Hello all,
Nfan10039 here! I hope all of you are doing well in this day and age. Things are relatively unchanged for me, as I am working from home. In case any of you were wondering, there likely won't be a challenge coin for this year if PAX West 2020 goes ahead. And that's a huge IF. I'm hoping to make it down to Washington State in August, but ultimately need to do what is safest for me. Who knows if this pandemic will disappear by then? I have no idea and I don't know if air travel will open up any time soon even though a few businesses will be opening up over the next few weeks/months. All we can do is to try and stay happy, optimistic, and be kind to one another. We are all in this crazy situation together and there isn't much that we can do except stay at home, wash your hands and try to follow medical officials advice. So, until I have more news, stay safe, have fun and please I hope all of you are healthy or recover from any illnesses.
Game On!!!
Just a nerd into anything Nintendo, anime, MCU, Star Wars, and board games/card games.
Also a computer scientist and a streamer.