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  • GustavGustav Friend of Goats Somewhere in the OzarksRegistered User regular
    can i blame stranger things on ernest cline because i want to

  • BroloBrolo Broseidon Lord of the BroceanRegistered User regular

    bright was the real transmedia event of our generation

  • BroloBrolo Broseidon Lord of the BroceanRegistered User regular
    some might call it the Star Wars of movies

  • minor incidentminor incident expert in a dying field njRegistered User regular
    Even more so than the crutch of over reliance on references to better media, one of the worst things about RPO is that it’s a copy of a copy. All good art involves stealing and referencing and taking influence, but RPO takes all of that wholesale from things that are essentially its first cousins. It doesn’t borrow from anything unusual or interesting or different. It just cribs wholesale from a full slate of the exact same 80s adventure movies and cartoons that it desperately wants to be and ends up being a pale imitation with nothing to say worth remembering.

    Ah, it stinks, it sucks, it's anthropologically unjust
  • HacksawHacksaw J. Duggan Esq. Wrestler at LawRegistered User regular
    Bright was such a mess that had no idea what kind of movie it wanted to be.

  • Johnny ChopsockyJohnny Chopsocky Scootaloo! We have to cook! Grillin' HaysenburgersRegistered User regular
    I was on a road trip with my dad and we listened to maybe the first hour of the Ready Player One audiobook before I told him I would grab the wheel and kill us both if he didn't change it.

    The only way to listen to Ready Player One is to listen to Michael J Nelson's (of MST3K fame) podcast (named '372 Pages We'll Never Get Back') episodes about it. Sadly, some of the episodes concerning Ready Player One are missing on Spotify.

    Steam ID XBL: JohnnyChopsocky PSN:Stud_Beefpile WiiU:JohnnyChopsocky
  • Houk the NamebringerHouk the Namebringer Nipples The EchidnaRegistered User regular
    edited July 9
    I was skeptical of Ready Player One when it first came out, but both of my roommates at the time liked it and up till then they had pretty reliable taste in media so I figured I'd give it a fair shot

    Borrowed one of their copies and I didn't make it 10 pages in. If it hadn't been someone else's copy I literally would have thrown it in the trash. RPO is awful

    Like yeah the content and themes of Tom Clancy books suck but at least they're (generally) competently written and at worst they're just forgettable. RPO is offensive in its top-to-bottom shittitude

    Houk the Namebringer on
  • pookapooka Registered User regular
    edited July 9
    Simulacrum and Simulation

    Having read Clancy books and RPO, I can speak with authority that, whatever rightful criticism for jingoism or paternalism you want to lay at the feet of the former, they were at least fun to read and workable prose. RPO was boring along with being poorly written. (Not to mention its more 'modern' misogyny and other judgmental perspectives.)

    It's Okay to Be Mad About Multiple Things.

    pooka on
  • pookapooka Registered User regular
    edited July 9
    Garthor wrote: »
    Also it's a Dad Book. Why would a young white guy read a book about 80s trivia?
    I do not understand or agree with this assertion.

    As someone who grew up in the 80s & nerdy, Ready Player One was marketed directly to that demographic as a fun, light dystopian scifi adventure. I read it shortly after release thanks to my local library, while it still had good word of mouth. Having read it, I filed it into "bad" and "baby's first dystopia", best suited to indiscriminate tweens desperate for reading material after chewing through Hunger Games-alikes.

    The majority of the demographic might be dads now, but in 2010, the oldest were just into their early 30s. So whether talking about those young men, or a contemporary audience of young men now, it's still unfortunately relevant to the current trend with the inundation of media tailored for 80s nostalgia.

    Also, like... why wouldn't a young white guy read any given thing? ...I'm a 40s queer Indigenous neurodivergent woman -- what am I 'supposed' to read? If nothing else, young people are notorious for reviving old trends to then remix.

    I'm not trying to be snippy, I just find it an alien assumption.

    pooka on
  • GR_ZombieGR_Zombie Krillin It Registered User regular
    I was skeptical of Ready Player One when it first came out, but both of my roommates at the time liked it and up till then they had pretty reliable taste in media so I figured I'd give it a fair shot

    Borrowed one of their copies and I didn't make it 10 pages in. If it hadn't been someone else's copy I literally would have thrown it in the trash. RPO is awful

    Like yeah the content and themes of Tom Clancy books suck but at least they're (generally) competently written and at worst they're just forgettable. RPO is offensive in its top-to-bottom shittitude

    You missed the really excellent list of Brands on the eleventh page that would have surely hooked you

  • Commander ZoomCommander Zoom Registered User regular
    The irony is that you might expect me to be exactly the target audience/demographic for RP1. But no, all the bits of it I read and saw just had me thinking, "this is awful."

    More than anything, it made me think of how my generation grew up in the long shadow of the Boomers and their cultural hegemony. But the lesson Cline seemed to take from that was "someday it'll be our turn to inflict all of our stuff on another gen."

  • Knight_Knight_ Dead Dead Dead Registered User regular
    the part in RPO where in like, the first chapter, cline basically spends an entire page listing off the things he liked as a kid is so crazy that if it was on archive of our own or something i'd think man this is some terrible writing.

    and it's in a published book! presumably an editor read it! what the fuck happened?

  • TayaTaya Registered User regular
    I didn't see the movie, but I thought the beginning of Ready Player One was kind of interesting, like the world sort of living in the internet, stuff like that. The rest of it was not good. The main romance is just the worst, like the girl is not interested in him at all but he's in love with her after like one date, but he saves the world and gets the girl anyway.

  • LasbrookLasbrook It takes a lot to make a stew When it comes to me and youRegistered User regular
    The only worthwhile part of RPO is that movie poster, and later book cover, where they gave him like a 10ft long leg.

  • Commander ZoomCommander Zoom Registered User regular
    Knight_ wrote: »
    the part in RPO where in like, the first chapter, cline basically spends an entire page listing off the things he liked as a kid is so crazy that if it was on archive of our own or something i'd think man this is some terrible writing.

    and it's in a published book! presumably an editor read it! what the fuck happened?

    To be fair, I asked the same thing about Twilight.

  • FCDFCD Registered User regular
    Taya wrote: »
    I didn't see the movie, but I thought the beginning of Ready Player One was kind of interesting, like the world sort of living in the internet, stuff like that. The rest of it was not good. The main romance is just the worst, like the girl is not interested in him at all but he's in love with her after like one date, but he saves the world and gets the girl anyway.

    It's amazing that there's an entire generation that thought Say Anything was an instruction manual. Just the absolute worst.

    Gridman! Baby DAN DAN! Baby DAN DAN!
  • JarsJars Registered User regular
    I haven't read the book but I did see the movie and it felt like a bunch of flashy stuff with not a lot going on underneath that

  • Grey GhostGrey Ghost Registered User regular
    I read RPO in like 2013 and tricked myself into thinking I liked it mostly because I was down bad for the girl who recommended it

  • GrisloGrislo Registered User regular
    edited July 10
    Grislo was warned for this.
    Garthor wrote: »
    There isn't really a "turn", it's just a lot of people being upset that it's bad in a way that THEY take exception to, rather than bad in one of the socially acceptable (pro-torture, pro-racism, anti-democracy) ways.

    Or I guess what I'm saying is: there's MUCH worse.

    I think it's high time someone took a pro-Ernest Cline turn on this forum, and I'd like to support your effort. Fuck yeah, it's not that bad - like, look at the horrible shit people post with no shame - how can Ready Player One be as bad as this (and therefore good???):

    I've noticed that there don't seem to be any porno movies

    that are made for guys like me.

    All the porn I've come across

    was targeted at beer-swilling sports bar dwelling alpha-males

    Men who like their women stupid and submissive

    Men who can only get it up for monosyllabic cock-hungry nymphos

    with gargantuan breasts and a three-word vocabulary

    Adult films are populated with these collagen-injected

    liposuctioned women

    Many of whom have resorted to surgery and self-mutilation

    in an attempt to look the way they have been told to look.

    These aren't real women. They're objects.

    And these movies aren't erotic. They're pathetic.

    These vacuum-headed fuck bunnies don't turn me on.

    They disgust me.

    And it's not that I'm against pornography.

    I mean, I'm a guy. And guys need porn.


    "Like a preacher needs pain, like a needle needs a vein,"

    Guys need porn.

    But I don't wanna watch this misogynist he-man woman-hater porn.

    I want porno movies that are made with guys like me in mind:

    Guys who know that the sexiest thing in the world

    is a woman who is smarter than you are.

    You can have the whole cheerleading squad,

    I want the girl in the tweed skirt and the horn-rimmed glasses:

    Betty Finnebowski, the valedictorian.

    Oh yes.

    First I want to copy her Trig homework,

    and then I want to make mad, passionate love to her

    for hours and hours

    until she reluctantly asks if we can stop

    because she doesn't want to miss Battlestar Galactica.

    Summa cum laude, baby!

    That is what I call erotic.

    But do you ever see that kind of a woman in a contemporary adult film?


    Which is why I'm going to start writing and directing Geek Porno.

    I shall be the quintessential Nerd Porn Auteur.

    And the women in my porno movies will be the kind

    that drive nerds like me mad with desire.

    I'm talking about the girls that used to fuck up the grading curve.

    The girls in the Latin Club and the National Honor Society.

    Chicks with weird clothes, braces, four eyes, and 4.0 GPAs.

    Brainy articulate bookworms, with MENSA cards in their purses

    and chips on their shoulders.

    My porn starlets will come in all shapes and sizes.

    My porn starlets will be too busy working on their PhD to go to the gym.

    In my kind of porno movies the girls wouldn't even have to get naked.

    They'd just take the guys down to the rec room and

    beat them repeatedly at chess

    and then talk to them for hours about Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle

    or the underlying social metaphors in the Aliens movies.

    Buy stock in some hand cream companies

    because there is about to be a major shortage.

    And I'm not just talking about straight porn. Oh no.

    There should be fuck films for my nerd brethren

    of all sexual orientations.

    Gay nerd porn flicks with titles like "Dungeons and Drag-queens."

    This idea is a fucking gold mine.

    I am gonna make millions,

    because this country is full of database programmers

    and electronics engineers

    and they aren't getting the loving they so desperately need.

    And you can help . . .

    If you're an intelligent woman is interested in breaking into the adult film industry,

    and if you can tell me the name of Luke Skywalker's home planet,

    then you are hired.

    It doesn't matter if you think you're overweight or unattractive.

    It doesn't matter if you don't think you're beautiful.

    You are beautiful. . .

    And I will make you a star.

    Keep fighting the good fight!

    Now, if I only knew who wrote that terrible poem that makes Ernest Cline look great in comparison. Oh well.

    BahamutZERO on
    This post was sponsored by Tom Cruise.
  • Knight_Knight_ Dead Dead Dead Registered User regular
    please have mercy it’s a tuesday you can’t make me read something like that in a tuesday

  • DepressperadoDepressperado I just wanted to see you laughing in the pizza rainRegistered User regular

  • KadithKadith Registered User regular
    i dare u to try to make me read on any day of the week

  • DepressperadoDepressperado I just wanted to see you laughing in the pizza rainRegistered User regular
    it was like reading The King in Yellow

  • MegaMan001MegaMan001 CRNA Rochester, MNRegistered User regular
    Uh, anyone wanna give that some context?


    Man, what?

    I am in the business of saving lives.
  • GrisloGrislo Registered User regular
    Just gotta support my guy in the fight to support Ernest Cline.

    #nostalgia #oh yeah #gotta get it #feel the burn (and by burn I mean that feeling Luke Skywalker must have felt when his hand was cut off - remember that, dads? It's Star Wars!)

    This post was sponsored by Tom Cruise.
  • BlackDragon480BlackDragon480 Bluster Kerfuffle Master of Windy ImportRegistered User regular
    *looks upon "poetry"*


    No matter where you go...there you are.
    ~ Buckaroo Banzai
  • CoinageCoinage Heaviside LayerRegistered User regular
    Ernest Cline has not yet been outed as a rapist, so in the quantum superposition of shitty authors...

    Happiness is within reach!
  • GrisloGrislo Registered User regular
    MegaMan001 wrote: »
    Uh, anyone wanna give that some context?


    Man, what?

    Pretending not to be intimately familiar with the poetry of Ernest Cline.


    Mega Man.
    100% kidding, sorry.

    Mega Man.

    This post was sponsored by Tom Cruise.
  • Styrofoam SammichStyrofoam Sammich WANT. normal (not weird)Registered User regular
    edited July 10
    Grislo wrote: »
    Garthor wrote: »
    There isn't really a "turn", it's just a lot of people being upset that it's bad in a way that THEY take exception to, rather than bad in one of the socially acceptable (pro-torture, pro-racism, anti-democracy) ways.

    Or I guess what I'm saying is: there's MUCH worse.

    I think it's high time someone took a pro-Ernest Cline turn on this forum, and I'd like to support your effort. Fuck yeah, it's not that bad - like, look at the horrible shit people post with no shame - how can Ready Player One be as bad as this (and therefore good???):

    I've ...resorted to ... dwelling ... in...a...gargantuan ... Battlestar. I call ..Latin .. and four eyes ... come in all shapes and sizes. My ... brethren.. desperately ... help ...and...tell me the name of...home

    Keep fighting the good fight!

    Now, if I only knew who wrote that terrible poem that makes Ernest Cline look great in comparison. Oh well.

    Seems fine I like space horror

    Styrofoam Sammich on
  • HacksawHacksaw J. Duggan Esq. Wrestler at LawRegistered User regular
    And here I thought I couldn't despise his writing any more than I already did. It seems I was wrong!

  • Captain InertiaCaptain Inertia Central OhioRegistered User regular
    MegaMan001 wrote: »
    Uh, anyone wanna give that some context?


    Man, what?

    Ernest Cline can’t be that bad when there’s shit like that posted somewhere, u know?

  • NeveronNeveron HellValleySkyTree SwedenRegistered User regular
    MegaMan001 wrote: »
    Uh, anyone wanna give that some context?


    Man, what?

    I believe that's an excerpt from Ernest Cline's 2001 collection of his spoken-word slam poetry, The Importance of Being Ernest. It got a second edition in 2013 after the success of Ready Player One.

    Ernest Cline is a poet, basically a modern-day James Joyce. One can but wonder what fascinating tidbits a hypothetical Letters of Ernest Cline will give us a century from now.

  • BlackDragon480BlackDragon480 Bluster Kerfuffle Master of Windy ImportRegistered User regular
    Neveron wrote: »
    MegaMan001 wrote: »
    Uh, anyone wanna give that some context?


    Man, what?

    Ernest Cline is a poet, basically a modern-day James Joyce. One can but wonder what fascinating tidbits a hypothetical Letters of Ernest Cline will give us a century from now.

    I have a different (though equally likely to be looked upon as epochal) proposition, I beat EC to death with a copy of Finnigan's Wake

    No matter where you go...there you are.
    ~ Buckaroo Banzai
  • Captain InertiaCaptain Inertia Central OhioRegistered User regular
    Is that really Ernest Cline or y’all yankin our chains

  • Captain InertiaCaptain Inertia Central OhioRegistered User regular


    Oh fuck you

  • Librarian's ghostLibrarian's ghost Librarian, Ghostbuster, and TimSpork Registered User regular
    edited July 10
    Neveron wrote: »
    MegaMan001 wrote: »
    Uh, anyone wanna give that some context?


    Man, what?

    Ernest Cline is a poet, basically a modern-day James Joyce. One can but wonder what fascinating tidbits a hypothetical Letters of Ernest Cline will give us a century from now.

    I have a different (though equally likely to be looked upon as epochal) proposition, I beat EC to death with a copy of Finnigan's Wake

    I’d recommended Ulysses. It is a bit thicker.

    Librarian's ghost on
    (Switch Friend Code) SW-4910-9735-6014(PSN) timspork (Steam) timspork (XBox) Timspork

  • I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    i think too much attention is paid to ernest cline's 80s and not enough is paid to ernest cline's poetry

    i told you

  • minor incidentminor incident expert in a dying field njRegistered User regular
    Neveron wrote: »
    MegaMan001 wrote: »
    Uh, anyone wanna give that some context?


    Man, what?

    Ernest Cline is a poet, basically a modern-day James Joyce. One can but wonder what fascinating tidbits a hypothetical Letters of Ernest Cline will give us a century from now.

    I have a different (though equally likely to be looked upon as epochal) proposition, I beat EC to death with a copy of Finnigan's Wake

    I’d recommended Ulysses. It is a bit thicker.

    never ends, it just loops around, yeah but with Finnegan's Wake the beating

    Ah, it stinks, it sucks, it's anthropologically unjust
  • NeveronNeveron HellValleySkyTree SwedenRegistered User regular
    Neveron wrote: »
    MegaMan001 wrote: »
    Uh, anyone wanna give that some context?


    Man, what?

    Ernest Cline is a poet, basically a modern-day James Joyce. One can but wonder what fascinating tidbits a hypothetical Letters of Ernest Cline will give us a century from now.

    I have a different (though equally likely to be looked upon as epochal) proposition, I beat EC to death with a copy of Finnigan's Wake

    But then how will we read the posthumous letters addressed to his dirty little farting fuckbird?

  • JokermanJokerman Everything EverywhereRegistered User regular

This discussion has been closed.