I don't like that the 2024 movie is called "the crow", but in isolation, its not a terrible movie. It's another artsy sad story about a zombie in love. It "sounds" similar to the 1994 Brandon Lee headstone movie "the crow", but the 1994 movie is as much a call to the styles of the 90's dark/irreverence as is this 2024 one to "it's" generation, likely more enjoyable by such generation, but they shouldn't have used the same name... I like both. I loved 1994's version when it came out, I can still quote it, I kind like the 2024 one, but I couldn't quote it in a decade or two.
I remember going to see that when it came out. Didn't need remaking. It's a story complete.
Story complete? In Hollywood? Nah! There's always room for standalone sequels~
the last two movies were in straight to VHS, and maybe the modern reimaging would have fared better if it went straight to streaming? IDK. I haven't watched it yet, don't really plan to either.
tastydonuts on
“I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
I think I can beat a plastic rectangle in a straight fight
I can't even play CDs in my flat, what's a VHS going to do, flop about menacingly?
MHWilds ID: JF9LL8L3
And the venue in that situation only rips you off on the cost of food and drinks if you *want* it to.
Magnets. Lots of magnets.
Steam Profile
3DS: 3454-0268-5595 Battle.net: SteelAngel#1772
Oof. They may as well have included a link to a list of burn wards with that one.
-Tycho Brahe
Story complete? In Hollywood? Nah! There's always room for standalone sequels~
the last two movies were in straight to VHS, and maybe the modern reimaging would have fared better if it went straight to streaming? IDK. I haven't watched it yet, don't really plan to either.