Fun game, though now I've finished the one it gives you for the day I want more! You'd think they'd archive previous ones for people to try or something. I got pretty confused at first because I hadn't even considered using multiple of the same letter... I'd guessed
SINGE and got that the wordle was SI?GE
, and was tearing my hair out trying to think of anything else to go in the gap!
Someone figured out you can just do it again in a different browser and get it right on the first try to look like a savant (which is a pretty obvious trick so I don't feel bad about revealing it here). I'd like to note that anyone doing it will go to a special hell where their favorite cute animal looks at them with endless disappointment.
Someone figured out you can just do it again in a different browser and get it right on the first try to look like a savant (which is a pretty obvious trick so I don't feel bad about revealing it here). I'd like to note that anyone doing it will go to a special hell where their favorite cute animal looks at them with endless disappointment.
Getting it right on the first try just makes you lucky, not a savant. The best you can hope for in terms of faking skills is getting it right on the second turn, but even that is often luck depending on what you guessed in the first turn.