There's this weird misconception that midichlorians are like a germ that's in your bloodstream. They're in your cells, all of them. The ones in the Force sensitive xenomorph's blood aren't just floating in the acidic blood, they're part of the acidic blood cells. The name's resemblance to to mitochondria is not coincidental.
KoopahTroopahThe koopas, the troopas.Philadelphia, PARegistered Userregular
There's this weird misconception that midichlorians are like a germ that's in your bloodstream. They're in your cells, all of them. The ones in the Force sensitive xenomorph's blood aren't just floating in the acidic blood, they're part of the acidic blood cells. The name's resemblance to to mitochondria is not coincidental.
Another misconception is that the midichlorians are what gives you Force sensitivity. They're a measurable secondary effect of Force sensitivity. Just getting some midichlorians from somewhere doesn't make you Force sensitive. The xenomorph would be force sensitive because xenomorphs gain physiological traits from their host, and from the hereditary tendency seen in force sensitivity there's clearly some biological components that the xenomorph could take on during incubation.
What if a facehugger implanted a jedi? Could the resulting chestburster become a Force-sensitive xenomorph?
Asking the big questions that need answering, right here.
That's been the prevailing wisdom since the Internet was born. Decades later, it's still worth teaching.
I'm afraid the answer is yes If midichlorian are a thing,
And if so, that also means it can result in facehuggers that can Jedi-Mind Trick you...
Looks at comic again.
Shit. Already has.
There's this weird misconception that midichlorians are like a germ that's in your bloodstream. They're in your cells, all of them. The ones in the Force sensitive xenomorph's blood aren't just floating in the acidic blood, they're part of the acidic blood cells. The name's resemblance to to mitochondria is not coincidental.
Straight to jail.
Another misconception is that the midichlorians are what gives you Force sensitivity. They're a measurable secondary effect of Force sensitivity. Just getting some midichlorians from somewhere doesn't make you Force sensitive. The xenomorph would be force sensitive because xenomorphs gain physiological traits from their host, and from the hereditary tendency seen in force sensitivity there's clearly some biological components that the xenomorph could take on during incubation.