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2022 BYOC Megathread

Spader89Spader89 Registered User regular
edited April 2022 in PAX East

Hello friends!

It's time for another PAX East, and with it another BYOC!

BYOC tickets are available here. Sold out! Should be a fun year!

A couple important COVID-related notes:
PAX East will be a 100% vaccinated event. This does have the unfortunate knock-on effect that young children for whom there is no vaccine available will not be able to attend.
Additionally, masks will be required at all times while in the venue. There will be designated areas that you can remove your mask to eat a meal but BYOC will not be one of them.

With that out of the way...Group seating registration is now open!

Group Seating Requirements:
  • Your party is considered a group if you have THREE or more people - yes we're dropping it to 3 this year, as capacity is lower and we want to ensure as many people as possible are able to sit together, if desired (pairs, have no fear, we rarely, if ever, have any trouble finding 2 seats together during check-in).
  • Groups must pre-register seating assignments prior to PAX, or else seats will be based on first come, first served availability.
  • Requests are taken on a first come, first served basis.
  • Passes for ALL 4 days of PAX! (recommended to maximize fun, but not a hard requirement)
  • If you have multiple BYOC badges, those count as seats (group members) so if you have 3 BYOC passes in your "group" (regardless the number of physical bodies) you qualify for group seating.

To request group seating, use the seating chart below to choose your seats and email
Include the following information when requesting:
Group Name
Number of People (include handles too)
Desired Location (include a backup location, too, as we can't promise we'll be able to keep the chart up-to-the-minute updated)

Seating chart:
Please note the seating chart is not final and subject to change. This is actually always the case but even more so this year due to this pandemic we're all living through, and the impact it's having on the show. If the seating chart does change and we have sufficient notice, we will give all groups the opportunity to re-pick their seating. If we don't have sufficient notice, we will choose new seats for your group, doing our best to mimic what you chose in the old seating chart.

The seating chart above is most definitely not to scale. For those of you who have attended in the past, we will be in the same vicinity as past years (but closer to the escalators), but as I indicated above, we will have reduced capacity. We will be using 8 foot tables instead of the usual 6 foot tables, while still maintaining 2 attendees per table to encourage physical distancing.

If you'd like to sit in the casemod showcase area just send your handle to and which seat you want. Only real requirement is that your case is...not stock. Should be modded. As you'd (hopefully) expect.

Spader89 on


  • thorkonthorkon Registered User regular
    Oh snap, it's happening! I'm not sure I'll have a new mod in time but I'll try. I didn't have as much motivation but now knowing byoc is on the menu...

  • DrogithDrogith She who runneth the BYOC Pittsfield, NHRegistered User regular
    I approve of this message ;)


  • GannoGanno Registered User regular
    I've just sent in our email. To Infinity, and Beyond!!

  • GannoGanno Registered User regular
    Hello most noble and virtuous PAX East 2022 BYOC Enforcers as well as fellow BYOC commoners! I seek only your infinite wisdom!

    First question: Where is everybody? This thread should be jumping by now. Are forums just so 2018 and everyone has moved to Discord or something?

    Second question: Where is the BYOC special side entrance, and when does it open? I believe last time (2020) that it was the SW Lobby C entrance along West Side Drive, and that it opened at 7:30 AM or 8 AM on Thursday. Could someone confirm and/or relay this year's info?

    Third question (but more of an FYI): I suffered a bicycle fall last Friday and a personal wheelchair will be my primary mode of transportation at PAX. I expect to have at least one of my erstwhile retainers with me at all times, and can stand and hop when needed, but just fyi and thanks in advance for providing any extra assistance. I have arranged for a Medical badge which I expect to pick up Thursday AM; hopefully that will help with stuff.

    See you tomorrow. I still can't believe that this is happening.


  • Spader89Spader89 Registered User regular
    Ganno - I forwarded you the BYOC mailer - you should have already got it, but maybe it landed in a spam filter or something. It should answer question 2. On question 1, while our capacity is smaller this year, we actually sold out and got quite a few group seating requests so I'm looking forward to a busy BYOC!

  • GannoGanno Registered User regular
    Thanks Spader, I got the mailer. So, I learned yesterday that, for Med badge holders, the show floor becomes available at 9am instead of the normal 10, which I and my compadre Thanatos (Andy B.) wish to take full advantage of, so we will be arriving at Level 1 SW a bit before then to give time to pick up those badges, hopefully drop off our gear in BYOC, and hit the floor for that "golden hour". Anything you are able to do to assist us with that is much appreciated. See you on the other side.

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