I looked up Crucible, and I feel rather ambivalent about it. It just looks way too much like Overwatch, Paragon, or any of the other 'Wacky Galactic characters go to a planet for reasons' hero shooters we've seen lately.
Not to mention some of the rather generic character types we've seen before such as 'Space Soldier', 'Female Space Soldier', 'Angry Creature with Axe', and the old classic, the 'Wacky Sociopathic Robot'.
Maybe we need a new setting for these kind of games to freshen things up.
RingoHe/Hima distinct lack of substanceRegistered Userregular
Maybe we need a new setting for these kind of games to freshen things up.
My first thought was "cute animals" so clearly some kind of fantasgical Pet Store Kumite
But no. The real money maker is a Pokémon Hero Shooter. Which is sad because A) that seems unlikely to happen and even if it does happen no one is going to pay me the billion dollars those three words are worth
Maybe we need a new setting for these kind of games to freshen things up.
My first thought was "cute animals" so clearly some kind of fantasgical Pet Store Kumite
But no. The real money maker is a Pokémon Hero Shooter. Which is sad because A) that seems unlikely to happen and even if it does happen no one is going to pay me the billion dollars those three words are worth
I saw Crucible was free to play on Steam and didn't even bother to check to see what kind of game it was.
I'm done with free to play, battle passes, loot boxes, and all of that.
I miss the days when I could just pay $60 and get the game I paid for, rather than being strung along for years and countless patches before the game actually takes shape and looks like the game I want it to be.
I saw Crucible was free to play on Steam and didn't even bother to check to see what kind of game it was.
I'm done with free to play, battle passes, loot boxes, and all of that.
I miss the days when I could just pay $60 and get the game I paid for, rather than being strung along for years and countless patches before the game actually takes shape and looks like the game I want it to be.
I feel you. The second I see that a game is "free" I immediately chose not to play it because I know that "free" just means I'll never stop having to pay for it.
People can like different things! I've played Apex Legends a little over a year now, probably one of my top played games ever, and I've paid just short of $60 during the course of that time. Far more value in return and enjoyment than I get from almost any game I buy otherwise.
Not to mention some of the rather generic character types we've seen before such as 'Space Soldier', 'Female Space Soldier', 'Angry Creature with Axe', and the old classic, the 'Wacky Sociopathic Robot'.
Maybe we need a new setting for these kind of games to freshen things up.
My first thought was "cute animals" so clearly some kind of fantasgical Pet Store Kumite
But no. The real money maker is a Pokémon Hero Shooter. Which is sad because A) that seems unlikely to happen and
Conker's Bad Fur Day Team-Based Shooter?
I'm done with free to play, battle passes, loot boxes, and all of that.
I miss the days when I could just pay $60 and get the game I paid for, rather than being strung along for years and countless patches before the game actually takes shape and looks like the game I want it to be.
I feel you. The second I see that a game is "free" I immediately chose not to play it because I know that "free" just means I'll never stop having to pay for it.