Where are the requirements for BYOC? I remember reading about things you need to bring/do when I purchased the badges, but I can't find any of the information now.

    I was under the impression that they would arrive in the mail as well, but if they never do, email or to notify them of this. They should be able to be picked up from will-call if they never arrive in the mail, but make sure to contact PAX first.

    Some of the basics are at the very bottom of the OP, but the main things are:
    the monitor limit is 27" iirc
    you can only use two power outlets per seat
    bring your own network cable, preferably 20 feet long
    you need to have both a pax badge and byoc badge (byoc alone does not give you access if you do not have a pax badge for the day)

    Spader and the other PC enforcers should be able to fill this in better when they look back at the thread.

    zerzhul on
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    lolli wrote: »
    As I understand there isn’t even a stairway that leads directly to the BYOC area.

    The PC area on the PAX map is in the "stars at night ballroom" area. If you look at the floor plans to the HBGCC, there are two sets of escalators and a pair of elevators in the immediate area that all go the whole way from the main lobby to the third floor.

    Anecdotally, PAX West's BYOC is on the third floor of the convention center annex in that convention center, and has been for some time, and they seem to manage to have high usage in the PC area and a plan to get people in and out.

    The PC enforcers posting in this thread will likely have more information about check-in plans and loading as soon as they are given the final plan by PAX.

    As has been made abundantly clear, you and your group do not believe this new BYOC location will work out. For the time being, I'd say that your concerns have been voiced, the appropriate people who run the BYOC area during the show know about them, and you'll have to wait and see how the plan works out.

  • Platypus KingPlatypus King Registered User regular
    edited January 2020
    Mallissah wrote: »
    BYOC Questions:

    1. Where do we get our BYOC badges? I ordered mine in August, and I only received the access badges in the mail.
    2. Where are the requirements for BYOC? I remember reading about things you need to bring/do when I purchased the badges, but I can't find any of the information now.

    I've attached some information from last years Information Mailer, and modified it with what I've gathered for the changes this year. Please check it out, it has been updated with the current information!

    BYOC Informational Mailer:

    If you're getting this, that means you have purchased a BYOC spot at PAX South to bring your computer and play on our dedicated network alongside a couple hundred friends you haven't met yet. To help make sure your BYOC festivities go smoothly, we've put together this little information packet for you. If you ever have any questions, feel free to email us at or to help ensure others benefit from your question, post in our forums at

    --- Location ---

    BYOC has moved to a new location! We will be in the Stars at Night ballroom on the third floor immediately above the main entrance. It's a beautiful room and we can't wait to put it to good use!

    --- PAX South Badge Registration ---

    Your PAX South BYOC badges should be mailed to you shortly if you haven't received them already. Should you have questions or issues with this, please contact If you do not receive your badge in the mail it can be picked up at Will Call. Will Call is open Thursday 12:00pm - 8:00pm, Friday 8:00am - 7:00pm, Saturday 8:00am - 7:00pm, and Sunday 8:00am - 5:00pm.

    --- Getting There ---

    If you're driving to PAX South with your computer in tow, we have special instructions for you! The short version is you'll be using a loading dock around back of the building (we will have signage pointing the way). The inside of that loading dock puts you pretty close to our registration area, so you'll just walk across the hall into the main lobby, use an elevator to go up to Level 3, and you're there. Please do not leave your car in the loading dock any longer than necessary! We've attached a flyer with details and here's a google maps link to the loading area for your convenience:

    If you aren't driving, just use the main entrance. If you're carrying computer bits or bytes, do not wait in the line, just come to the front entrance and we'll get you sorted.

    The PC Room has early entry on Friday (and only Friday) to find a seat and set up your gear - we'll be starting load-in at 8:30 AM. Saturday and Sunday opening will be normal PAX time - 10:00am.

    --- Basic LAN Party Information ---

    If you've never been to a LAN party, be sure to bring the following equipment:

    - BYOC Pass (if you did Will Call, get it before trying to check in!)

    - Computer

    - Monitor (Please no bigger than 27" LCD) and connecting cable

    - Keyboard

    - Mouse (we recommend wired, just to avoid any potential interference)

    - Mouse pad

    - Ethernet cable (25 feet should be sufficient, but longer is always better)

    - Power cables (but no extension cords or power strips. Maximum of two power connected devices)

    - Headphones

    - Games CDs/DVDs, Windows CD, and backups for other programs you may need to install/reinstall.

    We suggest printing off this list checking each item as you pack it. If you end up forgetting something, talk to an Enforcer and we might be able to help out.

    Please update/patch your games before coming to PAX. This includes updating Steam, Impulse, Origin, and such. You will have access to the Internet, but bandwidth is limited!

    Please be sure to enable virus protection on your computer before connecting it to our network. Any computers that are found with a virus will be immediately disconnected from the network until the matter is resolved.


    The PAX South BYOC schedule is as follows:

    Friday: 8:30 am - 12:00am

    Saturday: 10:00am - 12:00am

    Sunday: 10:00am - 6:00pm

    --- Tournament Schedule ---

    The PC Tournament Schedule can be found on our forums. Note this does not account for the various BYOC contests we'll be peer pressuring you into.

    --- BYOC Contests ---

    The BYOC staff will be running organized games throughout each day in the games on the list. Some of the activities will have signups ahead of time while others you can just jump in game and join us. Extended descriptions for each of the organized events will be posted on the PAX Forums. Scheduled times will be available on site starting at check-in. The PAX South BYOC twitter account is @BYOC_South, and can be followed for updates leading up to and during the show.

    --- Security Information ---

    There's a lot more to do at PAX than just play PC games, and we want you to be able to go do all of these things secure in the knowledge that your computer and peripherals are safe and sound. To that end, we probably put a much higher emphasis on security than most other LAN parties. Before you enter the PAX BYOC area, you will have to quickly register your computer and any monitor you're bringing into the computer area. We've gone to great lengths to keep the security processes in check, and as such, please keep your BYOC badge as visible as possible when entering the room.

    While we will make every attempt to keep all equipment in the room safe, be aware that there is little we can do to prevent iPods, tablets, portable game consoles, CD's, big wads of cash, and other small items from walking off. We strongly suggest you keep such items out of plain view and use some common sense when it comes to your own security. If you're coming with a laptop, we also STRONGLY recommend you invest in a laptop lock. Seriously.

    --- Voice Chat Information ---

    We will have a Discord client available for tournaments and public gaming. While we will have the client available on our file server, it is recommended that you download and install Discord before you come to the event. You can download the client at

    -- Other BYOC information

    If you have any PC related questions at all during PAX, please see the BYOC Help Desk (near the entrance of BYOC). If they're not able to provide a solution, they'll be able to direct you to the right people to get your problem solved.

    That's all we've got! Thanks for reading all this, and see you all at PAX!

    Platypus King on
  • Spader89Spader89 Registered User regular
    And folks we are definitely tracking that load in will change this year. We're working multiple angles, and will do what we can to make it as smooth as possible. Please check this space before you arrive on Friday as either Platypus King or I will be sure to post definitive directions here.

  • follisjfollisj Registered User regular
    Fuzzoro wrote: »
    @follisj we were isolated before and had VIP access to the main floor, concessions, and restrooms. That’s the whole point of paying 40$ per seat. Now I just feel like we aren’t even a part of PAX... may as well saved myself some money and got one day pass and had a LAN party at my house. What happened to the VIP part of BYOC?

    @Fuzzoro I remember the first year of PAX south, the PC gaming area was isolated from the main floor as well. Last year we didn't have VIP access to anything. The PC area was off the board game area. Which ANYONE with a badge can access until it closes at midnight or so.

  • follisjfollisj Registered User regular
    Let's get a gaming thread started. What games is everyone planning to or wanting to play?

    I'd like to see some COD:MW or ROE. Anyone playing Escape from Tarkov?

  • statton4statton4 Registered User regular
    I suc at cod:mw but im down to play.

  • FuzzoroFuzzoro Registered User regular
    @follisj We will probably be playing a number of games. Realm Royal, APEX, PUBG, Starbound, Super Animal Royal, Duck Man, various racers. @follisj There are a few of us that play Tarkov and COD:MW .
    @everyone If anyone finds themself short on cables or something (hate to see it) please ask our group as we will bring extra items JIC. (mouse pad, Ethernet cable, mouse, power cable, etc.)

  • The Pizza KingThe Pizza King MissouriRegistered User new member
    COD:MW, PUBG, COD BO4, Halo Reach, AOEII, Borderlands 3, Warframe

  • ImposingSushiImposingSushi Registered User new member
    Add our voices to the disappointment in having BYOC moved. A big part of what we enjoyed was being right at the heart of the convention. There's just no way it can be the same. We won't see the cosplayers walking by, we won't be able to people watch. Going to tabletop game, or walk the exhibit hall, or visit vendors, will be a journey that will make them feel like very separate experiences.

    We're also disappointed that after years of BYOC being where it was that this change wasn't announced earlier. We bought passes expecting the experience we've had in prior years and are learning of the change after plans have been made and money spent. This must be extremely frustrating for those that bring big setups. We bring laptops, so coming in the front door isn't terribly difficult and the escalators are an option for us. But, those bringing big setups? This is going to be extremely disruptive to their plans.

    Maybe this is how it is at East or West, but that doesn't mean that this isn't a major downgrade from what we have come to expect from PAX South BYOC.

    We'll try to find the positive next weekend. But right now, having just learned of this change, our excitement for the weekend is significantly diminished.

  • AhzdeeenAhzdeeen Registered User new member
    I'm personally excited to have a more secluded space for BYOC, but aside from the hate, discontent, and we have any update on the method we're using to get our gear up there? I'd prefer not to stand in line with all my gear if I can avoid it.

  • taumesontaumeson PAX PC Room Manager Minnesota?Registered User regular
    Ahzdeeen wrote: »
    I'm personally excited to have a more secluded space for BYOC, but aside from the hate, discontent, and we have any update on the method we're using to get our gear up there? I'd prefer not to stand in line with all my gear if I can avoid it.

    We have just finalized it! @Spader89 and @Platypus King will have more information for you soon. It's still the loading dock, we'll have carts + Enforcers to help, and you'll have priority access to the elevators.

  • Spader89Spader89 Registered User regular
    edited January 2020
    OP updated with instructions, but basically the same general process as the last 3 years, but instead of using the loading dock right at the entrance to the loading area, you're gonna use the loading dock at the far end, which will take you right to registration.

    Here's a google maps link to the loading area for your convenience:

    Spader89 on
This discussion has been closed.