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Old School Magic Tourney

ShadeShade Registered User regular
edited March 2005 in PAX Archive

Shade on


  • eelektrikeelektrik Southern CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    edited March 2005
    If your doing old school, Id say Scourge/7th Edition and before at the newest, nothing with the new borders. And is there going to be any banned/restricted lists?

    As for the prize being a sword, although I probably couldnt make a very good deck, Id still be interested in playing with a prize like that. I could always use a new sword... I have a friend who loves swords who might be interested too, though hed probably have to use my cards.

    eelektrik on
  • ShadeShade Registered User regular
    edited March 2005
    eelektrik wrote:
    If your doing old school, Id say Scourge/7th Edition and before at the newest, nothing with the new borders. And is there going to be any banned/restricted lists?

    As for the prize being a sword, although I probably couldnt make a very good deck, Id still be interested in playing with a prize like that. I could always use a new sword... I have a friend who loves swords who might be interested too, though hed probably have to use my cards.

    yeah, I'll get the banned list up soon. Oh yeah... *Ninja Edit*

    Shade on
  • WhippyWhippy Moderator, Admin Emeritus Admin Emeritus
    edited March 2005
    this is the worst fucking idea ever.

    Whippy on
  • ShadeShade Registered User regular
    edited March 2005
    this is the worst fucking idea ever.

    then why do people keep saying that they want it? So far I've heard more positive from people than negitive. If you don't want to participate then don't.

    Shade on
  • QuizMasterQuizMaster Registered User regular
    edited March 2005
    Just 7th and Scourge? No thanks, mate.

    Otherwise, it is a good idea.

    QuizMaster on
  • ShadeShade Registered User regular
    edited March 2005
    QuizMaster wrote:
    Just 7th and Scourge? No thanks, mate.

    Otherwise, it is a good idea.

    It's 7th, Scourgae and BACK!

    Shade on
  • eelektrikeelektrik Southern CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    edited March 2005
    Shade wrote:
    QuizMaster wrote:
    Just 7th and Scourge? No thanks, mate.

    Otherwise, it is a good idea.

    It's 7th, Scourgae and BACK!

    Yeah, you kinda left a few words out when you edited it... 7th and Scourge wouldnt be much of a tournament...

    eelektrik on
  • JoahWJoahW Registered User regular
    edited March 2005
    Yah, dragon.dec would own the format.

    That sounds like fun, though. :P

    JoahW on
  • eelektrikeelektrik Southern CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    edited March 2005
    Its a shame I missed the Scourge prerelease, I had gotten my Trogdor shirt right before it... It wouldve been great... heh

    eelektrik on
  • ShadeShade Registered User regular
    edited March 2005
    Fixed!!! Looks like I need to work on my ninja editing.

    Shade on
  • Zombies Tossed My Salad!Zombies Tossed My Salad! Registered User regular
    edited March 2005
    I am so in for this. I haven't played in a while but my deck is still good.

    Zombies Tossed My Salad! on
  • Mr. RobotoMr. Roboto Registered User regular
    edited March 2005
    extended is for pussies. :: prepares to get mana-burned... I mean flamed. ::

    Mr. Roboto on
  • eelektrikeelektrik Southern CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    edited March 2005
    Mr. Roboto wrote:
    extended is for pussies. :: prepares to get mana-burned... I mean flamed. ::

    This isnt exactly Extended, its just... Not Type 2... Every set currently legal in Type 2(All the new-border sets so far) arnt in this one.

    eelektrik on
  • QuizMasterQuizMaster Registered User regular
    edited March 2005
    Shade wrote:
    QuizMaster wrote:
    Just 7th and Scourge? No thanks, mate.

    Otherwise, it is a good idea.

    It's 7th, Scourgae and BACK!

    *burns a couple of fifth dawn cards* Count me in!

    QuizMaster on
  • TheBlackWindTheBlackWind Registered User regular
    edited March 2005
    Does this mean there will be places for Yu-gi-oh! too? :o

    TheBlackWind on
    PAD ID - 328,762,218
  • ShadeShade Registered User regular
    edited March 2005
    Does this mean there will be places for Yu-gi-oh! too? :o


    ...sorry, habit

    Shade on
  • redstormpopcornredstormpopcorn Registered User regular
    edited March 2005
    Had my Nishoba and Elf decks not been stolen, I'd so be up for this. As it stands, I'd be willing to put my remaining rares up as a prize if I go to PAX this year.

    redstormpopcorn on
    emot-kamina.gifBELIEVE IN YOU, WHO BELIEVES IN YOURSELF emot-kamina.gif
  • TheBlackWindTheBlackWind Registered User regular
    edited March 2005
    Shade wrote:
    Does this mean there will be places for Yu-gi-oh! too? :o


    ...sorry, habbit

    More like Habit.

    All I'm asking is will there be some sort of free play area. I gave up Magic a looong time ago, but I would like to play some card game while I' m up there.

    TheBlackWind on
    PAD ID - 328,762,218
  • ShadeShade Registered User regular
    edited March 2005
    Shade wrote:
    Does this mean there will be places for Yu-gi-oh! too? :o


    ...sorry, habbit

    More like Habit.

    All I'm asking is will there be some sort of free play area. I gave up Magic a looong time ago, but I would like to play some card game while I' m up there.

    there is a general tabletop area but weather or not people are playing yu-gi-o is unknow.

    Shade on
  • QuizMasterQuizMaster Registered User regular
    edited March 2005
    Three questions. The second one is for ultra-clarification.

    1) Any takers yet?

    2) All sets before 7th and Scourge are fine, right? So I could bring my deck which uses cards from Portal, Urza's Legacy, Urza's Saga, Alliances, Tempest, Exodus, Weatherlight, Stronghold, Legends, Scourge, Mirage, Ice Age, Urza's Destiny and you'd be cool with that?

    3) If I asked for it, would you remind me in August?

    QuizMaster on
  • ShadeShade Registered User regular
    edited March 2005
    QuizMaster wrote:
    Three questions. The second one is for ultra-clarification.

    1) Any takers yet?

    2) All sets before 7th and Scourge are fine, right? So I could bring my deck which uses cards from Portal, Urza's Legacy, Urza's Saga, Alliances, Tempest, Exodus, Weatherlight, Stronghold, Legends, Scourge, Mirage, Ice Age, Urza's Destiny and you'd be cool with that?

    3) If I asked for it, would you remind me in August?


    2. no portal allowed


    Shade on
  • JoahWJoahW Registered User regular
    edited March 2005
    So someones just going to bust out their acadamy deck and own everyone?


    JoahW on
  • ctishmanctishman Registered User regular
    edited March 2005
    Tell ya what. Remind me again in august. I'll haul my old cards up and give 'em all away. I've got a couple of full card boxes.

    ctishman on
    Get the PAX 2008 Countdown widget and while away your sad, pathetic life watching it tick down the hours to PAX '08!
  • The GeekThe Geek Oh-Two Crew, Omeganaut Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited March 2005
    You people are calling 7th "old school"?

    Oh man, way to make me feel like a geezer.

    The Geek on
    BLM - ACAB
  • MrFisticuffsMrFisticuffs It's Easter, bitches. REJOICE. Registered User regular
    edited March 2005
    Oh jesus jumped up christ.

    I dug out my old cards, and the newest ones I have are from Revised.

    MrFisticuffs on
  • The GeekThe Geek Oh-Two Crew, Omeganaut Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited March 2005
    Fisticuffs is even earlier than me.

    The last set I bought any from was Ice Age.

    The Geek on
    BLM - ACAB
  • ShadeShade Registered User regular
    edited March 2005
    Prizes have been chosen!!! you must be over eighteen or have a parent or guardian there to claim a sword!!! there will be 1 prize per 30 people that play up to 3 prizes. The top three winners will CHOOSE their prize! You may choose from three different swords. 2 are fully functional, 1 is a fantasy sword. The 1st prize winner chooses first, ect...

    If you are not eighteen and don't have a parent or gaurdian to claim your prize you'll get three decks of magic cards.

    Shade on
  • eelektrikeelektrik Southern CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    edited March 2005
    The Geek wrote:
    You people are calling 7th "old school"?

    Oh man, way to make me feel like a geezer.

    Although 7th and Scourge arnt that old, they were the last sets with the original border, while all the new cards and all of type 2 right now uses the new border. So, it kinda makes sense including up through 7th...

    I started playing magic myself on December 25th, 1994 with a deck of Revised my cousin got me. I cant believe that was over 10 years ago and Magic is still around...

    eelektrik on
  • QuizMasterQuizMaster Registered User regular
    edited March 2005
    What? No Portal? It is okay, I'll live.

    Dang, I just realised that I am still going to be 17 when the tournament happens. Good thing there is a back-up plan (ha, like I'd even make it that far).

    QuizMaster on
  • ShadeShade Registered User regular
    edited March 2005
    QuizMaster wrote:
    What? No Portal? It is okay, I'll live.

    Dang, I just realised that I am still going to be 17 when the tournament happens. Good thing there is a back-up plan (ha, like I'd even make it that far).

    If a parent isn't there but you do want to claim a sword, I will give you a mailing address and a claim packet. have a parent sign the packet and send with it a photocopy of their drivers licence and I will mail the sword to you.

    Edit: this is only to claim a functional sword. You can claim the fantasy sword immediately.

    Shade on
  • Robert KhooRobert Khoo Registered User, ClubPA staff
    edited March 2005
    PAX has official tournaments and official programming. If you want to run a tournament, fine, but it's a bit of a slap in the face if you want to try making money off of the whole thing.


    Robert Khoo on
    Some guy.
This discussion has been closed.