Thank you for "turbosimps." The modern English language has once again been improved by this comic.
Isn't simping a streaming chat term? Pretty sure this has been around
IIRC being a simp is slang for when you let someone walk all over you because you have the hots for them. It's used in streaming but I don't think it originated there.
Turbosimp is a neologism as far as I know.
But I feel like 'turbosimp' works in the context of the strip.
...It's Speedwagon. I had to do a Jojo reference.
Isn't simping a streaming chat term? Pretty sure this has been around
IIRC being a simp is slang for when you let someone walk all over you because you have the hots for them. It's used in streaming but I don't think it originated there.
Turbosimp is a neologism as far as I know.
But I feel like 'turbosimp' works in the context of the strip.
I just imagine Gabe pronouncing it SupiiidowaGONNN!