There will also be instructions on how to deal with group seating in the email that will go out in a couple weeks.
David Coffman on
ViscountalphaThe pen is mightier than the sword Userregular
edited July 2007
I think its one of those things if you work with the people around you, It probably won't be too difficult getting everyone into a setup they can enjoy.
Given how awesome the people are at pax, I'm not worried about being able to sit with friends.
However, I will mock people for shouting "boom headshot" just because its annoying.
[10:24] * @BigRed-Worky cums the water
[12:32] <+prox> lawl you kickbanned me so hard my client crashed
Given how awesome the people are at pax, I'm not worried about being able to sit with friends.
However, I will mock people for shouting "boom headshot" just because its annoying.