Ugh, feeling this comic too hard. We don't have kids, but me and Husband live in a one-bed apartment, and are both working from home. We are both here next to 24/7, making any form of big surprise IMPOSSIBLE. So we're probably just gonna do sexy morning things (habitual Sunday thing at this point), and then I'm gonna make from-scratch apple muffins (he loves apple things and it's a thing I CAN surprise him with, because he doesn't look in the produce drawer of the fridge nearly as much as he should lol) and tell him to get me a sushi tray delivered.
And honestly, the whole world is so exhausting right now, I'm glad to have the excuse not to do more than that. We've been stressed to the eyeballs since about June, when all the crazy shit on top of the pandemic started, then rolled right into the batshit insane politics. We don't need more of this societal pressure to consume and fuck when we probably don't feel much like it anyway.
I'm definitely on page "Fuck this guy and his Parisian cafe."
I realize this is nothing unique, but I'm so glad me and my wife decided to do our "special day" stuff on birthdays and anniversaries or just whenever. I realize all dates are made up, but the advantage of doing an arbitrary day that's unique to us is that everything special we would do isn't marked up 200% like it is on Hallmark Day.
(This from a guy who loves Thanksgiving and holidays in general. But it's logical to synchronize those dates since the festivities are done as a family or community. Vamlumtimes is supposed to be one-on-one, so we may as well do it on a day when not everyone else is.)
We will help ourselves to that day-after discount candy though.
The kids like mac'n'cheese. The kids like hotdogs. As a kid, I enjoyed eating hotdogs cut up in my mac'n'cheese.
A few weeks ago, I suggested to my wife that we should try hotdogs cut up in the mac'n'cheese. The face she made was exactly the same as if I had suggested I put my "hotdog" in her "mac'n'cheese".
I don't know if the hot dogs/mac and cheese thing was supposed to be innuendo or not. Certainly I don't think Tycho meant it that way. Gabe is probably 50/50. Their IRL counterparts? Mystery.
I've saved so much time, effort, and money when it comes to Valentine's Day by being single for pretty much all of my 44 years on this planet. I highly recommend it.
"It's just as I've always said. We are being digested by an amoral universe."
Usually we say we don't do anything for it, but then we find a little gift to give when shopping or walking around town. This year... Ugh just ughgh. Better luck next year.
I feel this sentiment at least as far as when I dropped my kid off at daycare we had just a box of store bought valentines, where as some other fuckers had done like arts and crafts curated shit. Thanks you dick holes STOP ESCALATING THIS GIFT GIVING SHIT!
I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
Although not a Parisian cafe, for one Valentines day I did build a little structure in my living room with a table, and a projection of an African Savannah on the wall to eat next to... it actually kind of freaked her out a little but she still married me eventually. :-)
For this Valentines, I am just making her some chocolate/peppermint covered Marshmallows at her request, we are keeping it simple.
H3KnucklesBut we decide which is rightand which is an illusion.Registered Userregular
The brands we prefer are pretty rich, so while mac and cheese and hot dogs go very nicely together, sometimes the combo is a bit too much at once. Plus, both of those are things that can be a meal of their own (mac and cheese with a salad or vegetable side dish, hot dogs in buns).
I'm just imagining you feasting on white truffle and pule mac and cheese. Laid in front of you by your servants on fine china, while you're wearing your fancy clothes.
(Pule is an expensive cheese. I had to google it for the joke, because I'm so uncultured that I think anything that's not in the sliced-and-bagged cheese aisle is expensive cheese.)
(I was going to figure out the equivalent for the hot dogs but I was afraid to google "high priced wieners".)
dennis on
H3KnucklesBut we decide which is rightand which is an illusion.Registered Userregular
LOL, nah, they're just a little fattier than the average. I'm using definition 6 of 'rich'.
Yeah I prefer spicy sausage in the mac and cheese. But we know that gabe is a vanilla man, he's an oscar meyer hot dog and star wars shapes kind of mac and cheese kind of guy.
I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
"What are you supposed to do for Valentines Day?"
The same thing I do every Valentine's Day: drink heavily, try to stay away from anything that reminds me of the day, and quietly resent my friends with healthy, romantic, relationships.
MichaelLCIn what furnace was thy brain?ChicagoRegistered Userregular
"What are you supposed to do for Valentines Day?"
The same thing I do every Valentine's Day: drink heavily, try to stay away from anything that reminds me of the day, and quietly resent my friends with healthy, romantic, relationships.
They're Pinky, they're Pinky and the Brain
Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain,
Might go to the hardware store to get a new door latch.
I walked around town in the slushy snow to get my wife some pokeballs because our son had wiped out her supply in pokemon go. We might watch a Nic Cage movie if we are feeling feisty.
I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
And honestly, the whole world is so exhausting right now, I'm glad to have the excuse not to do more than that. We've been stressed to the eyeballs since about June, when all the crazy shit on top of the pandemic started, then rolled right into the batshit insane politics. We don't need more of this societal pressure to consume and fuck when we probably don't feel much like it anyway.
I'm definitely on page "Fuck this guy and his Parisian cafe."
(This from a guy who loves Thanksgiving and holidays in general. But it's logical to synchronize those dates since the festivities are done as a family or community. Vamlumtimes is supposed to be one-on-one, so we may as well do it on a day when not everyone else is.)
We will help ourselves to that day-after discount candy though.
A few weeks ago, I suggested to my wife that we should try hotdogs cut up in the mac'n'cheese. The face she made was exactly the same as if I had suggested I put my "hotdog" in her "mac'n'cheese".
I don't know what that means.
-Tycho Brahe
Ah those were the days
It's fairly easy to not compare myself to others. It's more difficult to get others to stop judging me by those standards.
That sounds appealing. Are a lot of people doing that yet? Maybe I'll wait until it catches on...
For this Valentines, I am just making her some chocolate/peppermint covered Marshmallows at her request, we are keeping it simple.
I'm just imagining you feasting on white truffle and pule mac and cheese. Laid in front of you by your servants on fine china, while you're wearing your fancy clothes.
(Pule is an expensive cheese. I had to google it for the joke, because I'm so uncultured that I think anything that's not in the sliced-and-bagged cheese aisle is expensive cheese.)
(I was going to figure out the equivalent for the hot dogs but I was afraid to google "high priced wieners".)
Mac and cheese with hot sausage cut up into it.
I dunno if they sell it in the US, but you can get a jar of what is just the cheese powder in Kraft Dinner. A few shakes of that for double cheese.
And quite possibly disgusting? Hrmm
The same thing I do every Valentine's Day: drink heavily, try to stay away from anything that reminds me of the day, and quietly resent my friends with healthy, romantic, relationships.
They're Pinky, they're Pinky and the Brain
Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain,
Might go to the hardware store to get a new door latch.
That's the kind of valentine's day I prefer. Unfortunately my ex had different standards.
I walked around town in the slushy snow to get my wife some pokeballs because our son had wiped out her supply in pokemon go. We might watch a Nic Cage movie if we are feeling feisty.