so we're a few months into this hellscape, and at least here in America it doesn't look like things are going away anytime soon.
Which means one thing: Masks are the new fashion item!
Early on, a friend of mine made me a black cloth mask with a blue interior that's functional. It's not terribly tight, but it gets the job done. But only having 1 cloth mask is a pain in the ass.
So I wanted to get feedback:
- Where have people been buying masks? I'm okay with looking to local production or etsy or something.
- What do you look for in fit? I've seen a couple articles on various shapes, but I admittedly have a big head and a goatee.
- What about features? The biggest things seem to be the ear loops and if they have removable filter pouches.
- Any cool designs out there? If this is going to be a fashion item, I'd like to have some cool shit. Like I would love nothing more than to get some kind of stylized dragon or something on the side of the mask, or other cool designs that show off my personality. I am too wussy to get a tattoo, and there isn't much in the way of nerdy shirts that fit me, so this is a good way to express myself.
- Finally, how many masks do people own/use?
My personal favorites I'm pretty sure are made out of spandex. They're soft and stretch easily which is a big plus for me with a big head and a beard, compared to linen with elastic bands that are usually small for me and make my ears ache after a while.
Ear loops vs tying behind the head seems to hinge on personal preference.
As far as designs there are a ton of options available. If you type "X mask" in to google I'm sure you'll find what you want.
I have a few gaiters, before science told me I was wrong, so I'm using hers.
It's generously sized and pretty comfortable to wear. The air vents don't really do anything but that's fine. I like that you can swap out the inner filter quickly and easily. I bought a few others that I ended up giving away. None were as good as this one.
These filters are a good fit.
The worst part is they don't have anything in the nose, so my glasses fog up when I wear them. I've gotten used to this, but it also makes them marginally less effective. If I could find quality tie-on masks that have a functioning nose-wire and wash easily and well, I'd buy a box of them.
That's what they're saying at the hospital where I work
This is another hospital saying the same thing
Follow WHO guidelines, please
Look for masks that tie, rather than use elastics, for long wear.
Steam: Elvenshae // PSN: Elvenshae // WotC: Elvenshae
Wilds of Aladrion: []Ellandryn[/url]
Here's her link: Link
And if you prefer the over the ear type, she's started making custom lanyards as well.
They're expensive, but I'm wearing two a day (because it is SO nice to switch to a fresh mask after lunch.). And I have to do that for the foreseeable future so I wanted something that felt comfortable.
The nose wire's really good, and if you adjust the toggles so the plastic bit sits where you might have earrings, they don't hurt. They wash really well, and don't irritate my skin or cause acne as long as I don't use fabric softener on them.