Well, Gameclucks isn't getting back to me, so I'll just use the MLG rules as a starting point:
Team Slayer, 4 vs 4
First to 50 kills
15 minute time limit
5 second respawn time
10 second suicide penalty
Custom weapon set
No radar
Map selection is still being decided
The initial round will be pool play, using single elim brackets. Probably no more than 8 teams per pool, hopefully less. Best of 1 game.
Once we have the last 32 teams, they'll be re-seeded into a 32 team single elim bracket. It'll likely be best of 1 game still, but finals at least will be best of 3 games, maybe have semi-finals be best of 3 as well.
Now, the weapon set and map rotation are what I'm concerned with. I have no experience playing Halo 2 in tournies, so if you have a lot of tourney experience, feel free to give input. I want something that's fair from a competetive standpoint but has good diversity to satisfy the casual players.
As for maps, which are ideal for 4v4 games? The more the merrier, as we'll have a different map every round in the tourney. For example, say your pool starts with 8 teams and the map is Battle Creek. In the next round only 4 teams remain, and the map is changed to Midship.
I noticed MLG banned the sword from their FFA round games. I assume it's not an issue in team play, where there's much less of a randomness factor?
Finally, if no Gameclucks members attend, I'll be lost when it comes to seeding. If you're involvined in the Halo community and learn of any teams who plan on attending, please let me know. If you're attending PAX yourself, even better, as Halo 2 registration isn't till the expo itself.
because that map sucks
I would add that a round or two that "encourage" (read force) rarely-used weapons/vehicles would be a major boon to the fun factor.
4 vs 4 CTF to 3 caps
Brute Shots & Sentinel Beams only
Spectres, no other vehicles
Since the spectre can take 4 people, you'd end up with these huge battleship wars with fully-loaded spectres passing mid-map, exchanging main cannon and beam fire. It'd be glorious!
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No changes to the settings either, just too much of a hassle.
According to Bungie, they should be free by the time PAX hits, and it sounds like Team Slayer on Turf would be fantastic.
P.S.: Just out of curiosity, why no CTF?
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I'm really glad you decided on using MLG rules.
To answer some of your questions...
*If you're abiding by MLG rules, then the weapon set will be spawning with a Battle Rifle (instead of the SMG) with default weapons on map. Two grenades for 4v4 and no motion sensor. This is ideal for either the casual or the advanced player, because the default map settings still allows for dual wielding. And the battle rifle makes advanced players a bit happier...
*The sword isn't used in the FFA (Battle rifle spawn and map default is still used, you just can't pick up the sword) but it is fine in 4v4 team slayers.
*The maps usually used for 4v4 team slayer are Beaver Creek, Ascension, Zanzibar and Lockout...really any maps that aren't small (Midship, etc) or huge (collosus, coagulation, headlong). Smaller maps like midship are ideal for FFA. The larger maps are not used in competitions.
I'm not sure if you've seen the actual rules or not, but it's definately worth looking at:
(It terms of letting people know what glitching is OKAY and what they should stay the hell away from...)
I'm pretty involved in the Halo community, and I know of several teams who will be attending PAX and competing in the Halo tourney. My girls (http://www.pmsclan.com) will be going for sure.
Okay, I think I've blabbed enough. I'm happy to give you more feedback or ideas if you need it!
GT(s): sagaciouz (Xbox 360), Annarchy (Halo 2)
Also, with 9 new maps being available before PAX, will any of those make it into the tournament? Though again, theyd have to be played to see if they are tournament quality so that remains to be seen. Id at least think about the free ones, Containment and Warlock as considerations, and im sure some people wouldnt mind bringing the expansion disc to PAX and install the maps on all the Boxes there, I know I plan on buying it even though theyll be free through Live eventually, I have a friend that doesnt have Live that may want them, and I can bring it to PAX as well.
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Hopefully, I'd like to add more. I actually intend to play Halo 2 a bit in the coming months, so I'll check them out for myself.