Each Borderlands game features a new playable cast (though there are some recurring archetypes).
Which set was your favorite? Whether it be for their skills, personalities, designs, story, or whatever.
Borderlands 1 Cast:
Mordecai the Hunter, Lilith the Siren, Brick the Berserker, & Roland the Soldier
Borderlands 2 Cast:
Gaige the Mechromancer, Zer0 the Assassin, Salvador the Gunzerker, Maya the Siren, Krieg the Psycho, & Axton the Commando
Borderlands the Pre-Sequel Cast:
Wilhelm the Enforcer, Claptrap the Fragtrap, Athena the Gladiator, Aurelia the Baroness, Jack (Timothy) the Doppelganger, & Nisha the Lawbringer
Borderlands 3 Cast:
Amara the Siren, Zane the Operative, Moze the Gunner, & FL4K the Beastmaster
Borderlands Online Cast (Unreleased):
(I don't know their names, but classes are same as Borderlands 1 with Soldier, Berserker, Siren, and Hunter)
I threw in the Online cast for people who like a dark horse.
I didn't include Rhys and Fiona from Tales or the Fatemaker from Wonderlands since they are a bit different from your traditional casts.
I'm expecting this will mostly come down to a war between the casts of the first two games. The cast from the first game has had the most development (though oddly, almost none of that was in their own game), while the cast from the second has the benefit of being in the most popular game and also the game that received the most content.
I liked Gaige's new career as a wedding planner.
I've not played any other iterations barring Tales, which was Excellent. Sad to hear how they got used in their latest outing.
I know you didn't include them intentionally but also c'monnnnnnnnnn
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It's fine but we like have no idea why she left after 2 or anything and she's basically drunk most of that story
I like that dlc as a whole but it's insane to me that they didn't save it until the final and also basically didn't have any of the cast from 1 or 2 there at all
Borderlands 3 spoiler:
edit: The DLCs in general are better than the BL3 base game, really. But I totally get stopping where you did.
I think The Pre Sequel had the most fun cast mechanically.
I don't really remember anything about BL3 personality wise. BL1 had next to no PC personality in it. BL2 probably wins for cast personality for me, which feels more like an indictment of the others than any positive for BL2.
I really liked Maya and Athena.
I seem to recall Claptrap actually being pretty funny to play as too, but not well enough to remember why that might be hah.
especially my disaster bi boy Axton
couldn't even put him in BL3 in an audio log or something? fucking brutal
him and Salvador are the hosts of a PUBG-style battle royale called Arms Race in one of the DLCs
So the joke that he did porn and the Moze skin were great
Then they shoved him and Sal in that shitty 4 player royale mode and like I can't think of a bigger fuck you to their fans beside what they did to Maya
last place to B3, they're all boring as dirt
The most egregious being the plot never acknowledging if Amara is there when Sirens are super important to the plot of Borderlands 3.
There's only one scene in Borderlands 2 where it would matter that another Siren was present...
...and it at least makes sense that Lilith would be chosen over Maya in that scene. Borderlands 3 doesn't have that at all.
To switch topics, I think my favorite co-op experience was in Borderlands 2 where my friend was playing a sniping Zer0 and I was playing a melee Krieg who would run around crazily attracting all the enemies for him. That Krieg also had the skill that made him into a dynamite-throwing madman whenever he entered Fight for your Life.
i had a jakobs shotgun setup with jack that was broken, and lord i loved jakobs shotguns
Aurelia really shines when you have someone to play her "servant" role.
I very much enjoyed the black humour.
The rest of the story continues to be awful, so you aren't missing out on anything.
So I've mostly only seen the playable characters as blanks slates for the player to interact with the more vibrant NPCs.
I actually didn't think much of the "story" and characters of Borderlands until Tales from the Borderlands came out. That game brought a lot more life to that universe and actually got me to buy the Pre-Sequel.
Which was kind of a mistake, since I quit playing the pre-sequel halfway through out of boredom. Then when all the bad reviews hit for Borderlands 3 - coupled with the fact that they made it a timed exclusive on Epic - I pretty much dropped the series entirely.
Earth Defence Force 5 had a more coherent and consistent narrative and handling of its characters.
I see a bright light . . . Nope that's just the sun
And which four would be the most fun to blast through Pandora with, gameplay-wise? Triple Siren sounds kinda neat.
xbl - HowYouGetAnts
steam - WeAreAllGeth
Lilith would still be top tier since Phasewalk was pretty OP.
If I had to make a squad I pick Mordecai, Maya, Athena, and Zane. Maybe swap out Zane for Amara, but probably not.
BL1 skill trees only had 4 rows of skills, as opposed to the 6 rows all the other games had.