We've certainly considered it. The demand is obviously there, but our manpower just can't keep up. PAX really is a five person show at this point (G/T/Fehlauer/PRD/Me), and sadly we all have other responsibilities throughout the year. It takes a full year of planning for us five, and two shows would literally kill us. We would need more people.
Why not make two of EVERY single-location event? Hell, why not make 500 so that everyone in every town and every village in all of North America can get in on it? Nooooooooooooo, then the people in the UK and australia would bitch, so we have to make SEVENTY THOUSAND MORE!!!!!!!!
Would you ask E3 to have multiple shows? No? How about the Oscars?
PAX East 2006? Not likely. 2007? Hmm.
One show, one city, DEAL WITH IT.
(yeah, or not)
A second show would be nice if they had the manpower, then agian I live in the midwest so same amount of travel is involved either way
PAX could degenerate into a West vs. East Coast rivalry. Imagine the inevitable bloodshed.
But seriously, if you won't shell out the cash to go to PAX, PAX shouldn't shell out the cash to come to you.
I see it now. Some guys in Gabe and Tycho costumes skating around some arena every friday saturday night. We could sell T-Shirt and Popcorn and Beer!
Fun for the whole family!
I would so go see that