How much is 400 bucks worth in lapdances? I think i might be able to hook you up.
Ulyssesdraco on
The entirety of this post is a euphemism for Murder.
ViscountalphaThe pen is mightier than the sword Userregular
edited February 2005
It should be comparable with a flight. Mabey, slightly less then a flight but then theres the experince of having a ton of fun on the way up and on the way back. Around 200$ is acceptable.
Blessed be my tax return. Its going to pay my way to pax.
Blessed be my tax return. Its going to pay my way to pax.
You better not take a plane.
I mean, jesus.
I, on the other hand, should.
Go for it.
it wouldn't
i've driven about 6000 before, NOT FUN
still wasn't fun
but whatever
Oh, not gonna be in OR still?
And, hey, we drove from CA last year, man. Wasn't too bad.
And I drove the whole way here back in Jan. Toughen up.
if i'm in california i'll probably fly because driving is lame