I’m trying to find a good range weapon for my Zealot.
The hard part is I keep switching back and forth between T.Hammer and Eviscorator, which means I want different things from my alternative weapon.
Right now I have paired up a Bolter with Eviscerator, and it works well but is so slow to draw. I might swap it for the Revolver, as it has similar stopping power.
The Thunderhammer feels like it needs a Kantrael or some sort of Auto gun, but not sure which.
I like the Agripinaa shotgun. The slug is super accurate (like, revolver accurate) and hits like a truck.
Fiendishrabbit on
"The western world sips from a poisonous cocktail: Polarisation, populism, protectionism and post-truth"
-Antje Jackelén, Archbishop of the Church of Sweden
surrealitychecklonely, but not unloveddreaming of faulty keys and latchesRegistered Userregular
sometimes u gotta bully a daemonhost with anti tank grenades
I like the Eviscerator and revolver combo myself, eviscerator has a bunch of wave clear capabilities and is strong against single targets still while the revolver is great at taking out elite enemies. Bolter I just haven't liked on the Zealot due to how clunky it is when swapping from melee. It's fantastic on the Veteran, but the ideal for the Veteran is you aren't meleeing as much as a Zealot (assuming your team doesn't just constantly leave you to fend for yourself while they ignore anything not in their immediate field of vision, not that that ever happens). Veteran of course also has better ammo efficiency and executioner's stance to really make it hurt.
Flamer is my only option for range on fanatic. I do one thing, I clear hordes and sometimes melee single targets. I don't have range, but I'm really good at clearing space for my team to do the range stuff.
All are forgiven by the Flame.
A Capellan's favorite sheath for any blade is your back.
I’m trying to find a good range weapon for my Zealot.
The hard part is I keep switching back and forth between T.Hammer and Eviscorator, which means I want different things from my alternative weapon.
Right now I have paired up a Bolter with Eviscerator, and it works well but is so slow to draw. I might swap it for the Revolver, as it has similar stopping power.
The Thunderhammer feels like it needs a Kantrael or some sort of Auto gun, but not sure which.
Which thammer do you like using?
I'm finding it hard to make them work for me over the Eviscerator
The Crucis is the generally considered better THammer due to it being the higher damage special attack and its heavy attacks are just horizontal swings so for hordes just aim at head height and spam heavy attack.
I find the Crucis annoying to use because when you really need to bonk a crusher or mauler its gonna get stuck on some mook. If it's a lonely crusher it's not a threat anyway.
The crucis is simpler to use vs hordes and it's better vs bosses though.
With the ironhelm alternate heavy and light attack to get side swinging action, it's not as good at hordes but it works.
surrealitychecklonely, but not unloveddreaming of faulty keys and latchesRegistered Userregular
I find the Crucis annoying to use because when you really need to bonk a crusher or mauler its gonna get stuck on some mook. If it's a lonely crusher it's not a threat anyway.
The crucis is simpler to use vs hordes and it's better vs bosses though.
With the ironhelm alternate heavy and light attack to get side swinging action, it's not as good at hordes but it works.
you can slap em around, even packs of the newly buffed 650hp flak bruisers
Last night I had a psyker who was johnny on the spot with dropping bubbles and it was glorious.
more than 2 mobs? -> bubble
A couple times it back fired and when the rush actually came it was gone on cool down but the vast majority of the time it would end up just stopping waves in their tracks
I wish the regular wall was more useful, but too often randos just charge through it and the toughness regen is too clutch.
I really like the idea and visuals of the bubble but if I don’t have my “Oh Shit” scream I have discovered that I will explode approximately 8 seconds into the mission because I am terrible at peril management.
I'll give Darktide credit, especially now that we have better talent builds is being able to play the same class unlike Vermintide.
Yes, Vermintide crew has better personality, missions, story, and arguably setting, but you know what Darktide has?
Complete mayhem as 4 of a class do silliness.
4 Ogryns brutalizing the stinkies
4 Zealots on holy crusade
4 Vets remembering what it's like to be in the Imperial Guard with some dang STANDARDS
4 Psykers blowing up everything with their minds
Ending up on a mission with three ogryns and one crowd control psyker sure was a thing. I almost felt bad for the chaos spawn.
Query: how are you supposed to fight daemonhosts? I've got one character to level 20 - is that too weak to fight them? The groups I end up in usually avoid them, but there's always like one fucking guy who has to piss it off, and then oops, half the team down.
NFytThey follow the stars, bound together.Strands in a braid till the end.Registered Userregular
I know when DH first hit the field, ogryn with a slab shield could no-sell it indefinitely, I assume by now that is no longer the case, so I think the strat is basically whoever got the aggro is in charge of not dying while everyone else tries to kill the thing.
It was that somehow, from within the derelict-horror, they had learned a way to see inside an ugly, broken thing... And take away its pain.
Warframe/Steam: NFyt
The first is you're not intended to. They're supposed to be obstacles that force alternate pathways.
The second is various gimmicks. Ogryn shield can tank it very effectively and just take some corruption. Zealots can make a bonk hammer build that stacks damage multipliers and one shots it. Psykers can use the peril on block to perform similarly to ogryn.
Third is 'git gud', I believe if you dark souls it up you can kite it around pillars via careful dodging and blocking but I've never really tried.
I think you can kill it around 20, but it takes coordination. Aggro with an ogryn or zealot that can tank for a bit and concentrated dps from everyone else. At max level they are kind of trivial unless one guy aggros it on their own and the group is too slow to react.
I really wish there was some benefit to killing them even if it was just some plasteel or similar. Feels like a great accomplishment after tiptoeing around them for so many levels and then it’s just zero reward, keep going with the mission. A simple way might be if they were always sitting on a grimoire or scripture for example.
Fake edit:
Autocorrect thinks grimoire should be Grim Korean and I find that hilarious for some reason; like why is that in the dictionary and capitalized???
There are setups that can tank them, but that only works if you're consciously aggroing them. There's no benefit to doing so since you're not really intended to fight a daemon, so chances are if you aggro one it's because someone made a mistake, and at that point you have no control over who it's going to lock onto first (normally whoever aggro'd it)... and probably second, at that point.
Just don't build for fighting a daemonhost - just don't fight them at all.
Yeah, if you really want to kill one, everyone needs to be all in and not distracted.
Had a Vet randomly go afk, tell us nothing, then bee-line to get back to the team--right by a DH while we were fighting a Beast of Nurgle and another horde.
Yeah, I haven't encountered any obvious griefers or trolls yet, but when you've got multiple mid level characters in a group, and three of them nope the fuck away, but one guy goes and deliberately aggressive it, you gotta wonder...
I think I met my first one at like level 2 or 3, while fighting a beast of nurgle, and the 'oh shit' factor when seeing a SECOND boss health bar appear at the top of the screen was very 'aw hell naw.'
Best Damnation run I had was 4 Zealots. 3 of us had Thunder Hammers and we convinced the 4th to switch. We enter a room with a Demonhost got a Chaos Spawn killed it in an instant then turned around and killed the Demonhost, enter the hallway another Demonhost that died before it could do anything, next room had a medicae station but no one needed it so we moved on to the next hallway and got a Beast of Nurgle. 4 bosses and they all died before they could get an attack in.
Actually had a malice run the other day where we aggrod the Demon Host in the middle of a fight with a Beast of Nurgle I think.
It was a huge rush, and we actually beat them both and finished the mission.
The best trick for Demon Host is if one gets attacked accidentally, everyone needs to focus it down as quickly as possible, use your grenades and special abilities ASAP. Mag dump and rev up you chain weapon or charge your power weapon special attack. and whoever it is attacking, has to balance kiting it to prevent dying, with too much movement will prevent allies from damaging it too.
This update appears to have totally bricked the game on my steam deck regardless of proton version. Boo urns just blackscreens after the launcher now and hardlocks the deck until a forced power off
taliosfalcon on
StragintDo Not GiftAlways DeclinesRegistered Userregular
I got a pretty high level thunder hammer for my zealot but I'm not doing the kind of damage I was hoping I'd be doing. I might need to look into a different build.
PSN: Reaper_Stragint, Steam: DoublePitstoChesty
What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak
I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
I got a pretty high level thunder hammer for my zealot but I'm not doing the kind of damage I was hoping I'd be doing. I might need to look into a different build.
Damage to what? Thrust rank 3 is costing you 15% power but that can take care of eventually. First Target at 70% comes out to another 3 or 4% power not perfect but won't be as noticable once you get Thrust 4. No carapace so Crusher and Mauler headshots will be lower. Momentum is a great defensive blessing but Headtaker and Slaughterer are 25% and 40% power so Hammers with those are going to kill hordes faster.
StragintDo Not GiftAlways DeclinesRegistered Userregular
I got a pretty high level thunder hammer for my zealot but I'm not doing the kind of damage I was hoping I'd be doing. I might need to look into a different build.
Damage to what? Thrust rank 3 is costing you 15% power but that can take care of eventually. First Target at 70% comes out to another 3 or 4% power not perfect but won't be as noticable once you get Thrust 4. No carapace so Crusher and Mauler headshots will be lower. Momentum is a great defensive blessing but Headtaker and Slaughterer are 25% and 40% power so Hammers with those are going to kill hordes faster.
Just in general I feel like my heavy chainsword does more damage even though stat wise it does not.
I'm gonna need to work on getting slaughterer. I have headtaker 3 which I can replace thrust 3 with but unfortunately I'm stuck with momentum.
PSN: Reaper_Stragint, Steam: DoublePitstoChesty
What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak
I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
What are you trying to kill that you're having a problem with? Different weapons have different damage coefficients against different armor types and fuck if the game's ever gonna tell you, so you might just have to look it up and see if that's where the problem is. That can make a bigger difference than whatever the listed damage says it is.
I think he means you're missing 15% damage from Thrust 3 instead of Thrust 4.
Yeah, Thrust is the most important blessing on a Hammer and a rank 3 is a 45% power on heavy swing rank 4 is 60%, its not like other blessings were a rank 3 is only like 2.5% power you will notice that extra 15%. Headtaker, Slaughterer, or Momentum are all good picks for the second blessings can't go wrong with any of those just do you want more power or free toughness on every heavy swing.
surrealitychecklonely, but not unloveddreaming of faulty keys and latchesRegistered Userregular
btw for those wondering i strongly recommend giving the following weapons another try:
columnus braced auto
all 3 iags (they are all good now)
vraks 7 and agri ix headhunters (vraks 7 is a dmr now, agri ix is now usable from being the worst gun in the game)
all 3 human shotguns
the power sword VI/3 (especially the PS VI - it has a sick activation -> push attack cancel)
devil claw 7 (push attack combo and l3 now do decent armour damage)
laspistol (its broken tell nobody)
bolter (back to being an assblaster)
plasma (100 cleave lol)
non-XII lasguns (MG1a and IV now have higher dps than XII, MG1a is the workhorse lasgun now)
but the REAL star of the show
THE ZEALOT CRUSHER, now probably the most technical and fun weapon in the game. it's not a mace, it's a monk staff; you uppercut people in the chin then slam them on the head then SLAM THEM TO DA FLOOOOOOOR
its fun af give it a go just make sure when you use the push attack you hit them in the head... it does triple damage
I used to hardly ever use the stub revolver, mainly since I tend to prefer weapons with higher RoF and more ammo since misses don't feel as bad. But, man, I've been using the revolver on my Zealot and it's just been feeling real good. Goes well with my eviscerator or devil claw which I use to tear apart hordes with.
I also heard the kickback got some nice buffs, so I might try it out on my Ogryn at some point and see how good it is now.
surrealitychecklonely, but not unloveddreaming of faulty keys and latchesRegistered Userregular
I like the Agripinaa shotgun. The slug is super accurate (like, revolver accurate) and hits like a truck.
-Antje Jackelén, Archbishop of the Church of Sweden
All are forgiven by the Flame.
But yes, you're using this portable ogryn instead of a more readily available gun it's true.
I've never felt that great about flamer honestly. When I use it they're all in eviscerator range.
That's the problem of giving up a long range option, gotta count on teammates to pick up the slack.
My more melee focused ogryn did well with kickback and trusty rocks.
"Big guy, why do you call them anti-tank grenades when we aren't fighting any armor?"
"Oh dat's eazee. Ya stick da gree-nade on da 'eretic an say a lil' pra'yar, ant I tank you Emprah."
The Crucis is the generally considered better THammer due to it being the higher damage special attack and its heavy attacks are just horizontal swings so for hordes just aim at head height and spam heavy attack.
The crucis is simpler to use vs hordes and it's better vs bosses though.
With the ironhelm alternate heavy and light attack to get side swinging action, it's not as good at hordes but it works.
you can slap em around, even packs of the newly buffed 650hp flak bruisers
just have to remember theres no flak cleave on thunder hammers until next patch...
Just guns and grenades for days.
Actually completed my Deadeye penance by not taking any melee damage.
MWO: Adamski
Yes, Vermintide crew has better personality, missions, story, and arguably setting, but you know what Darktide has?
Complete mayhem as 4 of a class do silliness.
4 Ogryns brutalizing the stinkies
4 Zealots on holy crusade
4 Vets remembering what it's like to be in the Imperial Guard with some dang STANDARDS
4 Psykers blowing up everything with their minds
extreme brain damage and copious free time
more than 2 mobs? -> bubble
A couple times it back fired and when the rush actually came it was gone on cool down but the vast majority of the time it would end up just stopping waves in their tracks
I really like the idea and visuals of the bubble but if I don’t have my “Oh Shit” scream I have discovered that I will explode approximately 8 seconds into the mission because I am terrible at peril management.
Ending up on a mission with three ogryns and one crowd control psyker sure was a thing. I almost felt bad for the chaos spawn.
Query: how are you supposed to fight daemonhosts? I've got one character to level 20 - is that too weak to fight them? The groups I end up in usually avoid them, but there's always like one fucking guy who has to piss it off, and then oops, half the team down.
Warframe/Steam: NFyt
The first is you're not intended to. They're supposed to be obstacles that force alternate pathways.
The second is various gimmicks. Ogryn shield can tank it very effectively and just take some corruption. Zealots can make a bonk hammer build that stacks damage multipliers and one shots it. Psykers can use the peril on block to perform similarly to ogryn.
Third is 'git gud', I believe if you dark souls it up you can kite it around pillars via careful dodging and blocking but I've never really tried.
I really wish there was some benefit to killing them even if it was just some plasteel or similar. Feels like a great accomplishment after tiptoeing around them for so many levels and then it’s just zero reward, keep going with the mission. A simple way might be if they were always sitting on a grimoire or scripture for example.
Fake edit:
Autocorrect thinks grimoire should be Grim Korean and I find that hilarious for some reason; like why is that in the dictionary and capitalized???
Just don't build for fighting a daemonhost - just don't fight them at all.
Had a Vet randomly go afk, tell us nothing, then bee-line to get back to the team--right by a DH while we were fighting a Beast of Nurgle and another horde.
Suffice to say, it was a wipe.
I think I met my first one at like level 2 or 3, while fighting a beast of nurgle, and the 'oh shit' factor when seeing a SECOND boss health bar appear at the top of the screen was very 'aw hell naw.'
It was a huge rush, and we actually beat them both and finished the mission.
The best trick for Demon Host is if one gets attacked accidentally, everyone needs to focus it down as quickly as possible, use your grenades and special abilities ASAP. Mag dump and rev up you chain weapon or charge your power weapon special attack. and whoever it is attacking, has to balance kiting it to prevent dying, with too much movement will prevent allies from damaging it too.
MWO: Adamski
What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak
I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
Damage to what? Thrust rank 3 is costing you 15% power but that can take care of eventually. First Target at 70% comes out to another 3 or 4% power not perfect but won't be as noticable once you get Thrust 4. No carapace so Crusher and Mauler headshots will be lower. Momentum is a great defensive blessing but Headtaker and Slaughterer are 25% and 40% power so Hammers with those are going to kill hordes faster.
Just in general I feel like my heavy chainsword does more damage even though stat wise it does not.
I'm gonna need to work on getting slaughterer. I have headtaker 3 which I can replace thrust 3 with but unfortunately I'm stuck with momentum.
What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak
I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
Yeah, Thrust is the most important blessing on a Hammer and a rank 3 is a 45% power on heavy swing rank 4 is 60%, its not like other blessings were a rank 3 is only like 2.5% power you will notice that extra 15%. Headtaker, Slaughterer, or Momentum are all good picks for the second blessings can't go wrong with any of those just do you want more power or free toughness on every heavy swing.
columnus braced auto
all 3 iags (they are all good now)
vraks 7 and agri ix headhunters (vraks 7 is a dmr now, agri ix is now usable from being the worst gun in the game)
all 3 human shotguns
the power sword VI/3 (especially the PS VI - it has a sick activation -> push attack cancel)
devil claw 7 (push attack combo and l3 now do decent armour damage)
laspistol (its broken tell nobody)
bolter (back to being an assblaster)
plasma (100 cleave lol)
non-XII lasguns (MG1a and IV now have higher dps than XII, MG1a is the workhorse lasgun now)
but the REAL star of the show
THE ZEALOT CRUSHER, now probably the most technical and fun weapon in the game. it's not a mace, it's a monk staff; you uppercut people in the chin then slam them on the head then SLAM THEM TO DA FLOOOOOOOR
its fun af give it a go just make sure when you use the push attack you hit them in the head... it does triple damage
I also heard the kickback got some nice buffs, so I might try it out on my Ogryn at some point and see how good it is now.