As much as it is possible to live one's best life during These Times™, supping on a hunk of meat off the bone and sipping from a bejeweled goblet might be it.
MichaelLCIn what furnace was thy brain?ChicagoRegistered Userregular
As much as it is possible to live one's best life during These Times™, supping on a hunk of meat off the bone and sipping from a bejeweled goblet might be it.
As much as it is possible to live one's best life during These Times™, supping on a hunk of meat off the bone and sipping from a bejeweled goblet might be it.
Anyone old enough to know Cocoon is old enough to be made fun of for being old, though.
What 13 year old today knows about Cocoon?
I dunno, it kinda tracks that they'd think the movie Cocoon is about olds living in cocoons.
They'd kinda have the basic understanding of the movie but also, having not actually watched it, would be oblivious to the fact that only aliens actually live in the cocoons and the olds are just parasites.
If I was to spend an inordinate amount of time examining this exchange, I might come to the following conclusion. In a vast plurality of moths and butterflies, the final winged form is used predominately for mating. Such that several species do not even possess a functional digestive system. They emerge from the cocoon, mate, then die all in a very short time relative to their entire lifespan. So perhaps the pejorative intent was, "Dude stop fucking around and dieing out there!"
And now Wilford Brimley is gone. I find it hard to believe he was only 85. I'm in my 40s and it seems like he's been a crotchety old man my entire life.
RingoHe/Hima distinct lack of substanceRegistered Userregular
And now Wilford Brimley is gone. I find it hard to believe he was only 85. I'm in my 40s and it seems like he's been a crotchety old man my entire life.
The key is becoming a crotchety old man early. He was 51 in Cocoon.
There were plenty of legs to go around.
I guess now we know the answer to whether he was burying or exhuming.
As for "go back to your cocoon", Mike heard it during this racing clip.
What 13 year old today knows about Cocoon?
All I can remember clearly about that movie is Wilford Brimley and Don Ameche talking about how hard their dicks were.
I dunno, it kinda tracks that they'd think the movie Cocoon is about olds living in cocoons.
They'd kinda have the basic understanding of the movie but also, having not actually watched it, would be oblivious to the fact that only aliens actually live in the cocoons and the olds are just parasites.
Dodrio, Seadra, Vileplume, Krabby
Lickitung, Tauros, Weedle, Nidoran
Machop, Shellder, Porygon, Hitmonchan!
We didn't start the fire...
Haha... you mean the Chaos Emeralds?
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
Rest in Peace
The key is becoming a crotchety old man early. He was 51 in Cocoon.
Ugh. Mods missing a joke? They too were kidding, gawd. This forum is turning into Reddit more and more
Man I have to be honest with you I have no clue what any of that means. Would you care to elaborate.
I they're just getting fake irate for an excuse to use the "we too were kidding" line.