Cannot edit Location - Pronoun setting missing from profile
As title says, the ability to edit profile location is missing.
Also, where we used to be able to edit a Pronoun option and also see that display in our profiles, there now is nothing.
I am desiring to edit my Location and/or the Pronouns setting to They/She at the minimum. And, yet, I cannot.
Heh. That brings me back.
"Your insides
let me show you them"
was a line in a forum battle. Mully animated a recreation of the Reservoir Dogs torture scene with her as the torturer and Synthetic Orange as a the torturee. It was scored, just as in Reservoir Dogs, to "Stuck in the Middle With You." Only instead of cutting off SO's ear, Mully said that line while holding up a pokeball (since it was a riff on the then-popular "My pokemans, let me show you them" meme) then proceeded to shove the pokeball up SO's ass. The pokeball exploded, SO got a look at what used to be his insides, then SO died. SO's own entry was tremendous and IIRC he won the vote, but both were special enough that I still remember them... I think more than a decade later.