I wish I had my old stack of GamePro and EGM from BITD. I remember buying a random PC gaming magazine (odd because I wasn't into PC games at all) and reading a review for Planescape: Torment, which would end up being one of my favorite games of all time.
I’m probably going to post exactly once and then never again.
I wish I had my old stack of GamePro and EGM from BITD. I remember buying a random PC gaming magazine (odd because I wasn't into PC games at all) and reading a review for Planescape: Torment, which would end up being one of my favorite games of all time.
I'd pay for a retro EGM/Gamepro subscription where you pick a year and they send you a reproduction of an issue a month by mail.
Want to know what I used my government stimulus check on? Do you think I paid off my debt, or finishing off deferred maintenance on my home or vehicle? No, I got on Ebay and ordered like 80 volumes of Nintendo Power that I had as a kid and always sat on my bed rereading on boring days.
Well, ok, that was actually only a tiny part of my stimulus check, but still. Nostalgia is apparently my drug of choice.
-Tycho Brahe
Oh! I was like, what is that some kind of weird light?
Want to know what I used my government stimulus check on? Do you think I paid off my debt, or finishing off deferred maintenance on my home or vehicle? No, I got on Ebay and ordered like 80 volumes of Nintendo Power that I had as a kid and always sat on my bed rereading on boring days.
Well, ok, that was actually only a tiny part of my stimulus check, but still. Nostalgia is apparently my drug of choice.
(skip to exactly 2 minutes in if the timestamp didn't work.)
I did.
Well yes, I did too, but it was only a year and a couple months. I'm talking early to mid 90s.