Links to the PA West Forum on the new website?
I am noticing that there are no links on the new Penny Arcade West website that link to the Penny Arcade West Forums.
Is this in error or will it be that the PA West forum will be shrinking/otherwise due to being unlisted?
I guess Eurogamer suddenly axed its forums last week, and I hope PA/PAX doesn't follow suit.
(Perhaps appropriately for last year's PAX University branding - universities know this well and do their best to foster a feeling of connectedness so they can suck as much money out of their alumni as possible.)
What would it take to get the forum link back, or perhaps even a community section on the PAX web sites that could link to the forums as well as the PAX community discord and perhaps other community-building things?
It's entirely me guessing, but I'm just assuming since it *appears* that the site design is by Reed this time and not PA, that Reed is sticking to stuff they have as part of their overall social media portfolio. You can see this on sites like c2e2, nycc, and eccc. Facebook, instagram, twitter, and youtube (for pax, Twitch).
As far as getting the forum link back, I'm not sure? I don't work for Reed or PA, and I've asked the forum administration about it already. Maybe include it as part of the post-pax survey?
And to be more specific:
If it was intentional, why was it done? Are the organizers on the PA side OK with this?
Since PAX is all about building gaming community, is there any chance of including some community links on the new site, possibly including a link to this forum?
Maybe the answer is "we don't know anything and can't find anything out because nobody who knows anything will say anything," but that would be sad.