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Penny Arcade - Comic - Night Writer

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited October 2021 in The Penny Arcade Hub
imagePenny Arcade - Comic - Night Writer

Videogaming-related online strip by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins. Includes news and commentary.

Read the full story here

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  • NashKnightNashKnight Registered User regular
    Team Gabe all the way. Alan Wake is an overrated garbage.

  • dennisdennis aka bingley Registered User regular
    A bit of backstory:

  • LucascraftLucascraft Registered User regular
    The controls are a bit fiddly, but I loved Alan Wake.

    I won't be getting the remaster at launch, since Metroid Dread is this Friday and the Metroid series holds god-tier value in my mind. No point buying Alan Wake only to backlog it 3 days later.

    The thing I loved so much about Alan Wake was the idea of light being a weapon. Using your flashlight to pop the shadows into the tangible world so you could kill them with conventional weapons was a cool mechanic. And later on, you can use generators and flood lights, and throwing a flashbang grenade is like an instant-kill on Shadows. It was a cool idea and a really fun concept. I'll be the first to admit that the controls made it more difficult than it needed to be in terms of gameplay. And I'll also admit that the story was needlessly convoluted for no real gain. The payoff at the end wasn't in any way contingent on the story being so meta. The meta stuff probably actually detracted from it.

    So Alan Wake was not a perfect game. But I love it even still.

  • YoungFreyYoungFrey Registered User regular
    This comes out tomorrow (October 5th 2021).

  • VitariVitari Formerly: Mercade Registered User regular
    I've owned Alan Wake forever but never got very far in it. Going just off memory, it still looks...fine? Did we need a remaster? Or are remasters the latest cash grab? I'm skeptical of anything newer than a PS2 game being remastered.

    Switch: SW-1909-0466-9585
  • YoungFreyYoungFrey Registered User regular
    Mercade wrote: »
    I've owned Alan Wake forever but never got very far in it. Going just off memory, it still looks...fine? Did we need a remaster? Or are remasters the latest cash grab? I'm skeptical of anything newer than a PS2 game being remastered.

    Based on how the entire game is about the dynamic interplay of light and shadow, I'd guess it could look significantly better on modern hardware than it did 11 years ago.

  • zepherinzepherin Russian warship, go fuck yourself Registered User regular
    Mercade wrote: »
    I've owned Alan Wake forever but never got very far in it. Going just off memory, it still looks...fine? Did we need a remaster? Or are remasters the latest cash grab? I'm skeptical of anything newer than a PS2 game being remastered.
    *currently alternating between remasters of Final fantasy X/X2 and Diablo 2 with a remaster of Saga frontier lined up*
    *also wishes Persona 4G and Persona 3 FES were remastered on Playstation 4*

    I'm not hating on the trend.

  • PreacherPreacher Registered User regular
    The biggest insult I have for Alan Wake is I played it fully and remember nothing of it. Like I remember beats from all 3 max payne games, literally nothing from Alan Wake. I vaguely recall flash light mechanics and a chapter structure. Not even annoying enough to have bad memories, just nothing.

    I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
  • MarcinMNMarcinMN Registered User regular
    I'd like remasters of the Legacy of Kain games. Particularly Soul Reaver.

    The first two Thief games would be good as well, but ONLY if they can manage to just make it look prettier without ruining any other aspect of the games.

    "It's just as I've always said. We are being digested by an amoral universe."

    -Tycho Brahe
  • zepherinzepherin Russian warship, go fuck yourself Registered User regular
    MarcinMN wrote: »
    I'd like remasters of the Legacy of Kain games. Particularly Soul Reaver.

    The first two Thief games would be good as well, but ONLY if they can manage to just make it look prettier without ruining any other aspect of the games.
    Soul Reaver was incredible, and Legacy of Kain is one of the series I wish hadn’t just ended. It needed just one more game to finish it out.

  • dennisdennis aka bingley Registered User regular
    To the title of this strip, I'd just like to add:

    "Whoooooooooah. Night Writer."

  • RatherDashingRatherDashing Registered User regular
    I really liked Alan Wake. I guess I might kind of be a writer though? I also like spooky stuff but am pretty averse to violence and sexual content, so Alan Wake's brand of scary is at exactly the right spot for me. I think that "harmless spookiness", Night Vale feel is still pretty untapped in video games right now.

  • OctoberRavenOctoberRaven Plays fighting games for the story Skyeline Hotel Apartment 4ARegistered User regular
    edited October 2021
    Alan Wake ruled. Everything about it. Especially the Old Gods of Asgard bits and the Night Springs shorts. Doesn't need a remake IMO (Unless the Night Springs stuff is getting remastered somehow?) but still a great game that everyone should play.

    And just for the heck of it, here's Children of the Elder God (SCOURGE OF LIGHT UPON THE DAAAAAARK)

    OctoberRaven on
    Currently Most Hype For: VTMB2, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, Alan Wake 2 (Wake Harder)Currently Playin: Guilty Gear XX AC+R, Gat Out Of Hell
  • ArmsForPeace84ArmsForPeace84 Your Partner In Freedom Registered User regular
    edited October 2021
    Alan Wake at least did something different with the combat mechanics. Though the short lifetime of the Energizer batteries for the flashlight were simultaneously a source of irritation and, quite possibly, the least flattering product placement in the history of videogames. From the little I've read about the remake, they're ditching that branding, along with the Verizon stuff, but I'm sure the batteries will continue to perform like crap.

    The story, though, didn't land for me because the threat was far too nebulous and the plot was weighed down by the tired old trope of the tortured artist battling his inner demons. The irony being that Doom (2016), with the Slayer battling his outer demons, was so much more satisfying in even its quieter moments.

    And for an example closer in genre and timeframe, Condemned 2 delivered an actual conspiracy to battle against, while breaking up the urine-soaked street pugilism with the whisky-soaked protagonist's otherworldly struggles against the demon in the bottle. It had its issues, as well, but I remember it much more fondly, and would play it again on PC if they ever got around to porting it.

    ArmsForPeace84 on
    Nothing personal. It's just business.
  • EvargramEvargram Registered User new member
    I really like Alan Wake. Think it's a great game. Would LOVE a sequel.

  • OctoberRavenOctoberRaven Plays fighting games for the story Skyeline Hotel Apartment 4ARegistered User regular
    Also, one of the quiet brilliances of Alan Wake is that it was a writer based loosely on Steven King, trapped in a Steven King-esque story.

    Currently Most Hype For: VTMB2, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, Alan Wake 2 (Wake Harder)Currently Playin: Guilty Gear XX AC+R, Gat Out Of Hell
  • MichaelLCMichaelLC In what furnace was thy brain? ChicagoRegistered User regular
    So The Dark Tower?

    Sorry, I don't have anything against Wake. Never played it, really liked Control.

  • LazyDolphinLazyDolphin Registered User regular
    Also, one of the quiet brilliances of Alan Wake is that it was a writer based loosely on Steven King, trapped in a Steven King-esque story.

    I haven't played Alan Wake, but that sounds an awful lot like the John Carpenter movie In the Mouth of Madness.

  • YoungFreyYoungFrey Registered User regular
    Also, one of the quiet brilliances of Alan Wake is that it was a writer based loosely on Steven King, trapped in a Steven King-esque story.

    I haven't played Alan Wake, but that sounds an awful lot like the John Carpenter movie In the Mouth of Madness.

    I won't say there aren't similarities. But I think in terms of inspirations, Stephen King and Twin Peaks are an easy lock for #1 & #2. I mean, the first words spoken in the game are "Stephen King". Moreover, if you have any interest in "writers interacting with their writings in the real world" and/or Twin Peak, you should really give Alan Wake a shot.

  • OctoberRavenOctoberRaven Plays fighting games for the story Skyeline Hotel Apartment 4ARegistered User regular
    edited October 2021
    MichaelLC wrote: »
    So The Dark Tower?

    Well, no. It's a very horror title.

    But Alan Wake is pretty much Stephen King in all but name. Hell, he even wrote an episode for the in-universe equivalent of The Twilight Zone... episodes of which are findable in game.

    EDIT: Here's a YT with the Night Springs shorts:

    OctoberRaven on
    Currently Most Hype For: VTMB2, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, Alan Wake 2 (Wake Harder)Currently Playin: Guilty Gear XX AC+R, Gat Out Of Hell
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