This years PAX is going to be my first. I have heard that in the past, you have had warcraft 3 tournaments. What's the word on this year? Is it part bringing your own computer?
p4p4 on
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited June 2007
BYOC is rife with unofficial tourneys run by some of the attendees. If you're doing BYOC and want to run a Warcraft 3 tourney, go for it.
BYOC is rife with unofficial tourneys run by some of the attendees. If you're doing BYOC and want to run a Warcraft 3 tourney, go for it.
Every BYOC event currently planned is going to be organized and coordinated by PAX and/or Infernalan Staff. This includes every event I've talked about.
But, yes, not only are we open to attendee run tournaments and/or contests, we welcome it. PM me and we can help.
DOTA would be fun. BigRed won't allow any tournaments though. Because he doesn't know how to play.
Dude, it should be a tournament this year. Leave it to a power hungry dictator who knows nothing about games to take charge of BYOC.
hahaha sweet, power hungry dictator who knows nothing about games.
Tournaments are already decided so it wont be a tourney this year.
If you want to run an unofficial tourney then have at it, We can support you with ladders and announcements and such but the majority of the burden would be on you. If you dont, then well... There wont be a dota tourney, unless someone setps up and runs one for BYOC.
3 reasons it wont be an official PAX tourney:
Ever run a DOTA tourney before? I have. Unless its completely one sided (pros vs n00bs) the games last quite a bit of time. The majority of the Matches of the dota tourney I ran at a 400 person Lan were lasting upward of 1.5-2h. It took way too long. Yes that was shortmode.
At an event like pax, things cant take that long. People will lose interest cause theres something else they want to go see (an event/pannel/expo/concert/etc).
This is why we didnt do supreme commander as a tournament. as well (as well as what Ill say in #2).
This one you cant really argue with. DOTA isnt mainstream. The pax tourneys are more geared toward the casual gamer (Hence HL2dm). DOTA isnt n00b friendly at all and the people who just want to have fun... wont. The majory of people will go... whats dot-a? :P
We are shooting for newer games as tournaments and doing things differently rather than sticking with older more "professional gaming" oriented games/tourneys/rules. This isnt CAL, This is PAX. Everything is more oriented toward the casual gamer.
If you have any other questions for this power hungry dictator go ahead and ask, or if you want to step up and run a dota tourney I may even be able to lend a hand with it during pax.
If anyone has an idea on how to run a decent DOTA tournament and/or contest exclusively for BYOC participants (so we don't tie up freeplay/tournament systems) in a reasonable (a couple hours) amount of time, I think you'll find us very open to the prospect.
We just don't want to spend 6+ hours for something other than the main tournaments.
Dude, it should be a tournament this year. Leave it to a I think that people would glady spend eight hours watching and waiting on a non-spectator friendly game, when there's plenty of other things to do at PAX.
Calling out staff won't get anything done for you. Thinking outside of the box and offering helpful suggestions will.
The way I figure a PAX-friendly DotA tournament would be operated is as follows:
Have only the finals/semi-finals at the convention itself. Preliminaries and group play will be handled externally, on, GGClient, or Hamachi with a neutral host. Replays will be sent to proper tournament officiation for recordkeeping.
The benefit of having the majority of the tournament take place outside of PAX is that all the time constraints that would factor in to running a full-blown PAX tournament wouldn't be a problem. In fact, we may be able to do world cup style group play in order to establish power seeding and bye rounds.
In the semis/finals we could actually impose a 90 minute or two hour time limit, with a sort of scorekeeping that would reflect the skill of the dota players. I'm thinking like, if the throne/world tree isn't destroyed in 90 minutes/two hours then compare the number of towers still standing. The team with the most towers still left standing wins. If all towers are down, then compare barracks still standing.
If there's a tie in that case (both sides have mega creeps, all towers are down and home bases are still standing) then you can go ahead and compare kills (not deaths - there are a lot of ways to manipulate that stat that wouldn't make it conducive to scoring), highest total number of kills wins.
If THAT'S tied, go into the endgame summary unit scorebox, and add up and compare the scores between teams (barring actual sent/scourge scores).
Pretty tedious stuff, and as much as I love DotA, I don't see this being a potentially big draw for spectators or players alike. I mean seriously, a game lasts about an hour on average, right? Of those 60 minutes, a total of five... maybe ten... are spent in direct confrontation (that's actually a RISK) to both teams. Everything else is too subtle to notice. That's an awful lot of empty gameplay, and your amazing orbwalking, last-hit, and deny skills will not grab massive "ooh" and "ahh" responses from the crowd.
Also, how are you gonna deal with prizing if it's an official tournament? You either have five dudes able to buy out the entire table, or five dudes who can't buy crap. Most of those gifts aren't conducive to sharing, so pooling points together ain't so hot.
That's an interesting idea, ndruo. I haven't responded not because I haven't paid attention, but because I'm still thinking about it.
And I still am, really, but I wanted to thank you for the suggestion. I think something like that could potentially have a home in the various BYOC Exclusive events.
I still find it humorous that people can take pokes at the tournaments or why there wont be a game as an official tournament but when we ask them to step up and run an unofficial one they disappear.
They could just not be going to BYOC. In which case that A reason, not a good one. Anyways you guys are doing a good job for sure. I didn't even play in a tourney last year and had a sweet time, just cause BYOC was such a relaxing place to be. The BYOC tourney list is pretty awesome too. Me and my buddies are totally going to be playing alot of random crap before pax. As for official tourneys, I might play in the BF2 one, but fully expect to get eliminated right away, since I have never played anything but demo, and my team will consist of maybe one person who actually played the game for any amount of time. That and we still need to find at least 2 others. I guess the only reason I'm going in the tourney is the same reason we entered a cs tournament with a $750 first prize at a small 100 man lan and our entire team used dance pads for movement.
I'll play games I hate, if I can think of a way to have fun.
I guess the only reason I'm going in the tourney is the same reason we entered a cs tournament with a $750 first prize at a small 100 man lan and our entire team used dance pads for movement.
there's a video kicking around somewhere. That was like 5 years ago and was the last time i used my dance pads until i broke them out last weekend. I'd bring them to pax since they are crappy ones you can fold up, but if its unlikely we'd have the space to break them out for something and we already are taking 3 computer systems from victoria, bc to seattle and picking up a 4th system to take to pax :P so space is an issue either way.
Oh ya and the three people from victoria were obviously on that ddcs team
You know, DOTA could be spectator friendly! if you guys been to Korea, they have (I KID YOU NOT) professional Starcraft commentators who are up to date with all the general strats and moves. its damn entertaining!
Another way of shortening dota is to have have special rules, every 2 minutes each character must spend 10s attacking a tower, every 8 minutes everyone must only move forward, penalities for breaking the rules.
Did you guys say DOTA....? GROSS! lolz Anything but that! Parasite, Aliens 2, Naruto Wars, other games like DOTA that are not DOTA. lol!
Very insightful.
DOTA wont be an official PAX tournament. If anyone wants to step up to run an unofficial BYOC-Only one that would be great, we could support you with ladders and such, and possibly some swag for prizes.
Fine, I will step up to the motherfucking plate and be in charge of the unofficial DOTA tournament. I would appreciate any assistance BigRed regarding this matter. I think the help you mentioned below would suffice. Prizes, ladders...ect. I will bust out the rules and such tonight and a team sign-up sheet.
Type: Elimination
Map Time Limit: 60 Minutes per match
Mods: All Pick (-ap)
Map: DotA Allstars v6.37
Competition Method: 3 V.S. 3
1. Winning: Maximum game time is set as 60 minutes. Completely destroy the tree or the throne of your opponent or your opponent concedes the game. If not, the point will be awarded as following to decide the winner.
Each barrack broke = 8 points
Each tower broke = 5 points
Each hero kill = 1 points
If the score is the same, then the match will be considerd a DRAW!
2. Game will start with a coin toss. The team which wins the coin toss will choose the first hero. The other team will choose the side (Sentinel/Scourge).After their first hero is selected the selection of hero will be passed over to the other team. This process will repeat till both teams selected their five heroes. The Game Marshall (T.G.M.) will record down the heroes selected by both teams.
3. Quarter Final, Semi Final and Final: 1 game, all pick (-ap), no time limit. Completely destroy the tree or the throne of your opponent or your opponent concedes the game will be the winner.
4. Gamers must report to the respective game zone 10 minute before the match. Participants who are late for more than 10 minutes will be disqualified.
5. Abusive behavior towards the staff will result a permanent ban. And no foul language to the opponents.
6. The Game Marshal has the authority to take disciplinary actions, as from the moment he enters the field of play until he leaves the field of play after the final whistle.
7. Once fixtures are fixed, neither delayed nor postponed will be allowed. Team who failed to show up during the match day will consider as LOSS.
8. Dress Code: Minimum dress code should be T-shirts & Jeans/Pants/Shorts with something on your feet. Anything less would be uncivilized.
Game Rules:
1. The following may be bought and used by the entire team, but not sold to transfer gold:
i. Potions of Lesser Clarity,
ii. Flask of Water
iii. Observer Wards,
iv. Sentry Ward
v. Gem of True Sight
vi. Ancient Tango of Essification
vii. Scroll of Town Portal
2. Only two Mekanism per team (Warning or Game Loss or Disqualification):
3. Only one Necronomicon per team (Warning or Game Loss or Disqualification):
4. No control sharing.
5. Backdooring is allowed.
6. Creep blocking is not allowed but creep slowing is allowed. (Warning or Game Loss or Disqualification):
7. Trapping enemies in trees intentionally is not allowed. (Warning or Game Loss or Disqualification):
8. No foul language to the opponent or Game Marshal. (Warning or Game Loss or Disqualification):
9. Player could immediately inform the Game Marshall if he/she found out that they have made a wrong item. An immediate surrender of the fault will be handled by game marshal accordingly. (Warning or Point Deduction).
10. We seek everyones cooperation on the rules and hope by implying the rules to the tournament, everyone can have a fair game and most important, have fun.
-If the game hangs, do not change anything and leave the screen as it is. Pause the game and notify the referee immediately.
-Players must be save every 15 minutes
-If any players are disconnected within 10 minutes after game starts then the game has to restart.
-If any players are disconnected 10 min after game starts then the game will continue. The game will be reloaded from the last save game.
-If all players' systems hang or the game cannot continue because the majority of the players within the same game experience a game hang, the referee can decide to restart the game or award a win to either team
Unfair Play (Warning or Game Loss or Disqualification)
1) Use of any map hack program
2) Intentional disconnection
3) Abuse of any game bugs : No Exploitation of any known old or new bug discovered during play. Explanations like exploiting/activating the bug unknowingly, we had no idea this bug existed? or similar excuses will not be entertained. Participants/Teams are expected to know what these are.
Examples of Bugs:
Earthshaker using Fissure to target out of the edge of the map. Results in a fatal error in some instances. Any players found doing this will be disqualified. Black King Bar cannot be shifted or dropped. Any players found doing this will be disqualified.
4) During the course of any match, the operations staff and/or referee may determine other actions to be unfair play at any time.
Unfair Game play may lead to a warning or game loss in which the decisions will be made by and not limited to the referee in charge. These rules are subject to modification by the organizers at anytime.
Warning: After warning is given games goes on. If three warnings are accumulated then the team will be ejected from the tournament upon receiving the third warning.
Point Deduction: Team that has violated the rules and regulation will be penalized. The final decision will be decided by the Organizing Committee.
Game Loss: Game loss given to a team mean the team loses the current game no matter what is the result of that game. A win would be awarded to opponent instead.
Disqualifications: A team disqualified will be ejected from the tournament. They will not be able to continue further in the current event.
** Players who would like to contact us for further inquiries, you can contact me through my e-mail which is**
I suggest a reduction to a 3v3 game or else you wont get that many teams playing.
Also... trapping of inside trees. What about the hero (forget his name) that has the spell that surrounds the player in trees? Or do you mean teleporting others inside of the forest?
Allow me to teleporting or yanking other players into a mess of trees from which they can never escape. I can admit it's a funny way to kill someone...but it's a douche' bag move. Therefore Illegal! The prophet (whom you are referring to) can surround a person in trees as an's his twisted version of a stun. Which is legal.
So you would rather split up teams after they are made than just do a 3v3 to start with? You wont get but a few teams with a 5v5 tournament.
I also know quite a bit more about dota than dave.
With a 3v3 tournament ill wager youd get at least 5 teams, which would make for a decent tournament rather than a 3 team tourney.
Just wondering about the control sharing, just wondering about the reasoning for that. Usually when I play on teams we share control for chickens. Just curious not trying to flame or anything :S
Well there are a few reasons. The major one for me being:
Some players are better than others and sometimes if a n00b has a problem with the hero he picked (especially if it's a good hero) then a more skilled player may ask to take it over during a push or attack to gain a tactical advantage. It's just a matter of holding everyone accountable and staying true to their own skill level.
Oh wow, I was perfectly sure I was okay with missing BYOC and then this comes about.
Well I guess I'll just have to see if I can use someones rig during the event or something.
Sorry, guests are not allowed into BYOC.
If you want to play in this then you can bring your laptop/computer and hope that theres enough noshows where we start selling empty seats, or try and get a BYOC ticket on the forums here from someone selling it.
I am the new official Admin for the tournament and will take it from here. All questions forwarded to me. I have all the previous details from the past admin. Thank you.
There was in the past but each year we are trying for newer and newer games.
So it was replaced by the much newer and much more popular HL2: Deathmatch :P
Another RTS is taking wc3's place.
Stay tuned to the BYOC stickies.
But, yes, not only are we open to attendee run tournaments and/or contests, we welcome it. PM me and we can help.
Organize as many games of DOTA that you like :P
Dude, it should be a tournament this year. Leave it to a power hungry dictator who knows nothing about games to take charge of BYOC.
I think you're being a bit too harsh.
hahaha sweet, power hungry dictator who knows nothing about games.
Tournaments are already decided so it wont be a tourney this year.
If you want to run an unofficial tourney then have at it, We can support you with ladders and announcements and such but the majority of the burden would be on you. If you dont, then well... There wont be a dota tourney, unless someone setps up and runs one for BYOC.
3 reasons it wont be an official PAX tourney:
Ever run a DOTA tourney before? I have. Unless its completely one sided (pros vs n00bs) the games last quite a bit of time. The majority of the Matches of the dota tourney I ran at a 400 person Lan were lasting upward of 1.5-2h. It took way too long. Yes that was shortmode.
At an event like pax, things cant take that long. People will lose interest cause theres something else they want to go see (an event/pannel/expo/concert/etc).
This is why we didnt do supreme commander as a tournament. as well (as well as what Ill say in #2).
This one you cant really argue with. DOTA isnt mainstream. The pax tourneys are more geared toward the casual gamer (Hence HL2dm). DOTA isnt n00b friendly at all and the people who just want to have fun... wont. The majory of people will go... whats dot-a? :P
We are shooting for newer games as tournaments and doing things differently rather than sticking with older more "professional gaming" oriented games/tourneys/rules. This isnt CAL, This is PAX. Everything is more oriented toward the casual gamer.
If you have any other questions for this power hungry dictator go ahead and ask, or if you want to step up and run a dota tourney I may even be able to lend a hand with it during pax.
We just don't want to spend 6+ hours for something other than the main tournaments.
Calling out staff won't get anything done for you. Thinking outside of the box and offering helpful suggestions will.
The way I figure a PAX-friendly DotA tournament would be operated is as follows:
Have only the finals/semi-finals at the convention itself. Preliminaries and group play will be handled externally, on, GGClient, or Hamachi with a neutral host. Replays will be sent to proper tournament officiation for recordkeeping.
The benefit of having the majority of the tournament take place outside of PAX is that all the time constraints that would factor in to running a full-blown PAX tournament wouldn't be a problem. In fact, we may be able to do world cup style group play in order to establish power seeding and bye rounds.
In the semis/finals we could actually impose a 90 minute or two hour time limit, with a sort of scorekeeping that would reflect the skill of the dota players. I'm thinking like, if the throne/world tree isn't destroyed in 90 minutes/two hours then compare the number of towers still standing. The team with the most towers still left standing wins. If all towers are down, then compare barracks still standing.
If there's a tie in that case (both sides have mega creeps, all towers are down and home bases are still standing) then you can go ahead and compare kills (not deaths - there are a lot of ways to manipulate that stat that wouldn't make it conducive to scoring), highest total number of kills wins.
If THAT'S tied, go into the endgame summary unit scorebox, and add up and compare the scores between teams (barring actual sent/scourge scores).
Pretty tedious stuff, and as much as I love DotA, I don't see this being a potentially big draw for spectators or players alike. I mean seriously, a game lasts about an hour on average, right? Of those 60 minutes, a total of five... maybe ten... are spent in direct confrontation (that's actually a RISK) to both teams. Everything else is too subtle to notice. That's an awful lot of empty gameplay, and your amazing orbwalking, last-hit, and deny skills will not grab massive "ooh" and "ahh" responses from the crowd.
Also, how are you gonna deal with prizing if it's an official tournament? You either have five dudes able to buy out the entire table, or five dudes who can't buy crap. Most of those gifts aren't conducive to sharing, so pooling points together ain't so hot.
And I still am, really, but I wanted to thank you for the suggestion. I think something like that could potentially have a home in the various BYOC Exclusive events.
How many BYOC people would be interested in that?
I'll play games I hate, if I can think of a way to have fun.
Fun is what this is about after all isn't it?
That's completely awesome!
Oh ya and the three people from victoria were obviously on that ddcs team
Another way of shortening dota is to have have special rules, every 2 minutes each character must spend 10s attacking a tower, every 8 minutes everyone must only move forward, penalities for breaking the rules.
just food for thought.
Very insightful.
DOTA wont be an official PAX tournament. If anyone wants to step up to run an unofficial BYOC-Only one that would be great, we could support you with ladders and such, and possibly some swag for prizes.
Type: Elimination
Map Time Limit: 60 Minutes per match
Mods: All Pick (-ap)
Map: DotA Allstars v6.37
Competition Method: 3 V.S. 3
1. Winning: Maximum game time is set as 60 minutes. Completely destroy the tree or the throne of your opponent or your opponent concedes the game. If not, the point will be awarded as following to decide the winner.
Each barrack broke = 8 points
Each tower broke = 5 points
Each hero kill = 1 points
If the score is the same, then the match will be considerd a DRAW!
2. Game will start with a coin toss. The team which wins the coin toss will choose the first hero. The other team will choose the side (Sentinel/Scourge).After their first hero is selected the selection of hero will be passed over to the other team. This process will repeat till both teams selected their five heroes. The Game Marshall (T.G.M.) will record down the heroes selected by both teams.
3. Quarter Final, Semi Final and Final: 1 game, all pick (-ap), no time limit. Completely destroy the tree or the throne of your opponent or your opponent concedes the game will be the winner.
4. Gamers must report to the respective game zone 10 minute before the match. Participants who are late for more than 10 minutes will be disqualified.
5. Abusive behavior towards the staff will result a permanent ban. And no foul language to the opponents.
6. The Game Marshal has the authority to take disciplinary actions, as from the moment he enters the field of play until he leaves the field of play after the final whistle.
7. Once fixtures are fixed, neither delayed nor postponed will be allowed. Team who failed to show up during the match day will consider as LOSS.
8. Dress Code: Minimum dress code should be T-shirts & Jeans/Pants/Shorts with something on your feet. Anything less would be uncivilized.
Game Rules:
1. The following may be bought and used by the entire team, but not sold to transfer gold:
i. Potions of Lesser Clarity,
ii. Flask of Water
iii. Observer Wards,
iv. Sentry Ward
v. Gem of True Sight
vi. Ancient Tango of Essification
vii. Scroll of Town Portal
2. Only two Mekanism per team (Warning or Game Loss or Disqualification):
3. Only one Necronomicon per team (Warning or Game Loss or Disqualification):
4. No control sharing.
5. Backdooring is allowed.
6. Creep blocking is not allowed but creep slowing is allowed. (Warning or Game Loss or Disqualification):
7. Trapping enemies in trees intentionally is not allowed. (Warning or Game Loss or Disqualification):
8. No foul language to the opponent or Game Marshal. (Warning or Game Loss or Disqualification):
9. Player could immediately inform the Game Marshall if he/she found out that they have made a wrong item. An immediate surrender of the fault will be handled by game marshal accordingly. (Warning or Point Deduction).
10. We seek everyones cooperation on the rules and hope by implying the rules to the tournament, everyone can have a fair game and most important, have fun.
-If the game hangs, do not change anything and leave the screen as it is. Pause the game and notify the referee immediately.
-Players must be save every 15 minutes
-If any players are disconnected within 10 minutes after game starts then the game has to restart.
-If any players are disconnected 10 min after game starts then the game will continue. The game will be reloaded from the last save game.
-If all players' systems hang or the game cannot continue because the majority of the players within the same game experience a game hang, the referee can decide to restart the game or award a win to either team
Unfair Play (Warning or Game Loss or Disqualification)
1) Use of any map hack program
2) Intentional disconnection
3) Abuse of any game bugs : No Exploitation of any known old or new bug discovered during play. Explanations like exploiting/activating the bug unknowingly, we had no idea this bug existed? or similar excuses will not be entertained. Participants/Teams are expected to know what these are.
Examples of Bugs:
Earthshaker using Fissure to target out of the edge of the map. Results in a fatal error in some instances. Any players found doing this will be disqualified. Black King Bar cannot be shifted or dropped. Any players found doing this will be disqualified.
4) During the course of any match, the operations staff and/or referee may determine other actions to be unfair play at any time.
Unfair Game play may lead to a warning or game loss in which the decisions will be made by and not limited to the referee in charge. These rules are subject to modification by the organizers at anytime.
Warning: After warning is given games goes on. If three warnings are accumulated then the team will be ejected from the tournament upon receiving the third warning.
Point Deduction: Team that has violated the rules and regulation will be penalized. The final decision will be decided by the Organizing Committee.
Game Loss: Game loss given to a team mean the team loses the current game no matter what is the result of that game. A win would be awarded to opponent instead.
Disqualifications: A team disqualified will be ejected from the tournament. They will not be able to continue further in the current event.
** Players who would like to contact us for further inquiries, you can contact me through my e-mail which is**
Format should look like this:
Team Name: ___________
Player 1:__________ (Team Leader/Representative)
Player 2:__________
Player 3:__________
Also... trapping of inside trees. What about the hero (forget his name) that has the spell that surrounds the player in trees? Or do you mean teleporting others inside of the forest?
So you would rather split up teams after they are made than just do a 3v3 to start with? You wont get but a few teams with a 5v5 tournament.
I also know quite a bit more about dota than dave.
With a 3v3 tournament ill wager youd get at least 5 teams, which would make for a decent tournament rather than a 3 team tourney.
Just wondering about the control sharing, just wondering about the reasoning for that. Usually when I play on teams we share control for chickens. Just curious not trying to flame or anything :S
Some players are better than others and sometimes if a n00b has a problem with the hero he picked (especially if it's a good hero) then a more skilled player may ask to take it over during a push or attack to gain a tactical advantage. It's just a matter of holding everyone accountable and staying true to their own skill level.
We have an accord. And to show you that I am not entirely without compromise, I have reduced the team size.
Well I guess I'll just have to see if I can use someones rig during the event or something.
Sorry, guests are not allowed into BYOC.
If you want to play in this then you can bring your laptop/computer and hope that theres enough noshows where we start selling empty seats, or try and get a BYOC ticket on the forums here from someone selling it.