I think you may want to talk to Mr. Khoo. aka: Robert Khoo... Since I'm not sure about that sort of thing, but he seems to be the official word about stuff like that. Perhaps send him a super nice PM about whatever it is you want to pass out and ask him.
Though I dont think there would be a problem, as long as its not like covered in boobies and swear words... that stuff is best to give directly to me...
mentok1982I could never leave you PAX baby.BaltimoreRegistered Userregular
edited July 2007
I will have about 50 business cards with me for GPUReview.com (PC graphics card site) but I am only going to give them to interested parties. Nvidia will be at the top of my list of course.
Handing out stuff is highly frowned upon, as all you are doing is getting the same coverage that the other sponsors actually paid for. In the end, you are taking money from Penny Arcade by not paying them for an official space, and you are being a jerk to all those who did pay.
After I inquired about buying a booth there from Mike I asked if going boothless was OK. Its basically the same question, can I walk around handing out my stuff. The answer is no.
What I didn't find out, is if there is a flyer table set up someplace to leave brochures, CDs, etc. Most trade shows have one so I would bet PAX will too.
can I walk around handing out my stuff? The answer is no.
I actually hope to avoid having to hand anything out - I hope to spend all my time attending panels and gaming. It's just that the guys I work for are dropping one of their product lines, and we still have some stock left. And rather than scramble around finding a wholesaler who's interested, or -horrors- just throwing them into the landfill, I thought it would be more fun to make them available free to PAX attendees.
I'll try emailing again, and let this thread know what gets decided.
I'll try emailing again, and let this thread know what gets decided.
And the answer is ... nope, there are no plans for a Freebie Table.
Promotional give-aways can be included as inserts in the show bag for the (in my opinion, quite reasonable) cost of $400.
For my specific purpose - clearing out a no longer supported product line - I'm guessing my bosses aren't going to want to pay extra to unload them. What I do next will depend on my measure of overall support for the game, and whether people would actually be happy about getting them.
So let me repurpose this thread and ask for feedback: Button Men is a dice based duel game ideal for conventions. All sorts of companies have produced characters for it, so having our handful bow out of the lineup shouldn't dim the enthusiasm much. Would getting a pair of Button Men and an instruction sheet be a cool, appreciated thing, or just something discarded?
I'll try emailing again, and let this thread know what gets decided.
And the answer is ... nope, there are no plans for a Freebie Table.
Promotional give-aways can be included as inserts in the show bag for the (in my opinion, quite reasonable) cost of $400.
For my specific purpose - clearing out a no longer supported product line - I'm guessing my bosses aren't going to want to pay extra to unload them. What I do next will depend on my measure of overall support for the game, and whether people would actually be happy about getting them.
So let me repurpose this thread and ask for feedback: Button Men is a dice based duel game ideal for conventions. All sorts of companies have produced characters for it, so having our handful bow out of the lineup shouldn't dim the enthusiasm much. Would getting a pair of Button Men and an instruction sheet be a cool, appreciated thing, or just something discarded?
Sounds great to me you should do it.
atray on
dyaballiklPAX Main Theatre House & Security Manager • PAX Community CartographerGold Coast QLD AustraliaRegistered Userregular
I'll try emailing again, and let this thread know what gets decided.
And the answer is ... nope, there are no plans for a Freebie Table.
Promotional give-aways can be included as inserts in the show bag for the (in my opinion, quite reasonable) cost of $400.
For my specific purpose - clearing out a no longer supported product line - I'm guessing my bosses aren't going to want to pay extra to unload them. What I do next will depend on my measure of overall support for the game, and whether people would actually be happy about getting them.
So let me repurpose this thread and ask for feedback: Button Men is a dice based duel game ideal for conventions. All sorts of companies have produced characters for it, so having our handful bow out of the lineup shouldn't dim the enthusiasm much. Would getting a pair of Button Men and an instruction sheet be a cool, appreciated thing, or just something discarded?
never heard of the game. but, let me get one thing straight: for the low, low price of only $400 i could have fliers full of boobies placed in every pax bag?! why was i not informed?! i'll get on this at once!
dyaballikl on
a.k.a. dya
"Riding a mongoose reminds me of having sex with a man, which is something I do frequently because I am gay!" -Gabe
I think I'd probably have a look at them, but the chances that I'd play with them are small. Unless, of course, my buddies thought they were cool and talked me into it. I'm going with one guy who checks all that shit out in it's most minute detail to see if it's any fun.
The thing is that on most cons I've been to you get handed so much fucking crap that it just because a "Junk Collection" after a while.
Werrick on
"Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be rude without having their skulls split, as a general thing."
Seriously for $400 I'd have taken a picture of my buddy with just the words "Kick Me" on it and have it put in every PAX bag just to mess with him.
Umm, its not exactly $400. That's just the cost for the privilege of putting something in the bag. You also have to deliver 10,000 of whatever you're giving out.
However, if you're serious about that, its pretty funny, so I'll do the printing for you at cost.
Seriously for $400 I'd have taken a picture of my buddy with just the words "Kick Me" on it and have it put in every PAX bag just to mess with him.
Umm, its not exactly $400. That's just the cost for the privilege of putting something in the bag. You also have to deliver 10,000 of whatever you're giving out.
However, if you're serious about that, its pretty funny, so I'll do the printing for you at cost.
Seriously for $400 I'd have taken a picture of my buddy with just the words "Kick Me" on it and have it put in every PAX bag just to mess with him.
Umm, its not exactly $400. That's just the cost for the privilege of putting something in the bag. You also have to deliver 10,000 of whatever you're giving out.
However, if you're serious about that, its pretty funny, so I'll do the printing for you at cost.
Isnt it closer to 30,000 this year?
atray on
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited July 2007
10,000 is only the number of things you are required to supply to put in the bag. I'm sure some companies supply more.
so pre-reg people have a better chance of getting more free swag?
Showing up on Friday means you've got a better chance of getting bag swag. I honestly don't remember if we hold onto X number of bags for pre-reg people, but my assumption is to say that we don't.
Jaiden on
[15:51] <+Snickers> Dur, I R CUM
[10:24] * @BigRed-Worky cums the water
[12:32] <+prox> lawl you kickbanned me so hard my client crashed
There really isn't a good venue at PAX for wholesale distribution of freebies unless you already have a booth in the Exhibit Hall. But clever Mike F pointed out that Game Prizes for the tournaments are welcome, so I'll be sending them about a dozen bundles of the game.
Go win those tournaments folks!
Alice Bentley on
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited July 2007
I would like to divert all of your attention towards this post.
Though I dont think there would be a problem, as long as its not like covered in boobies and swear words... that stuff is best to give directly to me...
Id like to hand out stickers so u guys can plaster them all over the building. hahahahha DOOOM
Uhh... No.
That would be bad.
PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
Links: GPUReview.com My IGN activity My IGN Blog [H]ard|Forum
After I inquired about buying a booth there from Mike I asked if going boothless was OK. Its basically the same question, can I walk around handing out my stuff. The answer is no.
Here is the email you should inquire to: mikef@penny-arcade.com
What I didn't find out, is if there is a flyer table set up someplace to leave brochures, CDs, etc. Most trade shows have one so I would bet PAX will too.
I actually hope to avoid having to hand anything out - I hope to spend all my time attending panels and gaming. It's just that the guys I work for are dropping one of their product lines, and we still have some stock left. And rather than scramble around finding a wholesaler who's interested, or -horrors- just throwing them into the landfill, I thought it would be more fun to make them available free to PAX attendees.
I'll try emailing again, and let this thread know what gets decided.
And the answer is ... nope, there are no plans for a Freebie Table.
Promotional give-aways can be included as inserts in the show bag for the (in my opinion, quite reasonable) cost of $400.
For my specific purpose - clearing out a no longer supported product line - I'm guessing my bosses aren't going to want to pay extra to unload them. What I do next will depend on my measure of overall support for the game, and whether people would actually be happy about getting them.
So let me repurpose this thread and ask for feedback: Button Men is a dice based duel game ideal for conventions. All sorts of companies have produced characters for it, so having our handful bow out of the lineup shouldn't dim the enthusiasm much. Would getting a pair of Button Men and an instruction sheet be a cool, appreciated thing, or just something discarded?
Last year we were told (enforcers) to be on a lookout for people handing stuff out and to ask them not to.
You are being watched :P
Unless someone wants to give me bawls or anything else with caffeine, ill take your whole load of it :P
Sounds great to me
never heard of the game. but, let me get one thing straight: for the low, low price of only $400 i could have fliers full of boobies placed in every pax bag?! why was i not informed?! i'll get on this at once!
you can slip me some under the table.
Or put this in and try to start some sort of wild rumor.
I think I'd probably have a look at them, but the chances that I'd play with them are small. Unless, of course, my buddies thought they were cool and talked me into it. I'm going with one guy who checks all that shit out in it's most minute detail to see if it's any fun.
The thing is that on most cons I've been to you get handed so much fucking crap that it just because a "Junk Collection" after a while.
-Robert E. Howard
Tower of the Elephant
Umm, its not exactly $400. That's just the cost for the privilege of putting something in the bag. You also have to deliver 10,000 of whatever you're giving out.
However, if you're serious about that, its pretty funny, so I'll do the printing for you at cost.
CEO, Technomancer Press
Check out TerraDrive Live...its happening at PAX, and everyone's playing
Isnt it closer to 30,000 this year?
Showing up on Friday means you've got a better chance of getting bag swag. I honestly don't remember if we hold onto X number of bags for pre-reg people, but my assumption is to say that we don't.
[10:24] * @BigRed-Worky cums the water
[12:32] <+prox> lawl you kickbanned me so hard my client crashed
the PAX bags will be handed out one per person, not sure how its working exactly this year because of the new venue.
Dude, Red... you sell out at a pretty low cost... weaksauce, man.
I'll just jack some penguin mints off my roomie for you. He won't notice...
Rika: lol wut?...
What do you mean low cost? You realize how much caffeine I can consume? :P
There really isn't a good venue at PAX for wholesale distribution of freebies unless you already have a booth in the Exhibit Hall. But clever Mike F pointed out that Game Prizes for the tournaments are welcome, so I'll be sending them about a dozen bundles of the game.
Go win those tournaments folks!
I would discreetly chip in on that ;-)
{Fondly remembers the PAXTrain}