Good morning! It's a cloudy day here where I live in the far-off futuristic year of 2022, and a notoriously rich internet shitposter has just
purchased the digital platform from which he assails our collective psyches with his trademark pablum.
Twitter has become, for better or worse, something akin to the bulletin board of the world, and use of it is basically inescapable if you're an employee of the Attention (or Entertainment) Economy. It's also home to pretty much every single one of the world's official brand accounts, reporting agencies big and small (as well as individual/independent reporters who put in the work), the propaganda offices of various governments, a poster who tracks the movements of the aforementioned Rich Shitposter's private plane, and dril. Suffice it to say, whether anyone likes it or not, Twitter has become pretty important in matters of staying informed about current events, which you would think would lend it to becoming a public utility, but I guess not!
I don't know about y'all, but this doesn't really feel like the cool and sleek cyberpunk dystopia I was promised by Gibson and Stephenson; it feels like a shitty rough approximation of their works, observed through a filter of abject dreck as conjured by a 4chan poster during a particularly lucid fever dream after huffing too much epoxy fumes and chugging caffeinated Gamer Girl Bath Water. Can't say I'm a fan.
but it is making people who think the babylon bee is funny happy and I do hate to see that
I don't plan to start now.
He's gonna demand Trump be unbanned though is my prediction.
I have since mostly reduced my use of it to reading several reliable journalist/leftist accounts to keep informed on local covid stuff/US and Canada news, but realized recently that doomscrolling was making me tense up and contributing to my depression in a notable way (I'd be bummed and anxious after catching up in a way where I could physically feel the decline, but still found reading it addictive when I'd have little gaps in my schedule to fill). I had debated making an account recently to keep up with forumers and make Dumb Bits happen, but this news kinda puts a hole in that, and I think it'd just encourage me to doomscroll again if I opted to do that anyway
I was on Day 4 of a streak of not using it when this news was announced and I broke it to get the news and two (2) takes and then immediately bounced, gonna see how long I can go without visiting it (direct links from friends and the forums excepted). Trying to play little text games like the VTM ones when I have those time gaps instead.
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Switch Friend Code: SW-7437-1538-7786
Another has Risen to meet the Challenge of the Day
Not demand he'll just do it, he owns twitter. I'm sure he's on the way to Mar Lago to do a whole showy event right now.
According to sources this was helped along the way by house republican members saying they'll investigate twitter when they get back in charge. So you know governmental interference in a companies dealings just like the disney shit.
If he unbans trump then yes, it's worse.
we are all italian elon musk, we buy-a the website, we silence-a the criticism, oh!
This is my Facebook problem
Would love to quit it, but there is a substantial population of Boomer Dog People on there so I need to be able to run the company account
Though the last time we ran ads there was a notable drop in clicks/views/etc on a similar budget than when we ran ads in 2020, so maybe the platform will die sooner than later and I can just fuckin' stop
3DS Friend Code: 0216-0898-6512
Switch Friend Code: SW-7437-1538-7786
Remember folks
I don’t have a twitter, but I’m exposed to it every day, and I’m not really looking forward to Twitter but with more Trump and Nazi’s and people’s UNENDING HUNGER to post those tweets to every possible place.
He is still extremely mad that Chelsea Manning is canoodling with his ex, and honestly that's the only thing about this that makes me feel anything even close to the emotion one might call """Joy"""
And it won't just be Trump, it'll be the whole oeuvre of anti vax, bigots, and insurrectionists. I imagine we'll have a boiling frog situation. They'll start with Trump and then quietly let every alex jones nut job back on the platform.
Man gets divorced, ex-wife moves on with a woman more historically important than he could ever be, man buys social networking hub instead of getting therapy
I mean, I'm on Twitter because it's the best way to maintain certain social and parasocial relationships
If it stops being that, then I'll probably leave, or at least use it a lot less? But even that I suspect would be more likely to be splintering into a hundred unusable Discord servers, which might just leave me on Twitter regardless
*using Mina to represent “good Twitter”
Though I think the moderation team might have opinions on letting that be an option
I never actually set up an account, I'd just read lists and particular people I liked, but I'm taking this as a sign to just try reading a fun book instead of seeing if someone came up with a good joke about the asteroid that's about to annihilate us.
Yeah I don't claim to know the full extent of how awful it is, but what I have seen I can't adequately put into words.
Steam: YOU FACE JARAXXUS| CainLoveless
Seems bad!
{Twitter, Everybody's doing it. }{Writing and Story Blog}
That's what a "free speech" absolutist Twitter is going to resemble.
We'll find out how free speech it is next time theres a left wing populist running for president
Yeah but that's kind of already Twitter
It's not like they've previously had good mechanisms for reporting hate speech that they would readily act on
It's not like the systems they have aren't regularly used to harass people, particularly marginalized people