the WEED thread for WEEDHEADS

Jarvis, load me up a bong and let's get 420fied

I'm trying to smoke a pipe, like Mario!

Tokemon?? Now that's one thing I'd like to catch em all of!
I actually am trying to quit weed or at the very least reduce my usage as I found out I have hyperthyroidism and that lowers my thyroid levels to an unacceptable amount basically nothing so on the doctor's orders I have reduced my weed smoking but I do worry about my dependency as far as using it to sleep and eat and the fact that I've been smoking for over half my life at this point Who knows what other effects it has had on me

Damn now that's one slushie I'd like to drink!!
anyway I've got all these healthy hobbies and events on my calendar. Just need to knuckle down
thank god I'm not addicted to the WEED-duh
and the gengars who are guiding me" -- W.S. Merwin
What is adult life but continuously casting off unhelpful and acquiring new imperfect coping mechanisms to new circumstances as we change
I feel kinda the same these days. Egh.
Absolutely not, no one wants to chew on ditch weed dinner
You'd need an oil or something
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They hit like a truck and are super easy but you end up eating a lot of weed, they are super dry and grainy haha
Hell though I wish the oil based vape pens tasted and smelled better
I mean I kinda like the smell of weed flower but most people don't. Shit though I enjoy patchouli also so my olfactory preferences are weird to most people.
Makes a little weed go a long way.
It doesn't taste especially plant like and is easy to add to baked good.
Really? Try the pearls from Gron if you can get them at your local place. Thet are extremely consistent.
The random gummies before dispensaries were all over the place and always claimed to be like 50mg per and were never anywhere close.
But the dispensary seems to be listed pretty well.
But yea i dont get anything but the pearls anymore. Good flavor, good variety of types, very consistent.
The first time I tried cannabis was a weed-infused chocolate bar and, honestly, the weed taste it had was actually pleasant
Just had to remind myself not to eat the whole thing in one sitting
I'll keep an eye out and give it a try if I have some extra spending money. I've settled in to pretty much only buying 3CHI as they've never given me any problems and has always been a mellow, wind down relaxing high.