Hopefully gamestop actually ships my preorder from last year in a timely fashion without having to call customer service. Not super excited about it since there's too little known.
Also I guess gabe forgot that you gotta make your own new balls in this one.
I'm curious if those are supposed to be bloody spikes that I see inside that Pokeball? I could see that fitting with the running gag of Gabe being a sadistic Pokemon trainer. He's turned each Pokeball into a miniature iron maiden!
"It's just as I've always said. We are being digested by an amoral universe."
I'm curious if those are supposed to be bloody spikes that I see inside that Pokeball? I could see that fitting with the running gag of Gabe being a sadistic Pokemon trainer. He's turned each Pokeball into a miniature iron maiden!
Also I guess gabe forgot that you gotta make your own new balls in this one.
(Please forgive the poor quality. I don't Photoshop so this was the best I could do with MS Paint. lol)
-Tycho Brahe
-Tycho Brahe
Looks like it could be a Grookey with the colors.
Steam Profile
3DS: 3454-0268-5595 Battle.net: SteelAngel#1772
This is a better guess, yeah. Actual fingers plus coloring plus from the most recent game
That's definitely what it is.