Okay, now that the last of our gaygasm has subsided and we are all feeling the final shakes of a hot blast of warm man mustard, do we know if any of the hotels will have the ability to support console gaming? Because last year in the hotel I was in, the TVs could not be hooked up without some serious rigging and effort. Will it be easier this year with the Sheraton and/or Crown Royal? Since the girls are going to be painting toe nails and doing that whole thing, we should totally do a guy thing where we are all masculine and shit. Gaming the night away playing fighting games and sports stuff. Wii Sports and Fight Night and all that jazz
If so, we NEED to get some gaming on, GH2, Soul Calibur, Street Fighter, what have you. I mean, there is always DSing it up, but the big systems have more awesome power when it comes to small community gaming.
Also, we are going to need volunteers to bring systems in order for us guys to... ya know... actually DO this thing. Any takers for this?
Officer on
The DeliveratorSlingin PiesThe California BurbclavesRegistered Userregular
edited June 2007
My plan for hotel room gaming involves bringing my own LCD. I have a sexy 19" widesceen with a bajillion inputs, from a coax tv antenna all the way to vga and dvi, and it even has SCART. I'm also intending to bring my 360, and it wouldn't be hard to bring my Wii either. That covers the xbox, 360, gamecube, and wii categories. I volunteer my systems, but be gentle guys. I love them like my own offspring, and I couldn't bear to lose them.
Edit: Should I go balls to the wall and bring my wireless force feedback wheel for the 360 too?
Of course, it's company policy never to imply ownership in the event of a dildo. We have to use the indefinite article "a dildo," never..."your dildo."
Ok so, bro rape aside. The ladies started a thread to mock us. As upsetting as this is, let's not stoop to their straight up dookie face level and actually make a plan.
There was talk of possibly console gaming after the pre-PAX dinner. Anyone still interested ?
I will have a PS2 with God of War 2 ...fucking epic, and Guitar Hero 2. I will have only one Guitar, so the more the merrier.
I have a ton of PS2 games, but no real idea on what to bring. Katamari ? Anyone up for seizuring ? Any ideas or is anyone bringing console ?
I totally have a supply of cheetos and mountain dew laid away.
Also, men can both be straight, and say fabulous. I think there's a support group for it.
Scotasianglish on
The original chinese-welsh-scotsman with a japanese last name.
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
Men rule! I wouldn't mind playing some console games after dinner if I wasn't already committed to the movie raid.
The movie raid is happening before the dinner so those who want to go to the Nerdcore show don't have to choose. I suppose that time could also be allocated towards gaming for those not going to the show.
Sausagefest 2007!
*whips it out*
and mustard, too.
Get the PAX 2008 Countdown widget and while away your sad, pathetic life watching it tick down the hours to PAX '08!
Why ya gotta be like that and choose one of the worst beers ever. And, hey, this is the PA forums. We don't fix cars, we fix computers.
As a side note, I was going to put the worst beer ever, but then I remembered the all time winner of the race to the bottom.
Actually, the getting some natty ice and chill part was just a snide reference to this video
"Is that a gamecube?"
I'm so turned on right now....
I've seen gayer.
only women would not enjoy nattie ice. ya just don't get it.
Lookin' cute, feelin' cute.
edit: I have to add, I really do enjoy the group dancing...and the carwash...
Gayer then that.
But syriouthly guys.
PAX will rule. I can't wait to go to Seattle, Ive been to Vancouver but not Seattle.
All I see is some sexy, sexy, wimmens.
If so, we NEED to get some gaming on, GH2, Soul Calibur, Street Fighter, what have you. I mean, there is always DSing it up, but the big systems have more awesome power when it comes to small community gaming.
Also, we are going to need volunteers to bring systems in order for us guys to... ya know... actually DO this thing. Any takers for this?
Edit: Should I go balls to the wall and bring my wireless force feedback wheel for the 360 too?
You promised you would bring that clear one again.
There was talk of possibly console gaming after the pre-PAX dinner. Anyone still interested ?
I will have a PS2 with God of War 2 ...fucking epic, and Guitar Hero 2. I will have only one Guitar, so the more the merrier.
I have a ton of PS2 games, but no real idea on what to bring. Katamari ? Anyone up for seizuring ? Any ideas or is anyone bringing console ?
/me throws bags of flaming poop at BrokenAngel as she scurries !!!!
/me shakes fist wildly.
so in the business section:
ps2 with guitar hero and fire and brimstone ?
Also, men can both be straight, and say fabulous. I think there's a support group for it.
The movie raid is happening before the dinner so those who want to go to the Nerdcore show don't have to choose. I suppose that time could also be allocated towards gaming for those not going to the show.
Gaming at a gaming con? ARE YOU INSANE?
don't bring your bleeding douche in here without an amen and a click click. we got games son, not words.