First, I think we’ll see a hardware revision for the Series S bring it closer to parity with the Series X, so that third-party devs no longer have to cover such a spread in terms of performance on MS consoles.
Only THEN will they complicate it, once again, with the Xbox One Series XT.
Zoku Gojira on
"Because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are." - Bertolt Brecht
But you can play games on "quality" mode. There called "games with graphics options that haven't been changed or updated." There are probably hundreds of them.
First, I think we’ll see a hardware revision for the Series S bring it closer to parity with the Series X, so that third-party devs no longer have to cover such a spread in terms of performance on MS consoles.
Only THEN will they complicate it, once again, with the Xbox One Series XT.
I'm sure they did it to hit a certain pricepoint and still be profitable, but from a consumer standpoint it doesn't make any sense to put worse specs on their digital edition.
Only THEN will they complicate it, once again, with the Xbox One Series XT.
That's already complicated.
I genuinely didn't realise it's a joke.
In fact I'm still not at all sure it is a joke.
I didn't know it was a joke until I read the news post.
I couldn't tell.