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2023 BYOC Megathread

AsmerAsmer [E] East/West PC Sec ManagerSan Francisco, CARegistered User regular
edited March 2023 in PAX East

Hello PC folks!

It's time for another PAX East, and with it another BYOC!

BYOC tickets are available here. SOLD OUT

A couple important COVID-related notes:
  • While vaccines are no longer required, we still highly encourage everyone to take measures to be as safe as possible including being vaccinated and up to date on boosters.
  • Masks will still be required at all times while in the venue. There will be designated areas where you can remove your mask to eat a meal but BYOC will not be one of them.

Anyway, apologies for the delay, but group seating registration is now (finally) open!

Group Seating Requirements:
  • Your party is considered a group if you have THREE or more people - yes we're dropping it to 3 this year, as capacity is lower and we want to ensure as many people as possible are able to sit together, if desired (pairs, have no fear, we rarely, if ever, have any trouble finding 2 seats together during check-in).
  • Groups must pre-register seating assignments prior to PAX, or else seats will be based on first come, first served availability.
  • Requests are taken on a first come, first served basis.
  • Passes for ALL 4 days of PAX! (recommended to maximize fun, but not a hard requirement)
  • If you have multiple BYOC badges, those count as seats (group members) so if you have 3 BYOC passes in your "group" (regardless the number of physical bodies) you qualify for group seating.

To request group seating, use the seating chart below to choose your seats and email
Include the following information when requesting:
  1. Group Name
  2. Number of People (include handles too)
  3. Desired Location (include a backup location, too, as we can't promise we'll be able to keep the chart up-to-the-minute updated)

Click here to view the Seating chart!

Please note the seating chart is not final and subject to change. (This is actually always the case). If the seating chart does change and we have sufficient notice, we will give any groups who request it the opportunity to re-pick their seating. If we don't have sufficient notice, we will choose new seats for your group, doing our best to mimic what you chose in the old seating chart.

The seating chart above is most definitely not to scale. For those of you who have attended in the past, we will be in the same vicinity as past years (but not exactly where we were last year). We will still be using the 8 foot tables from last year instead of the usual 6 foot tables from the pre pandemic times. (while still maintaining 2 attendees per table to encourage a little social distancing)

If you'd like to sit in the casemod showcase area just send your handle to and which seat you want. Only real requirement is that your case is...not stock. Should be modded. As you'd (hopefully) expect.

[E] Asmer, PC Security Manager (East/West)

Asmer on


  • TargaryoakTargaryoak Registered User new member
    Hey there! Thank you for posting this info. My fiancé and I will be doing BYOC for the first time this year. We’re just wondering about getting in with our stuff, is it safe to assume that the instructions I’m seeing in past BYOC megathreads still apply to this year? I’m also seeing mentions of an email that goes out, but I’m not seeing one, even in my spam folder(s). Should we be expecting one?

    Also, for my own curiosity, I’m assuming chairs are provided? Any idea how big they are? I’m 5’2”, so a lot of times even adjusting a chair to the lowest it can go, my feet still don’t touch the floor… would it be a problem if I brought my foot rest, or should that not be necessary?

    Thanks in advance! We’re super excited 😊

  • AsmerAsmer [E] East/West PC Sec Manager San Francisco, CARegistered User regular
    Targaryoak wrote: »
    Hey there! Thank you for posting this info. My fiancé and I will be doing BYOC for the first time this year. We’re just wondering about getting in with our stuff, is it safe to assume that the instructions I’m seeing in past BYOC megathreads still apply to this year? I’m also seeing mentions of an email that goes out, but I’m not seeing one, even in my spam folder(s). Should we be expecting one?

    There will be a drop off on the second floor like we have had in previous years. I believe the BYOC Events manager will be sending out the email with details soon!

    Targaryoak wrote: »
    Also, for my own curiosity, I’m assuming chairs are provided? Any idea how big they are? I’m 5’2”, so a lot of times even adjusting a chair to the lowest it can go, my feet still don’t touch the floor… would it be a problem if I brought my foot rest, or should that not be necessary?

    Thanks in advance! We’re super excited 😊

    We provide standard convention chairs, they don't shift up or down, unfortunately. However, as long as it easily stows under the table when you're not at the desk, having a footrest is perfectly fine!

    [E] Asmer, PC Security Manager (East/West)

  • TargaryoakTargaryoak Registered User new member
    Thank you so much for answering my questions!

  • ground_under_arsenalground_under_arsenal Registered User new member
    Can't wait! BYOC is one of the best parts about PAX. Cheers!

  • JDiToJDiTo Registered User new member

    This is the first time I'll be doing BYOC since well before the pandemic, so I just want to be sure I'm up to date with convention center rules / times for things like Thursday load-in.

    Is the drop-off still at the same set of doors as it was during previous years? I remember we needed to drive around back, down, then up again for a set of doors on the upper backside of the BCEC.
    Does BYOC still allow loading in an hour or two early on day one, or is the BCEC strict about letting people in at exactly 10am?

    I appreciate anyone taking the time to answer my questions! I did see something about a BYOC mailer in previous years' threads, so if all of this was outlined there, I may need one resent. I checked my inbox and spam folder, but nothing seems to have made it through.

    Thank you! Should be a fun PAX this year :smile:

  • AsmerAsmer [E] East/West PC Sec Manager San Francisco, CARegistered User regular
    JDiTo wrote: »
    Is the drop-off still at the same set of doors as it was during previous years? I remember we needed to drive around back, down, then up again for a set of doors on the upper backside of the BCEC.

    Yes, the load in should be at the same doors it was previous years.
    JDiTo wrote: »
    Does BYOC still allow loading in an hour or two early on day one, or is the BCEC strict about letting people in at exactly 10am?

    You can still get in early on the first day (Thursday) only!

    [E] Asmer, PC Security Manager (East/West)

  • GannoGanno Registered User regular
    Looking forward to seeing all of you blokes (again :).

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