Yeah I'm down to help in Trials if peeps need me. I don't think I have much patience for this shotgun kill quest, I'll be working on that and taking frequent breaks for my sanity
Bungie making me go get shotgun kills in crucible the same season as Antaeus is gonna make me go insane. The PvP progress is just so much quicker...
Yeah it goes a bit faster in PVE grind, but that can be mindless. Particularly for you if you have less PVE motivation.
But I got to use my old Acrius which was nice.
For me, two auto loading shotguns and tractor cannon in the Whisper mission's thrall room. Took less than two runs.
I always forget about that room for this type of grind. Would have saved some time. Ah well.
So I just realized that Titan's the Flashpoint of the week. Perhaps it'd be a good time for anyone that hasn't completed Heroic Adventures there to take advantage of that if certain rumors have some value.
It's being speculated that Titan will end up being sacrificed to make room for new locations in D2.
Yeah I'm down to help in Trials if peeps need me. I don't think I have much patience for this shotgun kill quest, I'll be working on that and taking frequent breaks for my sanity
Bungie making me go get shotgun kills in crucible the same season as Antaeus is gonna make me go insane. The PvP progress is just so much quicker...
Yeah it goes a bit faster in PVE grind, but that can be mindless. Particularly for you if you have less PVE motivation.
But I got to use my old Acrius which was nice.
For me, two auto loading shotguns and tractor cannon in the Whisper mission's thrall room. Took less than two runs.
I always forget about that room for this type of grind. Would have saved some time. Ah well.
Man. I dont even know how I have Whisper.
All I remember is dying in the v shaped vent corridor over and over and over
I've done many awful jumping puzzles so far, but I've yet to discern what bit of the physics system causes me to bounce or slide off flat surfaces I land on.
Nearly killed a man from laughter in Leviathan, once. He couldnt breathe, and I just kept falling off rotating ledges. They begged me to save his life.
Yeah I'm down to help in Trials if peeps need me. I don't think I have much patience for this shotgun kill quest, I'll be working on that and taking frequent breaks for my sanity
Bungie making me go get shotgun kills in crucible the same season as Antaeus is gonna make me go insane. The PvP progress is just so much quicker...
Nice, I want to attempt to be confident sometime this weekend.
Oh neat, two runs of GM Broodhold end in failure because explodey worms straight up despawned. Can't proceed through the strike if you can't open doors.
Oh neat, two runs of GM Broodhold end in failure because explodey worms straight up despawned. Can't proceed through the strike if you can't open doors.
Huge waste of time.
That’s super lame. I was the hunter for our runs, and made it my job to immediately grab it, invis, and deposit when it dropped. The good news is it’s the hardest strike left to do. Tree is pretty easy with swords.
Yeah we had one run the other night that got to the boss and wiped after shadow lady got us. Just having poor luck and LFG people getting careless. I hope to wrap it up tomorrow and then move to Tree, which will seem refreshing.
And any GM that is sword friendly sounds way better than Broodhold.
Yeah it seems so. Not sure how they'll interact in the new season. There is probably a proper expansion in September which will likely revolve around the doritos, so it begs the question what we'll do with them in the next season.
I'm interested to see where this story goes. This year has had a lot of problems and their new attempt at a seasonal system has had lots of problems but there's been some good stuff too and one of them is there's at least some sense of the story moving forward these days and new shit happening that might actually be interesting.
shryke on
Golden YakBurnished BovineThe sunny beaches of CanadaRegistered Userregular
I really enjoy the cosmology of Destiny, and what all these higher beings/powers represent.
If the fleet of pyramids is in fact the Darkness itself and not simply another race it's empowered, things are gonna get 'Whisper of the Worm' trippy, but for an entire expansion's worth of stuff.
Entering the bargaining stage with the armor going away. I’d be okay with it, if we gained a new armor system that let us tune our stat distribution better and faster.
Entering the bargaining stage with the armor going away. I’d be okay with it, if we gained a new armor system that let us tune our stat distribution better and faster.
Otherwise, sadness.
On one hand it frees you from caring about ascendant shards.
As a casual PvE player nightfalls were really the only available endgame activity to me. They were also the only source of ascendant shards.
But! Now that armor is being shelved it disincentives me masterworking armor.
Which disincentivizes running the only activity it can drop from.
So from now on I basically consider armor to max out at 9 energy, and I wont have the 12 bonus stats. But does that even matter?
I dont know. All I know is theres not much to log in for. And that's ok too.
Eh, I'm not the kinda guy who crutches on certain weapons super hard. I like to mix things up. I think that I agree that sunsetting is healthy for the game, but Bungie has never handled it in a way that elegant. My Trials armor, last piece being the cloak I just got not long ago, is going to be useless in 9 months. When an expansion drops, you don't get everything right away. You might not get a specific or even good enough roll on a gun/armor piece until the very end, or past the end of that season. It takes a certain wind out of my sails, knowing I struggled so hard to collect that armor and it's just gonna get dusted in less than a years time. That's not the kinda destiny I wanna play. Perhaps it should be 18 months, maybe it's two years, but every year rotating stuff out just doesn't seem feasible and it's just forcing us to pick things up we've collected two, three times now already and do it again.
Iron Banner armor hurts the most because they've made us go get so many times now, if they really drop the same armor again for Y4 and think I'm gonna go get it again they're sorely mistaken
Slayerage is a good player, but the beginning of that opinion piece was so drenched with sarcastic condescension that it was really hard to get through.
I'm not sure I got anything out of that video other than "sunsetting won't be terrible" and "reddit complains a lot"?
The low content level this season has given me a chance to dust off a few old quests. Interestingly, forcing me to play Gambit for the Games has gotten me the 21% Delerium and the Chaperone.
Internet is down in my town today, so I guess finishing the Lie quest is not on the menu.
Iron Banner armor hurts the most because they've made us go get so many times now, if they really drop the same armor again for Y4 and think I'm gonna go get it again they're sorely mistaken
I'd be fine with Iron Banner if they at least kept the quest for the week about just getting armor and let me just turn in the tokens I've saved up for weapon-engrams until I've unlocked the armor-pieces. Like seriously, I don't wanna jump through the IB-hoops every time Saladin rolls in just to turn in tokens.
I do find it briefly amusing to destroy people using loadouts that dont make sense in every context they can suffer.
Haven't bothered to finish Sally's Wild Ride in a good few cycles. Scout rifles make me want to die, and I can contemplate mortality just fine on the highway.
God, I am having shitty luck on GMs this week. Tried Tree, and we got to the boss three times, with random physics blocking our bubble drops and other stupidity. Didn't help we had a dude who just tried to rush through the forest because he felt we didn't need to worry about lives then WHOOPS we're out of lives.
Having a hard time wanting to continue this week with two days with barely any success. So I guess it is good they let you do all 6 since I think my morale is broken this week.
God, I am having shitty luck on GMs this week. Tried Tree, and we got to the boss three times, with random physics blocking our bubble drops and other stupidity. Didn't help we had a dude who just tried to rush through the forest because he felt we didn't need to worry about lives then WHOOPS we're out of lives.
Having a hard time wanting to continue this week with two days with barely any success. So I guess it is good they let you do all 6 since I think my morale is broken this week.
I can help with Tree after the weekly reset, and there’s definitely no benefit for rushing the forest if you’re doing swords at boss.
I love destiny! especially all the guns, and the space parts! the last wish, and crown of sorrow were magnificent raids. i am so grateful to have met you all.
Slayerage is a good player, but the beginning of that opinion piece was so drenched with sarcastic condescension that it was really hard to get through.
I'm not sure I got anything out of that video other than "sunsetting won't be terrible" and "reddit complains a lot"?
Slayerage is an ass and I totally get how he'd rub people the wrong way, but what resonated with me in that video was his frustration with the Destiny Reddit crowd and how that platform's upvote system rewards the hottest and most emotional takes and how a lot of people then assume that those opinions are how "the community" feels. I don't think Reddit reflects the broadest Destiny playerbase most of the time and I think that the view that it does moves the whole conversation in a negative direction. I also fault the high profile people in "the community," the streamers and Youtube personalities of the world, who release their own frustrated hot takes that again don't necessarily reflect the broader community's experiences (IMO because they are extremely PC focused and that platform's problems aren't shared with consoles).
I'm not saying this hasn't been a pretty lousy season, it has, and I'm not saying that anyone upset about sunsetting shouldn't be. You have the right to be upset. And it's possible that they'll finally tell us what's going on in September and it'll be disappointing and you can all say you told me so. But for me, Destiny's in a bad spot because it's stale and I want it shaken up big time, immediately rather than eventually.
Destiny's problems are lack of a rewarding gameplay loop, with raids not coming soon enough to keep the game alive, and trials and IB having lackluster rewards. One raid a year has proven dire to the health of the game. Retirement wouldn't be an issue if we had a healthy stable of new weapons to chase. Yes, pinnacles have been an issue forever. And they didn't wanna nerf them. But then throwing out our entire inventories doesn't feel like a good solution.
I've maintained from day one that Reddit sucks, is an echo chamber, and I don't even look at DTG so it's hard to care what they think. It feels healthy for everyone, including the devs, to ignore those people, but like it or not that is a sizeable chunk of their base... so idk it's definitely a tough line to walk. In the end Bungie has really put themselves in a tight spot where they can't make a D3 but probably really needed to. So for the health of the game it's gonna have to lose stuff, I get it. But making us go out and get that same stuff again because they can't afford to make new stuff is really stupid.
localhjay on
surfpossumA nonentitytrying to preserve the anonymity he so richly deserves.Registered Userregular
Destiny has a very rewarding gameplay loop.
Load into the Crucible, shoot mans, make Shaxx happy, repeat.
One thing I’m wondering about is that since Bungie got 99% of us to move from their first armor system to the second system, because everyone wanted perks on their armor, and from the second to the third with stat distributions and mod slots - why not just introduce armor 3.0 with new features? I recall very little complaining about the previous armor switches.
Although there were a million game-breaking exploits from mixing armor 2.0 and 3.0.
They aren't throwing out our entire inventories though. Next season we can still infuse up anything we want and it'll gradually drift away after that, starting with the season 1-8 stuff, but we have no idea what the fall update will bring with it. Chances are you can still use an old gun or two in season 12 without taking a huge hit but if we're still trying to use our oldest stuff in the fall then the fall update was a disaster and we have bigger problems. If sunsetting were "whoops the Almighty crashed into our vaults and everything got destroyed, again, start over" I'd understand the reaction better but the way they're doing it seems eminently reasonable.
Reddit is a terrible platform just based on it's design. It inhibits conversation, pushes the hottest takes and creates echo chambers. The DTG reddit is usually pretty negative in ways that crowd out any sort of useful discussion or information. But currently it's really overwhelmingly negative in a way that reads like a bunch of people repeating the same thing back at each other, convincing themselves that everyone agrees with how this is the worst thing ever and everyone everywhere hates it. I think they are really working themselves into a frenzy and it's just not healthy for themselves or the game.
They aren't throwing out our entire inventories though. Next season we can still infuse up anything we want and it'll gradually drift away after that, starting with the season 1-8 stuff, but we have no idea what the fall update will bring with it. Chances are you can still use an old gun or two in season 12 without taking a huge hit but if we're still trying to use our oldest stuff in the fall then the fall update was a disaster and we have bigger problems. If sunsetting were "whoops the Almighty crashed into our vaults and everything got destroyed, again, start over" I'd understand the reaction better but the way they're doing it seems eminently reasonable.
I guess I'm less concerned about the sunsetting than most, partially because having an actual "build" is new to me in the last couple of months (so making a new build seems like a pretty trivial issue) and most if not all of my current setup is gear that was gained in the current year (so my gear wont actually be sunsetted for several seasons).
I mean, I only just completed many of the pinnacle weapon quests in the last six months, and I still have a bunch more still undone. I probably have a dozen exotic quests still on my list too.
Destiny's problems are lack of a rewarding gameplay loop, with raids not coming soon enough to keep the game alive, and trials and IB having lackluster rewards. One raid a year has proven dire to the health of the game. Retirement wouldn't be an issue if we had a healthy stable of new weapons to chase. Yes, pinnacles have been an issue forever. And they didn't wanna nerf them. But then throwing out our entire inventories doesn't feel like a good solution.
I've maintained from day one that Reddit sucks, is an echo chamber, and I don't even look at DTG so it's hard to care what they think. It feels healthy for everyone, including the devs, to ignore those people, but like it or not that is a sizeable chunk of their base... so idk it's definitely a tough line to walk. In the end Bungie has really put themselves in a tight spot where they can't make a D3 but probably really needed to. So for the health of the game it's gonna have to lose stuff, I get it. But making us go out and get that same stuff again because they can't afford to make new stuff is really stupid.
Yeah I've thought a lot about your point in your second paragraph.
Bungie is working on new IPs and, by all accounts a Shadowkeep expansion in September.
But without Activision they have to have something to keep the lights on. From a business and game design standpoint I find that fascinating. That cant be an easy feat. How many resources do we devote to lift supporting an aging game (which, again, is our only revenue right now) versus getting a new IP out? Clock is ticking.
Im not a fan of sun setting but I get why it's going to happen. In the end it wont effect me much as I stick to non light enabled content.
I don't feel like you can think of Destiny (2) as an aging game; it's an ongoing product they sell and they need to maintain and renew it. They're just....not great at it. Granted, they originally were doing it one way because that's what their publisher wanted, but at the same time, they're neither nimble nor speedy I feel when it comes to responding to fixes, changes and additions. Maybe they're getting better at it?
Personally I don't want to see a "Destiny 3"; at some point they need to transition to a new engine and that just needs to happen to the client along the way. I think moving to a whole new SKU will be mayhem. If they want to be an MMO, they need to take a long hard look at WoW and Warframe and start emulating that, with more responsive fixes and such, and smooth transitions to new content.
Banshee is apparently selling the Powerful Friends mod today.
If you didn't happen to pick it up during Season of Dawn for whatever reason, you should absolutely hop in and buy it from him, as it is a fantastic mod that provides +20 Mobility for 4 arc energy (as long as you slot another arc mod in that item).
Yes, you are correct. the normal Mobility mod provides you +10 Mobility for 3 energy.
I always forget about that room for this type of grind. Would have saved some time. Ah well.
Let's Play Final Fantasy 'II' (Ch10 - 5/17/10)
Man. I dont even know how I have Whisper.
All I remember is dying in the v shaped vent corridor over and over and over
I've done many awful jumping puzzles so far, but I've yet to discern what bit of the physics system causes me to bounce or slide off flat surfaces I land on.
Nearly killed a man from laughter in Leviathan, once. He couldnt breathe, and I just kept falling off rotating ledges. They begged me to save his life.
I just had to stick the landing.
Just try not falling off, Basil.
Have you tried that.
Nice, I want to attempt to be confident sometime this weekend.
It's just silly.
Huge waste of time.
That’s super lame. I was the hunter for our runs, and made it my job to immediately grab it, invis, and deposit when it dropped. The good news is it’s the hardest strike left to do. Tree is pretty easy with swords.
And any GM that is sword friendly sounds way better than Broodhold.
Yep, each page has a chance of dropping with each kill.
I think I got mine done in a few lost sectors, so it’s a decent drop rate.
They gettin' close?
Yeah it seems so. Not sure how they'll interact in the new season. There is probably a proper expansion in September which will likely revolve around the doritos, so it begs the question what we'll do with them in the next season.
If the fleet of pyramids is in fact the Darkness itself and not simply another race it's empowered, things are gonna get 'Whisper of the Worm' trippy, but for an entire expansion's worth of stuff.
Otherwise, sadness.
On one hand it frees you from caring about ascendant shards.
As a casual PvE player nightfalls were really the only available endgame activity to me. They were also the only source of ascendant shards.
But! Now that armor is being shelved it disincentives me masterworking armor.
Which disincentivizes running the only activity it can drop from.
So from now on I basically consider armor to max out at 9 energy, and I wont have the 12 bonus stats. But does that even matter?
I dont know. All I know is theres not much to log in for. And that's ok too.
Eh, I'm not the kinda guy who crutches on certain weapons super hard. I like to mix things up. I think that I agree that sunsetting is healthy for the game, but Bungie has never handled it in a way that elegant. My Trials armor, last piece being the cloak I just got not long ago, is going to be useless in 9 months. When an expansion drops, you don't get everything right away. You might not get a specific or even good enough roll on a gun/armor piece until the very end, or past the end of that season. It takes a certain wind out of my sails, knowing I struggled so hard to collect that armor and it's just gonna get dusted in less than a years time. That's not the kinda destiny I wanna play. Perhaps it should be 18 months, maybe it's two years, but every year rotating stuff out just doesn't seem feasible and it's just forcing us to pick things up we've collected two, three times now already and do it again.
I'm not sure I got anything out of that video other than "sunsetting won't be terrible" and "reddit complains a lot"?
Internet is down in my town today, so I guess finishing the Lie quest is not on the menu.
I'd be fine with Iron Banner if they at least kept the quest for the week about just getting armor and let me just turn in the tokens I've saved up for weapon-engrams until I've unlocked the armor-pieces. Like seriously, I don't wanna jump through the IB-hoops every time Saladin rolls in just to turn in tokens.
Let's Play Final Fantasy 'II' (Ch10 - 5/17/10)
Haven't bothered to finish Sally's Wild Ride in a good few cycles. Scout rifles make me want to die, and I can contemplate mortality just fine on the highway.
Having a hard time wanting to continue this week with two days with barely any success. So I guess it is good they let you do all 6 since I think my morale is broken this week.
I can help with Tree after the weekly reset, and there’s definitely no benefit for rushing the forest if you’re doing swords at boss.
Slayerage is an ass and I totally get how he'd rub people the wrong way, but what resonated with me in that video was his frustration with the Destiny Reddit crowd and how that platform's upvote system rewards the hottest and most emotional takes and how a lot of people then assume that those opinions are how "the community" feels. I don't think Reddit reflects the broadest Destiny playerbase most of the time and I think that the view that it does moves the whole conversation in a negative direction. I also fault the high profile people in "the community," the streamers and Youtube personalities of the world, who release their own frustrated hot takes that again don't necessarily reflect the broader community's experiences (IMO because they are extremely PC focused and that platform's problems aren't shared with consoles).
I'm not saying this hasn't been a pretty lousy season, it has, and I'm not saying that anyone upset about sunsetting shouldn't be. You have the right to be upset. And it's possible that they'll finally tell us what's going on in September and it'll be disappointing and you can all say you told me so. But for me, Destiny's in a bad spot because it's stale and I want it shaken up big time, immediately rather than eventually.
I've maintained from day one that Reddit sucks, is an echo chamber, and I don't even look at DTG so it's hard to care what they think. It feels healthy for everyone, including the devs, to ignore those people, but like it or not that is a sizeable chunk of their base... so idk it's definitely a tough line to walk. In the end Bungie has really put themselves in a tight spot where they can't make a D3 but probably really needed to. So for the health of the game it's gonna have to lose stuff, I get it. But making us go out and get that same stuff again because they can't afford to make new stuff is really stupid.
Load into the Crucible, shoot mans, make Shaxx happy, repeat.
Although there were a million game-breaking exploits from mixing armor 2.0 and 3.0.
I mean, I only just completed many of the pinnacle weapon quests in the last six months, and I still have a bunch more still undone. I probably have a dozen exotic quests still on my list too.
Yeah it's kinda funny that D2 feels more bogged down by past decisions than D1 ever did because D1 launched so bare bones
Yeah I've thought a lot about your point in your second paragraph.
Bungie is working on new IPs and, by all accounts a Shadowkeep expansion in September.
But without Activision they have to have something to keep the lights on. From a business and game design standpoint I find that fascinating. That cant be an easy feat. How many resources do we devote to lift supporting an aging game (which, again, is our only revenue right now) versus getting a new IP out? Clock is ticking.
Im not a fan of sun setting but I get why it's going to happen. In the end it wont effect me much as I stick to non light enabled content.
Personally I don't want to see a "Destiny 3"; at some point they need to transition to a new engine and that just needs to happen to the client along the way. I think moving to a whole new SKU will be mayhem. If they want to be an MMO, they need to take a long hard look at WoW and Warframe and start emulating that, with more responsive fixes and such, and smooth transitions to new content.
If you didn't happen to pick it up during Season of Dawn for whatever reason, you should absolutely hop in and buy it from him, as it is a fantastic mod that provides +20 Mobility for 4 arc energy (as long as you slot another arc mod in that item).
Yes, you are correct. the normal Mobility mod provides you +10 Mobility for 3 energy.