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Counter-Strike: Source Tournament

ghrogghrog Registered User regular
edited March 2005 in PAX Archive
Right now this is a tentative, suggested schedule for the CSS tournament for PAX 05':

Friday, late evening: Quads (groups of 4, round robin). Depending on how many teams participate; one or two teams will move on to the bracket of 16 (or 32 if there is a large turnout).

Saturday: Round of 16, Round of 8, Quarters, Semi-Finals

Sunday: Final Round

The main reason for doing Quads if to allow all teams to participate in at least 3 rounds. It also quickly separates the haves and have-nots, while allowing everyone to be a part of the action. Finaly, it also help with seeding teams in the bracket

CSS, and Steam, can be hard to deal with at times, this schedule would also help avoid other tournament conflict with Counter-Strike (ie delays).

DiscoDave's main concern is that because the event will be spread out over three days, and the qualifying rounds held on Friday (not the heaviest traffic day), that this will not allow some of you to participate.

What I ask of you in the forums is whether or not you like this idea. Would you like to hold this event over just one day? What other concerns do you have with this schedule? Please feel free to offer any suggestions.


PAX PC-Tournament Admin |
ghrog on


  • ShadeShade Registered User regular
    edited February 2005
    so it won't be the original groups of 5?

    I'm starting to put my team together early this year so it helps to know...

    but other than that I like it. it will help to control the tourny by starting it fri. hopefully it won't run over like last year :(

    Shade on
  • ghrogghrog Registered User regular
    edited February 2005
    Teams will be made up of five people still.

    The teams are just put into groups of 4 (four teams), and a round robin is held between all 4 teams. The top team (being determined by record), OR top two teams move onto a single elimination bracket.

    Sorry for not being more clear :).

    ghrog on
    PAX PC-Tournament Admin |
  • ShadeShade Registered User regular
    edited February 2005
    AH! :D

    Shade on
  • David CoffmanDavid Coffman Registered User, PAX Staff regular
    edited February 2005
    Shade wrote:
    but other than that I like it. it will help to control the tourny by starting it fri. hopefully it won't run over like last year :(
    Every effort will be made to prevent any tournaments running significantly late.

    This is a primary goal from our standpoint...above all else, keep all tournaments as organized and controlled as humanly possible, given the setting.

    David Coffman on
  • Brass MonkeyBrass Monkey Registered User regular
    edited February 2005
    Excelllllent, i wish to participate in this "Tournement" that you are trying to set up. Just show me the mouse and keyboard, and possibly a naked girl and i will be ready to play. Also if someone would like a Ub3r |-|4X0r for a counterstrike person.... don't ask me, however if you do want a decent player i'm available because i don't know anyone going.

    Brass Monkey on
  • coolpcoolp Registered User regular
    edited February 2005
    What will the maps be? On the map list in the rules page it shows a bunch of maps that haven't been made for Source yet.

    coolp on
  • David CoffmanDavid Coffman Registered User, PAX Staff regular
    edited February 2005
    Maps haven't been determined yet. Stay tuned.

    David Coffman on
  • ShadeShade Registered User regular
    edited February 2005
    *hyperventolating* OMGORZ, N33D M4PZ, ML| 5T 5T4RT PR4CT4Z1|\|G!!!!!

    *passes out*

    Shade on
  • David CoffmanDavid Coffman Registered User, PAX Staff regular
    edited February 2005
    Damn. I hope he's not dead. Or he at least prepaid.


    David Coffman on
  • FrowbakkFrowbakk Registered User regular
    edited February 2005
    If he's dead, can I have his orange juice?

    Frowbakk on
    Your sig was too tall.
  • AfflictionAffliction Registered User regular
    edited February 2005
    Can I bring my own mouse? I'm more comfortable with my MX700.

    Affliction on
  • leafleaf Registered User regular
    edited February 2005
  • David CoffmanDavid Coffman Registered User, PAX Staff regular
    edited February 2005
    Affliction wrote:
    Can I bring my own mouse? I'm more comfortable with my MX700.
    Personally, I'd recommend you bring your system. ;)

    But to answer your question...or, rather, to NOT answer your question, I don't personally know. There's still a lot that needs to be worked out on that end, and I'm not completely in those loops. I'm just one of the piddly byoc people. ;)

    David Coffman on
  • AfflictionAffliction Registered User regular
    edited February 2005
    DiscoDave wrote:
    Affliction wrote:
    Can I bring my own mouse? I'm more comfortable with my MX700.
    Personally, I'd recommend you bring your system. ;)
    Yeeeeaaaah, no. The van I'm going in is already filled over capacity without computers (and monitors!) coming too. Besides, mine's not exactly what you'd call "fast". Well, I guess it's okay -- Athlon XP 2500, Radeon 9600 Pro, 768MB ram -- but I'm sure whatever Lanwerx brings will shitpump it. It'd be fun, but the van thing certainly complicates things.

    Affliction on
  • David CoffmanDavid Coffman Registered User, PAX Staff regular
    edited February 2005

    You're right, don't bring your computer. Nobody's allowed to bring a computer that's faster than mine. :evil:

    David Coffman on
  • ShadeShade Registered User regular
    edited February 2005
    I'm not dead 8)

    and I'm definately bringing my comp :twisted:

    Shade on
  • AfflictionAffliction Registered User regular
    edited February 2005
    Oh yeah, headphones too! If not my mouse, I'd like to use my Zalman Theatre 6 headphones.

    Affliction on
  • ghrogghrog Registered User regular
    edited February 2005
    to get back on topic, I'm still really interested in wondering if people are willing to stay all 3 days to play in the CS tourney...

    ghrog on
    PAX PC-Tournament Admin |
  • Brass MonkeyBrass Monkey Registered User regular
    edited March 2005
    Ya i think that is risky cause some people might leave early or something. I think you could almost finish it on Sat. Else might be shitty if one of your team mates leaves on sat and you won't have enough people for sunday.

    Brass Monkey on
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