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Penny Arcade - Comic - The Man Slash Myth

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited April 2020 in The Penny Arcade Hub

imagePenny Arcade - Comic - The Man Slash Myth

Videogaming-related online strip by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins. Includes news and commentary.

Read the full story here

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  • ZovokaZovoka Registered User regular
    This is giving me Roger the alien vibes

  • ZomagicZomagic Registered User regular
    I like Carson Bolt. I mean, not personally, but as a persona. Haha

  • zepherinzepherin Russian warship, go fuck yourself Registered User regular
    How is Gabe supposed to make Carson Bolt proud without 3 monitors?

  • islingtonislington Registered User regular
    ep2. "The Carson Slash Fic"

  • EspantaPajaroEspantaPajaro Registered User regular
    Need a prequel on how the need to win has ruined Carson’s life and now all he has to live for is his racing team .

  • Rhesus PositiveRhesus Positive GNU Terry Pratchett Registered User regular
    First panel, I thought Tycho was using the Lockdown to try out new facial hair

    Second panel, I revised that to it being fake, as part of Carson Bolt's image

    Third panel, I decided that Tycho grew the moustache himself because it's Carson Bolt's image

    [Muffled sounds of gorilla violence]
  • T-DangerT-Danger Registered User regular
    Hey, he's just like that character from every motorsport movie ever.

  • VrynnVrynn Registered User regular
    First panel, I thought Tycho was using the Lockdown to try out new facial hair

    Second panel, I revised that to it being fake, as part of Carson Bolt's image

    Third panel, I decided that Tycho grew the moustache himself because it's Carson Bolt's image

    First panel, I thought, "Why is Tycho doing a Dr Disresepect cosplay?"

  • StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    Now Gabe will understand how his pokémon feel.

  • Dark Raven XDark Raven X Laugh hard, run fast, be kindRegistered User regular
    If Pokemon can feel, we got a lotta repenting to do

    Oh brilliant
  • WanderingSailorWanderingSailor Registered User regular
    I feel like there's some "Paint the Line" levels of potential surrounding Carson Bolt and whoever Gabe rolls for the story.
    If Pokemon can feel, we got a lotta repenting to do

    Trading Scyther with a metal nugget should probably come with prison time.

  • shadowysea07shadowysea07 Registered User regular
    "Trading Scyther with a metal nugget should probably come with prison time."
    I think it's a metal coat? And you have to pick between it and onix off the top of my head since you only get one coat.

  • furlionfurlion Riskbreaker Lea MondeRegistered User regular
    The "I only know the numbers" line is real solid and I will definitely be adding it into my repertoire.

    sig.gif Gamertag: KL Retribution
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