
[Dead By Daylight] Dungeons and Dracula



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    FryFry Registered User regular
    edited November 2023
    Dev paraphrase: it felt bad to be the survivor caught by main event, so we made main event charge up in fewer hits than it takes to injure someone, so every survivor can enjoy main event in every chase

    Don't know how I feel about increasing his base speed to 4.6. Hopefully his move speed while holding knives isn't increased, because that would be bullshit. I know small loops felt pretty miserable as Trickster before, so giving him 4.6 base will help him with that, but I'm worried about how much more lethal he's going to be in all scenarios even with nerfs to the laceration meter.

    Only getting speed boost while Deep Wound is a massive nerf to Made For This, except vs like Legion and Slinger. I would much rather they just removed the Endurance part of the perk.

    Expect to see a resurgence of Dead Hard in conjunction with updated MFT, which will be IMO even more obnoxious when it hits you than old MFT.

    Fry on
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    ArcTangentArcTangent Registered User regular
    I hate the Trickster changes. Agreed, Main Event literally every chase sucks ass. Also makes him THE facecamper now as will literally not be able to go fucking anywhere and nobody will be able to unhook you without giving Main Event so both just end up immediately downed. Their reasoning about dodging is also just fucking wrong. He's throwing faster, so there's less opportunity to dodge, and moving much faster so dodging penalizes you WAY the fuck more, and after 1-7 hits, will have Main Event regardless, so dodging a couple knives isn't going to mean shit. His counterplay was to just get out of dodge as soon as you heard his lullaby because he already shreds health states in every low wall loop or in the open, and that's hugely nerfed by the faster movement speed. And since he has a lullaby, I don't see how his TR being larger is any kind of nerf. Arguably a buff with UW untouched.

    MFT nerf is whatever, but I was always a skeptic on MFT, and even moreso after all those streamers did their tests and proved to me that none of them understand literally fucking anything. Reddit/Twitter killers will just seamlessly move to some other excuse for why they play like utter shitbags despite kill rates being north of anything sane and people easily being able to put up 2-500+ winstreaks with basically any killer. Probably back to Stypic/Dead Hard combo making it IMPOSSIBLE TO WIN.

    It's amazing to me that anything seen as even slightly strong for survivor for the last two years gets quickly nerfed into the ground, while fundamentally unhealthy and miserable shit like bug-abusing Blight/Wesker, Nurse in general, basement Trapper/Huntress/Trickster/Bubba are allowed to exist untouched for essentially the game's entire lifespan. Or even buffed.

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    ArcTangentArcTangent Registered User regular
    edited November 2023
    Oh, and the reworked add-ons? -3 knives to reach Main Event.

    ie You get Main Event after fucking 3 knives.


    Or you can skip one and use the Iri that gives a free reload after ME and get it in 4 knives and auto reload constantly.

    Like, what the fuck are you thinking here, BHVR?

    ArcTangent on
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    ArcTangentArcTangent Registered User regular
    Not to triple post, but leakers/dataminers have found some spicy stuff.
    I feel confident in posting this now. All credits to Masusder for letting me know.

    In upcoming builds, and passed through QA, Hawkins Laboratory has been re-enabled.

    Fortnite is adding new Stranger Things content as well, so it’s making an official comeback in games!

    Basically, there have been changes to Hawkins in the code off and on, but it was never internally marked as reviewed/QAed. Recent builds DO have it marked as QAed and being enabled/tested on internally.

    And with it also being re-added to Fortnite, it seems that Netflix is renewing the licenses for it that used to exist.

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    FryFry Registered User regular
    edited November 2023
    I enjoy playing as Steve with Scene Partner on, just for comedy value. Would be nice to get some cosmetics for the lad, because all I have is the extremely basic default.

    Also I liked the Hawkins map, I'd much rather play there than on most of the recent maps.

    Fry on
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    HullabalooHullabaloo Registered User regular
    edited November 2023
    Welp I finally finished the halloween event!..

    And have thoroughly burnt myself out on DBD again, because I gave into the loot gremlin in my brain that wanted the free stuff. I promised myself I wouldn't get sucked into any battlepass crud because I'm pretty casual and all it ends up doing is A: making me play past the point I have fun and B: make me think of the game as a chore to be completed in a certain time, rather than something to have fun with.

    That's not even unique to this game though, every games gotta have time limited content these days and I am just not built for it.

    I guess that's it for me for a while unless the next character is especially spicy.

    Hullabaloo on
    Xbox ID: Oggie Rock
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    FryFry Registered User regular
    Ugh, STBFL is such a dumb perk. Got hit, and then hit again before I could fast vault through the window I was standing next to. Great game

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    ArcTangentArcTangent Registered User regular
    edited November 2023
    I'm rapidly coming around to the camp of STBFL needs to be deleted from the game as well. There's no way whatsoever to play around it, and it is simply too strong in too many situations, most of which are people acting like scummy pieces of shit.

    Yeeeah. 3 games today. Two Naughty Bear Trappers who just put traps at every pallet/vault around the hook so they could easily hard tunnel straight off. One double Iri, so, you know, even 'better.'

    And then a Nurse who just camped every hook with blink charged to double tap on approach/unhook. With four gen stall perks. Because, you know. Nurse needs that.

    To be followed by an Alch Ring Blight. Again with 4 gen perks, also doing a 180 straight back on all unhooks to hard tunnel the first two people out at 3 and 6 hooks total.

    Bloodrush plus event is really bringing out the fucking best in people.

    This isn't fucking sustainable, BHVR.

    ArcTangent on
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    StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    Got a mori ritual on Trapper, so it was time to be Naughty.

    Only had a yellow mori after blowing the rest the day I got the skin, and people actually stuck around to spectate to see the mori in action.

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    ArcTangentArcTangent Registered User regular
    Nothing quite so satisfying as getting a 3 out against a shitbag Wesker who proxy camped and then hard tunneled some poor Mary straight out of the game at 4 gens left, and then proceeded to only get two more hooks the entire rest of the game.

    Or running the ass off a Xeno who tried to tunnel you out so singlemindedly that he lost 3 more gens just getting that last hook. Nobody BMs that much if they're not maaaaaaad as shit.

    It's been a pretty fucking rough time as survivor since blood rush started. Or maybe just shitty luck. Did run into a Deathslinger who shook me off noping out of the game after the first two people instantly killed themselves and just let us farm, but otherwise, it's been virtually all sweaty-ass BMing shitbags the last few days. Thankfully, finished the Halloween stuff yesterday, and already very well ahead on the rift with winter's whole event and big dump of stuff there too.

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    StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    If a survivor has been playing well or got shafted by an early afk, I typically just hop in the void and farm BP until they find the hatch

    One hook is all it takes I guess

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    StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    Haha, had a boring match with an amazing end.

    It’s against a new Nurse, so seemed like a 0K game, but they got lucky and hooked someone during EGC. Our other two players bail, but I stay behind and basically trade. Other player is on death hook, so not much they can do. But I get the 4% and beeline it to the exit, with the other player having healed and stuck around to take a possible protection hit once hook endurance.

    0K game. Not the most impressive, but it’s nice to see karma work in your favor.

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    ArcTangentArcTangent Registered User regular
    I really wish they'd fix the MMR. Today, I went against a clearly baby Oni who I ran for his entire rage at shack without dropping the pallet or blocking the window and then he DCed, followed by an 8k hour sweatlord double Iri Wesker, followed by some poor baby Spirit who was trying to chase without using her power at all.

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    StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    Survivor MMR might be harder to track. Escaping doesn’t mean you did well, as plenty of terrible survivors will do very little and just keep a low profile and escape because the killer wasn’t terribly good and we could still win basically 3v1. Or they just hide until hatch is open.

    Meanwhile you can do gens, have good chases, and still die but have the rest of your team get out.

    Then SWF throws all that on its head

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    FryFry Registered User regular
    The solution is, make MMR adjustments as if it's a team game, rather than four 1v1s as the devs claim is the current method. If there are three escapes, killer loses some MMR and all survivors gain some MMR. That way, a survivor is not punished for being hard tunneled right at the start, but delaying the killer long enough that the rest of the team can casually sit on gens and get out.

    Even more than fixing MMR, I wish they would take people who give up on first down and put them in their own matchmaking pool of people who don't actually want to play the game, so that I don't have to be on a team with them in probably more than half of my games. I would have thought that would be self-correcting in an MMR system, but it doesn't seem to be (or, maybe my MMR just really is that bad, but then I should be getting clueless/baby killers all the time and I'm definitely not).

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    ArcTangentArcTangent Registered User regular
    The game pretty desperately does need a better way to transition into healthier modes after deaths, which would both address the tunnelling and the rage-quit-on-first-hook issues. Just unlock a new objective that's hard as fuck if most people are on death hook, but easy if everybody has 2 hooks to spare or something. Start some kind of modified game collapse as soon as someone dies. Just transition better from 4v1 to 3v1 and ESPECIALLY the 2v1, because it is ABSURD that slugging for the 4k has been allowed to be in the game for... what, two years now since the hatch change?

    It'd also liven up the survivor gameplay, which has been pretty stale for a long time since they refuse to give new survivors any decent perks while the absolute glut of ridiculously strong tracking perks in the last couple years on the killer side has completely murdered stealth style gameplay. I can already hear the reddit killer yowling about having their free 'deserved' win after camping/hard tunnelling someone out though.

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    ArcTangentArcTangent Registered User regular
    edited November 2023

    Sexism supposedly defeated once again. Though the wording makes me wonder if now BOTH male and female vaults are broken.

    I like that they supposedly fixed multiple bugs relating to the Halloween event in a patch that removes it.

    Apparently this patch adds a Stranger Things intro to the game too. So it's pretty much officially back, though unclear yet if that means this is the new killer, an eventual return to the DLC/Hawkins, or what.

    The Hawkins offering is also unlocked for Customs only, but doesn't work (?), so seems like confirmation it's fully coming back.

    E2: Hawkins offering does work and can be selected. Otz is testing now.

    ArcTangent on
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    ArcTangentArcTangent Registered User regular
    edited November 2023
    Here's confirmation.


    FAQ here.

    Hawkins is back. All cosmetics and characters returning. General perks staying general TEMPORARILY. If you get them on a character, you'll keep them, but after some future time, will become necessary to own Demo/Steve/Nancy again. So get those learnable on characters now if you want them.

    This is NOT the next chapter update.

    Hawkins is a little buggy. Lights aren't flickering near unfinished gens. The tube where you used to be able to hole killers was changed to LOOK lower, but you still can't get into it from the ground level. Apparently the map needed to be rebuilt/updated and wasn't compatible, but seems otherwise unchanged.

    E2: LOL, hooks are broken on the map and most of the ones in hallways completely block the hallway for the killer.

    So hopefully not yet in regular/public games as it apparently still needs a bunch of fixes.

    ArcTangent on
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    StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    Apparently Hawkins was not updated or updated very poorly. Some newer killers are janky on the map, and apparently the game will never send you to Hawkins with Xenomorph

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    ArcTangentArcTangent Registered User regular
    edited November 2023
    I mean, I really hope there's a pass in general since it was a ridiculously killer sided map IIRC even before the huge killer buffs, on par with Midwich. It had a billion pallets, but all of them were horrendously unsafe, while also being tiny, so stuff like Surge/Jolt are ridiculously strong, and now we have stuff like Ultimate Weapon, Nowhere to Hide, and Darkness Revealed negating the one survivor advantage on it (stealth), not to mention the buffs to things like Coup making the already unsafe pallets death traps.

    ArcTangent on
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    FryFry Registered User regular
    edited November 2023
    On the plus side, we didn't have Boons before. Boon on the third floor will cover most of the map and be super irritating for killers to turn off.

    (Circle of healing is still a good enough perk to run, at least at my MMR. I've even been getting some Boon Unbreakable value in about one out of three games lately)

    Edit: offering not required, I got it randomly in a game with no offerings played

    Fry on
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    ArcTangentArcTangent Registered User regular
    It is in pub matches too, and everybody's using offerings to go there, so get used to that for a day or two at least.

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    FryFry Registered User regular
    Based on two games:

    Onryo on Hawkins is obnoxious, can't find a TV to get a tape when you want, and her lullaby covers enough of that map that it's hard to tell whether she's coming for you

    Not only are boons good, Wiretap on the third floor gen is absurd

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    ArcTangentArcTangent Registered User regular
    edited November 2023
    I imagine if you're against a Distressing Wesker, you're just in his TR the entire game.

    Played a Demo game there, just by chance. With Pop/Trail/Oppression/Plaything, and pretty sure I got value from nothing but Plaything (just never saw a gen with over like 10% progress despite 4 getting done) with two grabs and was entirely carried by Iri Lichen because I kept trying to cut people off and oops, doors closed and everything's blocked. Gonna have to get used to that all over again.

    ArcTangent on
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    StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    Fry wrote: »
    Based on two games:

    Onryo on Hawkins is obnoxious, can't find a TV to get a tape when you want, and her lullaby covers enough of that map that it's hard to tell whether she's coming for you

    Not only are boons good, Wiretap on the third floor gen is absurd
    Apparently her TV spawns are fucked on Hawkins so it’s also shitty for her as the teleport coverage is poor

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    ArcTangentArcTangent Registered User regular
    edited November 2023
    Sterica wrote: »
    Fry wrote: »
    Based on two games:

    Onryo on Hawkins is obnoxious, can't find a TV to get a tape when you want, and her lullaby covers enough of that map that it's hard to tell whether she's coming for you

    Not only are boons good, Wiretap on the third floor gen is absurd
    Apparently her TV spawns are fucked on Hawkins so it’s also shitty for her as the teleport coverage is poor

    I think she's going to have a similar problem with the teleports as Dredge. Yeah, there's lockers all over, but one could be right next to someone, except on the wrong side of the wall. She's still going to be a nightmare to deal with on that map because all stealth killers are, plus the whole finding TVs situation with all the catwalks, but teleports there for mobility are potentially iffy and really disorienting.

    Meanwhile, we have no leaks for the actual chapter 30 that I can see, presumably to be announced in like, 12 hours? Just speculation that it must be Predator because of the Alien skin/license holder. Though most horror licenses seem like they'd have survivors along with it. They were posting a bunch of Saw stuff last week for no discernable reason, though it's not like there's a decent other antagonist there to use.

    ArcTangent on
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    StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    I watched a dredge main play there and he said he was happy with the locker placements.

    I have to assume Netflix demanded no teasers about the next killer so as not to steal the thunder of ST coming back. Or Vecna really is the next killer and they want to draw out the announcements. It would be weird to work out a new licensing deal with BHVR and not include more content so you can get money from people who already had the DLC.

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    ArcTangentArcTangent Registered User regular
    edited November 2023

    Pretty sure this rules out Stranger Things and Predator. Something with a kitchen knife at any rate. Chucky? FNAF movie Springtrap? Schmichael Schmyers?

    ArcTangent on
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    StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    Two common theories are Myers rework as the other three knives are killers that got reworks, or Chucky as there’s a stool and he’s the most obvious one that would need a stool to reach the knives

    My wild guess is the Leprechaun from Leprechaun

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    FryFry Registered User regular
    Good call, I think those are Trickster, Clown, and Legion knives. Myers rework would be nice. I could see the reasoning for Chucky.

    Wild pick: Terrifier?

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    ArcTangentArcTangent Registered User regular
    Community Choice poll thingy for Thanksgiving.


    I'm going to guess that the hint above is for a long overdue Myers rework. The new killer is unrelated, and will be some fringe thing owned by Disney like The Fly.

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    FryFry Registered User regular
    edited November 2023
    Ok, I should retire now, I will never have a greater play than this:

    Running towards an open gate on Swamp, killer has Blood Warden and is chasing me (I took a hit already trying to block the hook, but it wasn't enough). I duck behind some random edge map rock, and start self caring with Bite the Bullet. And... The killer just can't find me. Walks around the rock like four times, even bumping into me at points, and wanders away. I use that opportunity to sneak to the other side of an adjacent rock, resume healing, and the killer comes over to my new location and again can't see me! I finish my heal, run over near the exit gate, wait for Blood Warden to expire, and skedaddle. At least one dead person in the lobby got to spectate it, and was equally amazed in the post game chat.

    I was playing prestige Tapp, so my color was at least somewhat rock like, but still. I assume killer must have been on console with no brightness or something.

    Fry on
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    StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    Chucky confirmed, complete with Good Gal skin voiced by Jennifer Tilly!

    He is very small, has a larger lunge ability to compensate, and he has another ability to run under pallets and jump through windows

    Apparently his human form appears as a ghost, although hard to say if it does anything besides act as a way for Chucky to carry and hook survivors

    Release 11/28

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    StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod

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    StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    Looks like he’s not even truly first-person

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    HullabalooHullabaloo Registered User regular
    Okay Chuky is spicy enough for me to come back to check it out, haha

    Xbox ID: Oggie Rock
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    ArcTangentArcTangent Registered User regular
    edited November 2023
    Having experience playing Hag and Twins on maps like Swamp or any corn map, the low PoV is going to be hell.

    Patch Notes are out.


    Innate: Small, but leaves footprints as he moves.

    Active Ability: Lose TR for 20 seconds, footprints and footstep noises appear all over the map at random. While in this mode: quickly crawl under pallets instead of breaking them/regular vaulting. You also get a dash attack. Dash does the scamper under pallets/through vaults and resets the dash if you hit a pallet/vault.

    Perks are:

    When a survivor stuns/blinds you, a dull totem becomes a hex. If they stun or blind you again, they're blinded for 1.5 seconds.

    5% haste near completed gens.

    When hooking non-obsession, obsession becomes exposed and revealed for a short period. When hooking obsession, random survivor screams and becomes obsession.


    The haste one is going to be completely fucking broken on indoor maps though. I can't see that staying like this unless they finally... FINALLY fix the radius issue.

    Chucky's a 4.4/110 killer with a 32m TR. The 'third person' is a bit overblown. It's just the camera back slightly more.

    While using his dash, if you run into a pallet or vault, it automatically slides through and continues the dash. CD on stealth mode looks to be about 10 seconds by default.

    He seems a little weak to me, to be honest. I mean, a stealth killer, so going to be strong on every indoor map, but his power can't really be used on any regular loops since it's a forward dash, which leaves him having to chase at 110, which is ROUGH.

    Garden of Joy rework appears to mostly be cleaning out the middle of filler loops and making main building window a little weaker.

    Also, apparently Blast Mine instantly procs both effects of the new hex.

    The footsteps also disappear in like .5 seconds. They're just to make him more visible, not track him.

    None of the add-ons really do much of anything interesting. Iris are auto-break pallet when scampering under it, or +100% stealth mode duration, but basic attacks end it immediately. But basic attacks already take off like 50% to start with, so you're almost always going to lose it to start with. Both are strong, but not too interesting.

    Pinhead got a MASSIVE (needed) nerf. Only possessed chains interrupt solving the box now. ie Chain Hunt chains don't interrupt, so you don't need to do the dodge-three-before-solving.

    Freddy apparently lost the ability to put snares through walls, which was an unannounced buff he got a few months back. So I guess that was a bug.

    Mother's Dwelling change is interesting. It's much smaller, and lost it looks like 2 tiles, but they're more compact now, so the main building borders right on multiple tiles.

    ArcTangent on
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    ArcTangentArcTangent Registered User regular

    Ah, yes. That beloved horror franchise Rainbow Six: Siege.

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    StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    Trickster rework has something they didn’t originally mention: when in main event, consecutive knife hits build a combo that extend your next main event, up to three seconds if you hit 5-6 knives.

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    ArcTangentArcTangent Registered User regular
    edited November 2023
    Because his rework wasn't going to be oppressive enough.

    Nemesis got an animation update. You now stick syringes into your chest instead of doing the self-care animation.

    ArcTangent on
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