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Penny Arcade - Comic - Direct To The Grave

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin

Direct To The Grave!

Penny Arcade - Comic - Direct To The Grave

Videogaming-related online strip by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins. Includes news and commentary.

Read the full story here


  • LttlefootLttlefoot Registered User regular
    But what if the VHS tape comes back from the dead and wants revenge?

  • Rhesus PositiveRhesus Positive GNU Terry Pratchett Registered User regular
    Lttlefoot wrote: »
    But what if the VHS tape comes back from the dead and wants revenge?

    I think I can beat a plastic rectangle in a straight fight

    I can't even play CDs in my flat, what's a VHS going to do, flop about menacingly?

    [Muffled sounds of gorilla violence]
  • palidine40palidine40 Registered User regular
    I don't like that the 2024 movie is called "the crow", but in isolation, its not a terrible movie. It's another artsy sad story about a zombie in love. It "sounds" similar to the 1994 Brandon Lee headstone movie "the crow", but the 1994 movie is as much a call to the styles of the 90's dark/irreverence as is this 2024 one to "it's" generation, likely more enjoyable by such generation, but they shouldn't have used the same name... I like both. I loved 1994's version when it came out, I can still quote it, I kind like the 2024 one, but I couldn't quote it in a decade or two.

  • Hahnsoo1Hahnsoo1 Make Ready. We Hunt.Registered User, Moderator, Administrator admin
    I like when the dude died, got back up, and said "It's crowin' time".

    MHWilds ID: JF9LL8L3
  • OverkillengineOverkillengine Registered User regular
    "I can hate it in the comfort of my own home"

    And the venue in that situation only rips you off on the cost of food and drinks if you *want* it to.

  • darkmayodarkmayo Registered User regular
    Hahnsoo1 wrote: »
    I like when the dude died, got back up, and said "It's crowin' time".

    KA KAW!

    Switch SW-6182-1526-0041
  • palidine40palidine40 Registered User regular
    darkmayo wrote: »
    Hahnsoo1 wrote: »
    I like when the dude died, got back up, and said "It's crowin' time".

    KA KAW!

    "BANG, F*** I'M DEAD"

  • MichaelLCMichaelLC In what furnace was thy brain? ChicagoRegistered User regular
    Lttlefoot wrote: »
    But what if the VHS tape comes back from the dead and wants revenge?

    Magnets. Lots of magnets.

  • Steel AngelSteel Angel Registered User regular
    Alex Proyas, the director of the original movie, was against the remake and has posted the following on Facebook after it bombed:
    I thought the remake was a cynical cash-grab. Not much cash to grab it seem

    Big Dookie wrote: »
    I found that tilting it doesn't work very well, and once I started jerking it, I got much better results.

    Steam Profile
    3DS: 3454-0268-5595 SteelAngel#1772
  • OverkillengineOverkillengine Registered User regular
    Alex Proyas, the director of the original movie, was against the remake and has posted the following on Facebook after it bombed:
    I thought the remake was a cynical cash-grab. Not much cash to grab it seem

    Oof. They may as well have included a link to a list of burn wards with that one.

  • V1mV1m Registered User regular
    I remember going to see that when it came out. Didn't need remaking. It's a story complete.

  • MarcinMNMarcinMN Registered User regular
    The best Crow was Crow T. Robot anyway.

    "It's just as I've always said. We are being digested by an amoral universe."

    -Tycho Brahe
  • dennisdennis aka bingley Registered User regular
    Alex Proyas, director of The Crow, Dark City, I, Robot and Gods of Egypt. Guy has some gems and some real oofs.

  • tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    edited September 2024
    V1m wrote: »
    I remember going to see that when it came out. Didn't need remaking. It's a story complete.

    Story complete? In Hollywood? Nah! There's always room for standalone sequels~


    the last two movies were in straight to VHS, and maybe the modern reimaging would have fared better if it went straight to streaming? IDK. I haven't watched it yet, don't really plan to either.

    tastydonuts on
    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
  • dennisdennis aka bingley Registered User regular
    Yeah, it's far too late to be saying anything is tarnishing The Crow's legacy. Even if it's terrible.

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