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Media coverage

AfflictionAffliction Registered User regular
edited March 2005 in PAX Archive
Anyone know what kind of media coverage PAX will be getting this year? I remember hearing about the Bellevue local news being there last time and it being a minor footnote on G4, but that was basically it. Kind of dumb considering the World Cyber Games (which I heard was a complete trainwreck) got a two-page spread in PC Gamer.

Affliction on


  • ctishmanctishman Registered User regular
    edited February 2005
    Yeah, but they have 'World' in their name, so it must be important!

    ctishman on
    Get the PAX 2008 Countdown widget and while away your sad, pathetic life watching it tick down the hours to PAX '08!
  • futilityfutility Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited February 2005
    oh man g4 at pax would be awesome.

    can you imagine an entire tv network being laughed at and petled with things wherever they go.

    i bet they would show. their presence would probably fall under the cattegory of them doing all that they could to stop PA

    futility on
  • Red Machine DRed Machine D __BANNED USERS regular
    edited February 2005
    If G4 shows up, I will do my best to get some camera face time. (Shouldn't be hard, After all, I am Red Machine D.)

    If that happens, I promise to you all that I will do my best to make them feel like shit.

    "Hey, I thought Leo was supposed to come!" ...

    *to a female correspondent* "Where's Morgan Webb? She's dreamy." ...

    "Tell Tommy Tallarico that the entire state of Washington says 'fuck you'."

    and anything else that may come up.

    Barring the objections of Gabe, Tycho, and the organisers, I think it owuld be our duty to make G4 feel as unwelcome as possible.

    Red Machine D on
  • XieflowXieflow Registered User regular
    edited February 2005
    Tommy Talrico is my hero.

    Xieflow on
  • LegacyLegacy Stuck Somewhere In Cyberspace The Grid(Seattle)Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited February 2005
    I'm sure there will be more media coverage this year.

    I'm betting that nobody expected it to be big at all last year...

    Legacy on
    Can we get the chemicals in. 'Cause anything's better than this.
  • AfflictionAffliction Registered User regular
    edited February 2005
    Maybe I'll get my uncle to pull some strings and see if he can convince the CBC to send down a detatchment. They recently ran a documentary about that hysterical "EverQuest made my son kill himself" woman, and I thought it might be cool to show everyone the other side of the story of gaming, the side that involves people playing, partying and chatting together. You know, having fun and not killing each other or "exhibiting aggressive tendencies directly after playing videogames". It would certainly help to improve our image, which currently consists of an antisocial fat kid shooting himself with a .22 because his EQ girlfriend wouldn't answer his emails.

    If G4 shows up, I will do my best to get some camera face time. (Shouldn't be hard, After all, I am Red Machine D.)

    If that happens, I promise to you all that I will do my best to make them feel like shit.

    "Hey, I thought Leo was supposed to come!" ...

    *to a female correspondent* "Where's Morgan Webb? She's dreamy." ...

    "Tell Tommy Tallarico that the entire state of Washington says 'fuck you'."

    and anything else that may come up.

    Barring the objections of Gabe, Tycho, and the organisers, I think it owuld be our duty to make G4 feel as unwelcome as possible.

    Shut up, you imbecile! We don't want to let them know of my plans...

    Affliction on
  • Robert KhooRobert Khoo Registered User, ClubPA staff
    edited February 2005
    Last year we had a pretty good amount of media coverage from the Seattle Time to 1Up to IGN, but this year the precensee will definitely be more significant. Specifically regarding G4, given they covered Child's Play this year, chances are good for them.


    Robert Khoo on
    Some guy.
  • Red Machine DRed Machine D __BANNED USERS regular
    edited February 2005
    But is it OK to totally tear them to pieces, since they did that whole rape-and-murder of TechTV?

    Red Machine D on
  • BorfaseBorfase __BANNED USERS regular
    edited February 2005
    what about the frag dolls

    can we tear them to pieces

    Borfase on
    duhhhh i like spaghetti-o's lolz
  • Robert KhooRobert Khoo Registered User, ClubPA staff
    edited February 2005
    be nice.

    Robert Khoo on
    Some guy.
  • LincolnLincoln Registered User regular
    edited February 2005
    be nice.
    Sorry Robert, but I don't think we can guarantee that.


    Lincoln on
  • ctishmanctishman Registered User regular
    edited February 2005
    Nonsense. Of course we can.


    Whaddyamean 'that's not nice enough'? I spent a good ten minutes making it!

    ctishman on
    Get the PAX 2008 Countdown widget and while away your sad, pathetic life watching it tick down the hours to PAX '08!
  • ViscountalphaViscountalpha The pen is mightier than the sword User regular
    edited February 2005
    G4-TECHTV is an utter disgrace to the gaming community. They don't DESERVE to be at PAX. PAX is too cool for G4.

    If i see any of them there, i will bite my toungue but if i hear just 1 dumbass comment they become fair game.


    Viscountalpha on
  • Red Machine DRed Machine D __BANNED USERS regular
    edited February 2005
    Anyone want to photoshop a G4 logo sodomising a TechTV logo and PM it to me?

    Red Machine D on
  • Nate GravesNate Graves Registered User regular
    edited February 2005
    Lincoln wrote:
    be nice.
    Sorry Robert, but I don't think we can guarantee that.


    I think he was talking about the frag dolls. After reading through the entire FD thread, I'd be more inclined to say the same thing.

    (having no desire to watch TV, I have never seen G4)

    Nate Graves on
  • JThrockmorton206JThrockmorton206 Registered User regular
    edited February 2005
    I say we dont give G4 any mercy if they show up.

    JThrockmorton206 on
  • ViscountalphaViscountalpha The pen is mightier than the sword User regular
    edited February 2005
    i'm saying give them enough rope to hang themselves ;)

    I want them to be a cool tv channel but they just don't have it. They try to be "im super cool, videogames are sooo awesome" and it just doesn't cut it. They say stupid stuff and try to act like they are gaming gods.


    Cable On demand (no plug intended) has a little slot for "tips and cheats from G4" so im watching it and its 4 minutes i wanted back. Zero useful content.Far too often are they "bought" and/or feel plastic unlike gabe and tycho. G4 is just another facet of the "hype machine" and it shouldn't really exist in that form. G4 might seriously think about doing the spy camera thing so angry gamers won't form a mob and do something drastic. No one wants that.

    Short answer, They might not deserve to come but they will be treated with respect (to a degree)

    Viscountalpha on
  • DeathByFireballDeathByFireball Registered User regular
    edited February 2005
    Does this mean Gabe and Tycho might be replaced by Dave Navarro and Carmen Electra if they can't pull off G4's trademarked awkward skits?

    Actually, I just agree with this:
    Short answer, They might not deserve to come but they will be treated with respect (to a degree)

    DeathByFireball on
  • graizurgraizur __BANNED USERS regular
    edited February 2005
    Did any one else find the "Rip the Frag Dolls to Peices" comment vaguely hentai?


    Just me?

    The Tentical Dolls.

    graizur on
  • ÄlphämönkëyÄlphämönkëy Registered User regular
    edited February 2005
    I say we dont give G4 any mercy if they show up.
    I say we listen to Robert and the PAX staff :wink: If the PA fans end up being jerks to G4 it will reflect poorly on PA itself.

    Älphämönkëy on
  • Red Machine DRed Machine D __BANNED USERS regular
    edited February 2005
    I say we listen to Robert and the PAX staff :wink: If the PA fans end up being jerks to G4 it will reflect poorly on PA itself.

    And the comic where they openly call G4 a bunch of fakes and posers doesn't?

    Red Machine D on
  • JinxJinx Registered User regular
    edited February 2005
    Borfase wrote:
    what about the frag dolls

    can we tear them to pieces

    Does this mean Gabe and Tycho might be replaced by Dave Navarro and Carmen Electra if they can't pull off G4's trademarked awkward skits? which one is Dava Navarro and which one is Carmen Electra?

    I don't actually get G4, so I have no idea how legitimate or not they are. Kevin Rose seemed like a cool enough person, but not much of a gamer... but since he's on Screensavers I suppose he wouldn't be expected to be.

    I want Jon Stewart or Steven Colbert to come. That would be sweet.

    Jinx on
    The Guitar Zeros << My friend's rad band that everyone should <3
  • Nate GravesNate Graves Registered User regular
    edited February 2005
    I say we listen to Robert and the PAX staff :wink: If the PA fans end up being jerks to G4 it will reflect poorly on PA itself.

    And the comic where they openly call G4 a bunch of fakes and posers doesn't?

    Being ripped into in a comic for the humorous wonderment that it brings, and being greeted by an openly hostile environment are different things. If they acted openly stupid, then they'd probably garner some sarcastic comments, but there's no reason to assail them unprovoked. It would just make us look like jerks.

    Basically, if G4 was there, I'd say treat em' like anyone else. Rib them if they do something to deserve it, ignore them otherwise.
    graizur wrote:
    Did any one else find the "Rip the Frag Dolls to Peices" comment vaguely hentai?


    Just me?

    The Tentical Dolls.

    "Stop! You're going to rip their vaginas in two!"

    Man, I love La Blue Girl.

    Good times.

    Nate Graves on
  • impsethimpseth Registered User regular
    edited February 2005
    Who was the co-host with kevin? something albrecht wasn't it?

    impseth on
    Sigs are fun.
  • ViscountalphaViscountalpha The pen is mightier than the sword User regular
    edited March 2005
    Invite Jon Stewart or Steven Colbert then! I don't think they would turn down the frag dolls. Actually seeing them there would add a whole new level to pax.

    Jinx FD wrote:
    Borfase wrote:
    what about the frag dolls

    can we tear them to pieces

    Does this mean Gabe and Tycho might be replaced by Dave Navarro and Carmen Electra if they can't pull off G4's trademarked awkward skits? which one is Dava Navarro and which one is Carmen Electra?

    I don't actually get G4, so I have no idea how legitimate or not they are. Kevin Rose seemed like a cool enough person, but not much of a gamer... but since he's on Screensavers I suppose he wouldn't be expected to be.

    I want Jon Stewart or Steven Colbert to come. That would be sweet.

    Viscountalpha on
  • eelektrikeelektrik Southern CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    edited March 2005
    Invite Jon Stewart or Steven Colbert then! I don't think they would turn down the frag dolls. Actually seeing them there would add a whole new level to pax.

    Jinx FD wrote:
    Borfase wrote:
    what about the frag dolls

    can we tear them to pieces

    Does this mean Gabe and Tycho might be replaced by Dave Navarro and Carmen Electra if they can't pull off G4's trademarked awkward skits? which one is Dava Navarro and which one is Carmen Electra?

    I don't actually get G4, so I have no idea how legitimate or not they are. Kevin Rose seemed like a cool enough person, but not much of a gamer... but since he's on Screensavers I suppose he wouldn't be expected to be.

    I want Jon Stewart or Steven Colbert to come. That would be sweet.

    My friend is a diehard fan of The Daily Show and would shit his pants if they were there... So, if they got them to go to PAX it would be a good idea to let everyone know well in advance so my friend would have plenty of time to change his pants.

    eelektrik on
  • tmonkeytmonkey Registered User regular
    edited March 2005
    Or at least bring a couple extra pairs. I know I'd need a couple changes of underpants if I was able to get Morgan Webb there and introduce her to a bottle of Cuervo.

    tmonkey on
  • ViscountalphaViscountalpha The pen is mightier than the sword User regular
    edited March 2005
    tmonkey wrote:
    Or at least bring a couple extra pairs. I know I'd need a couple changes of underpants if I was able to get Morgan Webb there and introduce her to a bottle of Cuervo.

    Shh!! She might find out now! :(

    Back to the dailyshow issue

    If they can do the tillamook pig races. They can do pax. We just have to convince them that the omegathon is "daily show" worthy.

    I know its a long shot but, hey stranger things have happened.

    Viscountalpha on
  • eelektrikeelektrik Southern CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    edited March 2005
    tmonkey wrote:
    Or at least bring a couple extra pairs. I know I'd need a couple changes of underpants if I was able to get Morgan Webb there and introduce her to a bottle of Cuervo.

    Shh!! She might find out now! :(

    Back to the dailyshow issue

    If they can do the tillamook pig races. They can do pax. We just have to convince them that the omegathon is "daily show" worthy.

    I know its a long shot but, hey stranger things have happened.

    I think all we would need to convince them is to show them D vs. DDR...

    eelektrik on
  • WhitePantherWhitePanther Registered User regular
    edited March 2005
    If they can do the tillamook pig races. They can do pax. We just have to convince them that the omegathon is "daily show" worthy.

    Bah, all you need to do is convince them they'll be able to interview someone who ends up looking like a fool. Any volunteers?

    WhitePanther on
  • LegacyLegacy Stuck Somewhere In Cyberspace The Grid(Seattle)Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited March 2005
    If they can do the tillamook pig races. They can do pax. We just have to convince them that the omegathon is "daily show" worthy.

    Bah, all you need to do is convince them they'll be able to interview someone who ends up looking like a fool. Any volunteers?

    I'm sure almost everyone would be up for it...

    Legacy on
    Can we get the chemicals in. 'Cause anything's better than this.
  • LincolnLincoln Registered User regular
    edited March 2005
    I'd so be interviewed by Steven Colbert.

    Lincoln on
  • Brass MonkeyBrass Monkey Registered User regular
    edited March 2005
    Lol, that would be awesome but i don't think they will come :'(. I like the daily show too. Maybe we can have that cock sucker that interviewed Jon Stewert on Cross Fire. Prolly get G4 tv on this shit, and apparently Red Machine hates them?, not sure why he does. But i'm sure he has a valid reason like they cut off his penis? But ya i will do something to get on national tv... minus being arrested. Unless it is for a cool crime.

    Brass Monkey on
  • ViscountalphaViscountalpha The pen is mightier than the sword User regular
    edited March 2005
    The story would be that were all violent gamers (it would be a joke) and they would show people getting hurt on the ddr machine or something else hilarious. If the can cover the kid who was complaining about highschool not letting him take his car to school or the peanuts statues causing problems, they can cover pax.

    That is, if we can get them to bite. It might take $$$ i don't have.

    Its still a long shot but one worth trying.

    Viscountalpha on
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