In case you are unaware of the origins (21 years ago):
I only started reading Penny Arcade recently and haven't yet decided to go back to the oldest strips, but surprisingly it was one of the few i happened to have read.
edit: i realize that "recently" was actually five years ago. That's still relatively recent compared to the total lifespan of the comic, but darn how come it has already been 5 years ?!
The second panel of this comic is a rare and incredible experience for me. There is not a single word in the comic strip. Yet, you can sense multiple levels of emotions: Nostalgia, mischief, and joy are brilliantly conveyed.
It makes me wish that my finances were more stable and that we could buy prints of individual panels.
you know there are two colors of gift wraps in the first panel. There is a second cardboard tube here. We should get a cardboard tube samurai two-swords style.
I only started reading Penny Arcade recently and haven't yet decided to go back to the oldest strips, but surprisingly it was one of the few i happened to have read.
edit: i realize that "recently" was actually five years ago. That's still relatively recent compared to the total lifespan of the comic, but darn how come it has already been 5 years ?!
-Tycho Brahe
It makes me wish that my finances were more stable and that we could buy prints of individual panels.
The real trick is to rig it so one is completely inside the other and can be slid out to indicate that shit just got Real™.