It seemed to suggest that the power was a Black Panther style magical t-shirt, but while it showed him absorbing the blows he took, I don't really recall seeing any indication that it was taking the stored energy and redirecting it into his efforts to punch the other guy's face off.
But then, I was kind of only 60% paying attention? I mean, he's not even a real MK character...
It seemed to suggest that the power was a Black Panther style magical t-shirt, but while it showed him absorbing the blows he took, I don't really recall seeing any indication that it was taking the stored energy and redirecting it into his efforts to punch the other guy's face off.
But then, I was kind of only 60% paying attention? I mean, he's not even a real MK character...
I mean, I enjoyed it, but I was also busy playing Valheim at the time and was somewhat more focused on that, so it was something that was best enjoyed with only 25% of your total attention.
I did get a massive grin at the remix of the old movie theme for the credits though.
RingoHe/Hima distinct lack of substanceRegistered Userregular
But then, I was kind of only 60% paying attention? I mean, he's not even a real MK character...
Right. He's Brass Body.
I did get a massive grin at the remix of the old movie theme for the credits though.
Sounds like a videogame movie.