I don't feel like you can think of Destiny (2) as an aging game; it's an ongoing product they sell and they need to maintain and renew it. They're just....not great at it. Granted, they originally were doing it one way because that's what their publisher wanted, but at the same time, they're neither nimble nor speedy I feel when it comes to responding to fixes, changes and additions. Maybe they're getting better at it?
Personally I don't want to see a "Destiny 3"; at some point they need to transition to a new engine and that just needs to happen to the client along the way. I think moving to a whole new SKU will be mayhem. If they want to be an MMO, they need to take a long hard look at WoW and Warframe and start emulating that, with more responsive fixes and such, and smooth transitions to new content.
They can't make stuff for the game fast enough to make the business model work well. That's basically the entire problem and the experiments we keep seeing every year are an attempt to try and make it work despite that.
Banshee is apparently selling the Powerful Friends mod today.
If you didn't happen to pick it up during Season of Dawn for whatever reason, you should absolutely hop in and buy it from him, as it is a fantastic mod that provides +20 Mobility for 4 arc energy (as long as you slot another arc mod in that item).
Yes, you are correct. the normal Mobility mod provides you +10 Mobility for 3 energy.
I think it’s technically 5 arc energy, since you have to slot at least 1 arc mod along with the powerful friends mod.
But yeah, that mod is crazy fucking powerful, especially if you’re a hunter
Banshee is apparently selling the Powerful Friends mod today.
If you didn't happen to pick it up during Season of Dawn for whatever reason, you should absolutely hop in and buy it from him, as it is a fantastic mod that provides +20 Mobility for 4 arc energy (as long as you slot another arc mod in that item).
Yes, you are correct. the normal Mobility mod provides you +10 Mobility for 3 energy.
Also it might be broken at the moment and be providing the bonus with no other arc mods slotted on the same item, unconfirmed though. Still a superb mod either way.
I don't mind sunsetting, coming from various MMOs over the years. That said, if I can only use it for a couple years, then they need to re-calibrate what it takes to earn guns and nonsense like Randy's zillion kills or the long ass PVP quests can bite me.
Thanks for the heads up on that mod, using that I was able to get 30+ Mobility on my cloak which is absurd, and lets me take off one Mobility mod and put on a 2nd Discipline mod.
*Me throwing infinite skips and dodging every 9 seconds*
Picked up an exotic earlier, was the Stag so who fucking cares, but it went to the postmaster. Finished my moon bounties and went back to the tower and of course, the postmaster has helpfully overwritten an exotic (that admittedly I don't give a shit about) with a bunch of blues that I disintegrated.
How is it a) exotics are overwritten by blues or purples or even greens or whites if they were still dropping, and b) that I can't just toggle auto dismantle blues, something that was in the last game 5 years ago. We're going into 4 years of Destiny 2 and they still haven't added a basic QoL item that their sub contracted studio added for them in the first one.
Picked up an exotic earlier, was the Stag so who fucking cares, but it went to the postmaster. Finished my moon bounties and went back to the tower and of course, the postmaster has helpfully overwritten an exotic (that admittedly I don't give a shit about) with a bunch of blues that I disintegrated.
How is it a) exotics are overwritten by blues or purples or even greens or whites if they were still dropping, and b) that I can't just toggle auto dismantle blues, something that was in the last game 5 years ago. We're going into 4 years of Destiny 2 and they still haven't added a basic QoL item that their sub contracted studio added for them in the first one.
Autobreakdown blues would definitely be nice
but you had at least 21 items go to the postmaster after picking up that exotic? That’s a lot of things going to your postmaster
XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
Just playing on the moon, and you get no warning until it's already too late. I've groused about this before, it's nothing new...but it's such a stupid oversight.
surfpossumA nonentitytrying to preserve the anonymity he so richly deserves.Registered Userregular
edited May 2020
Powerful Friends... is good.
That's with a base 50 point Wormhusk, too.
Arc happens to be the shotgun mod type, which is delightful. I use a void cloak tho for that sweet, sweet perpetuation.
Played a bunch trying to get a passage of confidence done this weekend, with help from Arteen, Jay, and others. Finally got it today with Jay! (and some excitable rando). And the my post game wins, because the rando forgot to reset his cards before we started so we had to do a few more games. Such a good feeling to pull it out, I can't overstate how satisfying that felt. Also, first time going flawless with Jay (woo!).
Beat those guys in a game 7, and they were not happy about it. I finally played well this week and pulled it out!
Played a bunch trying to get a passage of confidence done this weekend, with help from Arteen, Jay, and others. Finally got it today with Jay! (and some excitable rando). And the my post game wins, because the rando forgot to reset his cards before we started so we had to do a few more games. Such a good feeling to pull it out, I can't overstate how satisfying that felt. Also, first time going flawless with Jay (woo!).
Beat those guys in a game 7, and they were not happy about it. I finally played well this week and pulled it out!
Boy, I earned the shit out of that title.
Gotta say, our LFG pickup was good, and everyone played really well! That was pretty much the most memorable game to get your title on, so congrats.
I tossed together a flawless montage, and the final clip is us beating that stacked team
Played a bunch trying to get a passage of confidence done this weekend, with help from Arteen, Jay, and others. Finally got it today with Jay! (and some excitable rando). And the my post game wins, because the rando forgot to reset his cards before we started so we had to do a few more games. Such a good feeling to pull it out, I can't overstate how satisfying that felt. Also, first time going flawless with Jay (woo!).
Beat those guys in a game 7, and they were not happy about it. I finally played well this week and pulled it out!
Boy, I earned the shit out of that title.
Gotta say, our LFG pickup was good, and everyone played really well! That was pretty much the most memorable game to get your title on, so congrats.
I tossed together a flawless montage, and the final clip is us beating that stacked team
I finished off Nier Automata this weekend, so I took a bit of time to check in with this game. I think clearing the season pass is still doable at this point, assuming I actually keep playing. Tonight, I FINALLY turned the corner on earning Hush, something that was just about to happen before FF7 Remake came out (I also maxed out and reset Infamy for the second time ever, but that doesn't do anything too thrilling). Unfortunately, it doesn't feel especially pinnacle now that I have Point of the Stag? Maybe I'm just dumb and there's a really obvious high point about using it. I also finished off the Catalyst for Eriana's Vow, so after three seasons of gulag labor, that gun is finally improved. Too bad I need to focus down on shotguns right now, so I can't enjoy the better version. And when I finish shotguns, I should probably work on the Tommy Gun Catalyst, since they didn't make that quest so idiotic and I already have it to work on.
The benefit of Hush (aside from the obvious purpose of hipfire spam in PvE) is it's one of the only bows with Opening Shot (to my knowledge anyways) and that makes it esp sticky/headseeking compared to other Legendary bows
The benefit of Hush (aside from the obvious purpose of hipfire spam in PvE) is it's one of the only bows with Opening Shot (to my knowledge anyways) and that makes it esp sticky/headseeking compared to other Legendary bows
Its the only bow that rolls that perk, and it happens to be a precision frame too. For those who don't know, the lightweight bows are basically crap in PVP.
Use stag for vorpal, Hush for the crazy head magnetism, Le monarch if you have a large light advantage on someone, and wish ender if you like wall hacks and have someone batting cleanup after you
every other precision bow comes in below those 4. I'm actually reasonable terrified of coordinated teams running bows, its not the easiest to get a bead on them before a shaft is lodged in your skull when they hold corners.
I wanna like Wishender but it requires patience and time to make it work properly. Against rushdown teams it can be a pain to setup properly but, we've seen good teams using them before.
My thing is... If you can hit Bow headshots you can hit Arbalest shots... And talk about aim assist lmao
Arby + Foetracer is pretty potent, but let's be honest, the best hunter exotic is Shinobu's
The benefit of Hush (aside from the obvious purpose of hipfire spam in PvE) is it's one of the only bows with Opening Shot (to my knowledge anyways) and that makes it esp sticky/headseeking compared to other Legendary bows
Its the only bow that rolls that perk, and it happens to be a precision frame too. For those who don't know, the lightweight bows are basically crap in PVP.
Use stag for vorpal, Hush for the crazy head magnetism, Le monarch if you have a large light advantage on someone, and wish ender if you like wall hacks and have someone batting cleanup after you
every other precision bow comes in below those 4. I'm actually reasonable terrified of coordinated teams running bows, its not the easiest to get a bead on them before a shaft is lodged in your skull when they hold corners.
I've got a Subtle Calamity with Rampage/Exploding head that I pretty much adore. I like it in pvp alright but I love it in pve, so much fun
surrealitychecklonely, but not unloveddreaming of faulty keys and latchesRegistered Userregular
fronds are there any fun new movement options that have been found since they removed sword boosting for flying around like a goon or are things as they were otherwise
So I went into the strike playlist yesterday to grind my PL a bit in hopes of making the quarry legendary lost sector easier whenever it and I intersect so I can finish that quest...
I came across a strike I've somehow never played? When did The Festering Core (I think that was the title, anyway) get added? It wasn't a particularly interesting strike but I have no idea how there could be one I've never seen, as many hours as I've spent in the strikes list over the years.
It was a PS4 exclusive strike. I got it 3-4 times in a row last night. Last week I got uh, I forget which 3-4 times in a row when doing Ordeals. Isn't there a few different ordeals up at once?
Got the tower title thing, 10 more levels left on the season pass. I feel like with the pass being a thing I paid for, if you bought 3-4 seasons and then some shit went down in your life (or a season just sucked) the rewards should just unlock on a timer as the season wears on. I mean...you paid for it right? I don't doubt people would squeal about that, but whatever.
edit: I think I got the "new" strike, the taken one on Io for the first time in ... since launch, a couple weeks back.
So I went into the strike playlist yesterday to grind my PL a bit in hopes of making the quarry legendary lost sector easier whenever it and I intersect so I can finish that quest...
I came across a strike I've somehow never played? When did The Festering Core (I think that was the title, anyway) get added? It wasn't a particularly interesting strike but I have no idea how there could be one I've never seen, as many hours as I've spent in the strikes list over the years.
It was added to the Ps4 with Forsaken and Xbox/ PC with Shadowkeep. Thankfully the last example of a Playstation exclusive strike.
So I went into the strike playlist yesterday to grind my PL a bit in hopes of making the quarry legendary lost sector easier whenever it and I intersect so I can finish that quest...
I came across a strike I've somehow never played? When did The Festering Core (I think that was the title, anyway) get added? It wasn't a particularly interesting strike but I have no idea how there could be one I've never seen, as many hours as I've spent in the strikes list over the years.
Festering Core wasn't an exclusive, it simply released across all platforms via Shadowkeep with little acknowledgement or integration into our activities, and I think for a while you literally had to choose its node in order to play it due to some issue with adding it to the Strike Queue.
The strike randomization is kind of butts. I just went and looked and there are apparently 17 strikes in D2. I wouldn't have guessed that high because it sure does they only make like five of them active on the strike list at a time.
The strike randomization is kind of butts. I just went and looked and there are apparently 17 strikes in D2. I wouldn't have guessed that high because it sure does they only make like five of them active on the strike list at a time.
Can't tell you how many times I go to knock out those three strikes and it's pyramidion 3 times.
Foreverendercloaked in the midnight glory of an event horizonRegistered Userregular
Festering Core wasn't an exclusive, it simply released across all platforms via Shadowkeep with little acknowledgement or integration into our activities, and I think for a while you literally had to choose its node in order to play it due to some issue with adding it to the Strike Queue.
This is my bad, I was thinking of Broodhold, which is a different thing than Festering Core.
The worst thing about Strikes is that the weekly dust bounties were designed incompetently. "Kill a Fallen boss"? That sounds doable, the Fallen are one of the main enemy factions after all. Until you... think about D2 strikes vs D1. There are TWO Fallen bosses in D2 strikes in the game. The Scorn aren't Fallen in the game's eyes (even though it would be reasonable to count them that way for this bounty). Until recently, the insane Servitor boss wasn't counted as Fallen either. Thanks to that little woopsie, there was one Fallen boss in the game that would count for that bounty. Kill lots of Fallen is the same way, as the Fallen are guest enemies on every strike except one in the game. Meaning it's a dice roll if you'll get them and even if you do, you don't get a lot of them. What these stupid bounties do is incentivize dropping out of a strike playlist load when it's not the one your bounty requires. Aka, being a jerk to your pubbie pick ups. Great design Bungie, clap clap clap.
Festering Core wasn't an exclusive, it simply released across all platforms via Shadowkeep with little acknowledgement or integration into our activities, and I think for a while you literally had to choose its node in order to play it due to some issue with adding it to the Strike Queue.
It also didn't help that it dropped at the same time as Nightfall Ordeal, which rendered the normal strike playlist pointless for 2 seasons and which Festering Core never showed up in.
Festering Core wasn't an exclusive, it simply released across all platforms via Shadowkeep with little acknowledgement or integration into our activities, and I think for a while you literally had to choose its node in order to play it due to some issue with adding it to the Strike Queue.
This is my bad, I was thinking of Broodhold, which is a different thing than Festering Core.
The worst thing about Strikes is that the weekly dust bounties were designed incompletely. "Kill a Fallen boss"? That sounds doable, the Fallen are one of the main enemy factions after all. Until you... think about D2 strikes vs D1. There are TWO Fallen bosses in D2 strikes in the game. The Scorn aren't Fallen in the game's eyes (even though it would be reasonable to count them that way for this bounty). Until recently, the insane Servitor boss wasn't counted as Fallen either. Thanks to that little woopsie, there was one Fallen boss in the game that would count for that bounty. Kill lots of Fallen is the same way, as the Fallen are guest enemies on every strike except one in the game. Meaning it's a dice roll if you'll get them and even if you do, you don't get a lot of them. What these stupid bounties do is incentivize dropping out of a strike playlist load when it's not the one your bounty requires. Aka, being a jerk to your pubbie pick ups. Great design Bungie, clap clap clap.
God yes, the strike weekly bounties are the worst design I've seen from Bungie's quest designers and that's some stiff fucking competition since it's clear at this point that no one who designs these things ever thinks about them even for a second.
One of the nice things that is hopefully coming is a change to those weekly bright dust quests that makes them not so terrible. They've mentioned they want to tune them in some way to make them less tedious for people with multiple characters too.
The crucible ones are perfect imo. The gambit ones are all fine except for that stupid "Cast supers" one that takes like twice as long as the others. But the strike ones just terrible.
I know I beat this drum a lot but it baffles me that Bungie seems to have zero metrics on their task completion times versus relative rewards. They collect a whole bunch of data and just seem to ignore it.
I know I beat this drum a lot but it baffles me that Bungie seems to have zero metrics on their task completion times versus relative rewards. They collect a whole bunch of data and just seem to ignore it.
And you don't even need to collect data to notice a ton of the problems they have in this space.
I know I beat this drum a lot but it baffles me that Bungie seems to have zero metrics on their task completion times versus relative rewards. They collect a whole bunch of data and just seem to ignore it.
Goes beyond that, too. Even when weapon usage sees truly insane concentration numbers (snipers a few TWABs ago was a big indicator) they want to....wait and see. Bungie's update cadence is a bit of a joke.
It seems like they need to just pay a guy to look at lists of things they want to make bounty/quest requirements and spend a few minutes thinking about each one and how they compare to one another. That alone would prevent them implementing "get this specific strike in a random playlist" or "here are two patrols in the same area, one of which takes 3 times longer than the other for the same reward".
Festering Core wasn't an exclusive, it simply released across all platforms via Shadowkeep with little acknowledgement or integration into our activities, and I think for a while you literally had to choose its node in order to play it due to some issue with adding it to the Strike Queue.
This is my bad, I was thinking of Broodhold, which is a different thing than Festering Core.
The worst thing about Strikes is that the weekly dust bounties were designed incompetently. "Kill a Fallen boss"? That sounds doable, the Fallen are one of the main enemy factions after all. Until you... think about D2 strikes vs D1. There are TWO Fallen bosses in D2 strikes in the game. The Scorn aren't Fallen in the game's eyes (even though it would be reasonable to count them that way for this bounty). Until recently, the insane Servitor boss wasn't counted as Fallen either. Thanks to that little woopsie, there was one Fallen boss in the game that would count for that bounty. Kill lots of Fallen is the same way, as the Fallen are guest enemies on every strike except one in the game. Meaning it's a dice roll if you'll get them and even if you do, you don't get a lot of them. What these stupid bounties do is incentivize dropping out of a strike playlist load when it's not the one your bounty requires. Aka, being a jerk to your pubbie pick ups. Great design Bungie, clap clap clap.
God yes, the strike weekly bounties are the worst design I've seen from Bungie's quest designers and that's some stiff fucking competition since it's clear at this point that no one who designs these things ever thinks about them even for a second.
One of the nice things that is hopefully coming is a change to those weekly bright dust quests that makes them not so terrible. They've mentioned they want to tune them in some way to make them less tedious for people with multiple characters too.
The crucible ones are perfect imo. The gambit ones are all fine except for that stupid "Cast supers" one that takes like twice as long as the others. But the strike ones just terrible.
The worst thing is that they could use the bounty design to push GOOD behavior. Have one that goes up with kills, revives, and assists. As in, you can't fail to achieve it if you don't get any revives, but doing them will speed up the progress. The ones that ask for an enemy type, just pick 2 and once again, don't REQUIRE either type. Just broaden the category so that many different enemies will count. A super kill one that goes up faster if your teammates grab your orbs of light, etc. But nah, enjoy this kill Cabal bounty where you get matched into Vex and Hive strikes over and over again.
What they actually need is one of the core design philosophies of Guild Wars 2: You never want seeing another player to be a bad thing. You STILL are competing over enemies to kill with your specific enemy type, and all that. EVERY bounty should be changed to one that is completed as a team.
Mmm, the resistance baked into the game's systems is absurd.
I can only imagine it is a product of a lack of willing martyrs and an impenetrable backend that will eat anyone who tries to call for assists rather than last hits alive.
There's some I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream levels of hostile to humanity jank embedded in there. It plainly hates the dev's as much as it hates the players. Maybe more.
When Destiny boots you and displays, [Guitar] it is really going for, [die die die die die die die die]. But in backward, distorted Russian.
This whole season has been a cry for help. A crackling loudspeaker shrieks overhead, SKREE SKRAA RASPUTIN SCRAWWWK.
They haven't seen their families in months. They just want to go home.
I killed some hive today! Fighting Lion still super fun! I should murder some players, too.
They can't make stuff for the game fast enough to make the business model work well. That's basically the entire problem and the experiments we keep seeing every year are an attempt to try and make it work despite that.
I think it’s technically 5 arc energy, since you have to slot at least 1 arc mod along with the powerful friends mod.
But yeah, that mod is crazy fucking powerful, especially if you’re a hunter
Also it might be broken at the moment and be providing the bonus with no other arc mods slotted on the same item, unconfirmed though. Still a superb mod either way.
*Me throwing infinite skips and dodging every 9 seconds*
How is it a) exotics are overwritten by blues or purples or even greens or whites if they were still dropping, and b) that I can't just toggle auto dismantle blues, something that was in the last game 5 years ago. We're going into 4 years of Destiny 2 and they still haven't added a basic QoL item that their sub contracted studio added for them in the first one.
Autobreakdown blues would definitely be nice
but you had at least 21 items go to the postmaster after picking up that exotic? That’s a lot of things going to your postmaster
XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
That's with a base 50 point Wormhusk, too.
Arc happens to be the shotgun mod type, which is delightful. I use a void cloak tho for that sweet, sweet perpetuation.
Beat those guys in a game 7, and they were not happy about it. I finally played well this week and pulled it out!
Boy, I earned the shit out of that title.
It was for green engrams
XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
Gotta say, our LFG pickup was good, and everyone played really well! That was pretty much the most memorable game to get your title on, so congrats.
I tossed together a flawless montage, and the final clip is us beating that stacked team
Like seriously everyone on their team was 2.0 KD or higher and had like a 90% winrate, we should NOT have won lmao
Their weekly winrate, with hundreds of games played, is 96%. Insanity.
Its the only bow that rolls that perk, and it happens to be a precision frame too. For those who don't know, the lightweight bows are basically crap in PVP.
Use stag for vorpal, Hush for the crazy head magnetism, Le monarch if you have a large light advantage on someone, and wish ender if you like wall hacks and have someone batting cleanup after you
every other precision bow comes in below those 4. I'm actually reasonable terrified of coordinated teams running bows, its not the easiest to get a bead on them before a shaft is lodged in your skull when they hold corners.
My thing is... If you can hit Bow headshots you can hit Arbalest shots... And talk about aim assist lmao
Arby + Foetracer is pretty potent, but let's be honest, the best hunter exotic is Shinobu's
I've got a Subtle Calamity with Rampage/Exploding head that I pretty much adore. I like it in pvp alright but I love it in pve, so much fun
I came across a strike I've somehow never played? When did The Festering Core (I think that was the title, anyway) get added? It wasn't a particularly interesting strike but I have no idea how there could be one I've never seen, as many hours as I've spent in the strikes list over the years.
Got the tower title thing, 10 more levels left on the season pass. I feel like with the pass being a thing I paid for, if you bought 3-4 seasons and then some shit went down in your life (or a season just sucked) the rewards should just unlock on a timer as the season wears on. I mean...you paid for it right? I don't doubt people would squeal about that, but whatever.
edit: I think I got the "new" strike, the taken one on Io for the first time in ... since launch, a couple weeks back.
It was added to the Ps4 with Forsaken and Xbox/ PC with Shadowkeep. Thankfully the last example of a Playstation exclusive strike.
also, you can see a schedule of the legendary lost sectors here: https://www.guidestash.com/guide/destiny-2/legendary-lost-sector-rotation-schedule-destiny-2/
quarry should be up today
Can't tell you how many times I go to knock out those three strikes and it's pyramidion 3 times.
No, normally there is only one strike designated as The Ordeal each week.
This week, they made it so there were 6 you could choose from for the Grandmaster level specifically because you need them for the Conqueror title
XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
This is my bad, I was thinking of Broodhold, which is a different thing than Festering Core.
The worst thing about Strikes is that the weekly dust bounties were designed incompetently. "Kill a Fallen boss"? That sounds doable, the Fallen are one of the main enemy factions after all. Until you... think about D2 strikes vs D1. There are TWO Fallen bosses in D2 strikes in the game. The Scorn aren't Fallen in the game's eyes (even though it would be reasonable to count them that way for this bounty). Until recently, the insane Servitor boss wasn't counted as Fallen either. Thanks to that little woopsie, there was one Fallen boss in the game that would count for that bounty. Kill lots of Fallen is the same way, as the Fallen are guest enemies on every strike except one in the game. Meaning it's a dice roll if you'll get them and even if you do, you don't get a lot of them. What these stupid bounties do is incentivize dropping out of a strike playlist load when it's not the one your bounty requires. Aka, being a jerk to your pubbie pick ups. Great design Bungie, clap clap clap.
It also didn't help that it dropped at the same time as Nightfall Ordeal, which rendered the normal strike playlist pointless for 2 seasons and which Festering Core never showed up in.
God yes, the strike weekly bounties are the worst design I've seen from Bungie's quest designers and that's some stiff fucking competition since it's clear at this point that no one who designs these things ever thinks about them even for a second.
One of the nice things that is hopefully coming is a change to those weekly bright dust quests that makes them not so terrible. They've mentioned they want to tune them in some way to make them less tedious for people with multiple characters too.
The crucible ones are perfect imo. The gambit ones are all fine except for that stupid "Cast supers" one that takes like twice as long as the others. But the strike ones just terrible.
And you don't even need to collect data to notice a ton of the problems they have in this space.
Goes beyond that, too. Even when weapon usage sees truly insane concentration numbers (snipers a few TWABs ago was a big indicator) they want to....wait and see. Bungie's update cadence is a bit of a joke.
The worst thing is that they could use the bounty design to push GOOD behavior. Have one that goes up with kills, revives, and assists. As in, you can't fail to achieve it if you don't get any revives, but doing them will speed up the progress. The ones that ask for an enemy type, just pick 2 and once again, don't REQUIRE either type. Just broaden the category so that many different enemies will count. A super kill one that goes up faster if your teammates grab your orbs of light, etc. But nah, enjoy this kill Cabal bounty where you get matched into Vex and Hive strikes over and over again.
I can only imagine it is a product of a lack of willing martyrs and an impenetrable backend that will eat anyone who tries to call for assists rather than last hits alive.
There's some I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream levels of hostile to humanity jank embedded in there. It plainly hates the dev's as much as it hates the players. Maybe more.
When Destiny boots you and displays, [Guitar] it is really going for, [die die die die die die die die]. But in backward, distorted Russian.
This whole season has been a cry for help. A crackling loudspeaker shrieks overhead, SKREE SKRAA RASPUTIN SCRAWWWK.
They haven't seen their families in months. They just want to go home.
I killed some hive today! Fighting Lion still super fun! I should murder some players, too.