So, what are the best multiplayer games for the DS? I'm coming to PAX and wanted to know what the best DS games were to bring for maximum playitude. Between me and my friends, I have access to a great deal of DS games, and I could buy a few more if I need to.
These are the major multiplayer games I'll be bringing to PAX.
Trainwreck got the major ones. Don't worry if you don't have them ALL, if you have something on that list you'll be able to play. Last year I played nothing but Meteos, Tetris, and Ouendan.
Also, needs more Clubhouse Games.
I like the sound of this.
This sounds like we will hear something soon! Woot!
Thanks robert, Thats all I needed to hear. I just wanted anything-- a single tidbit about it. I think I might know what it is, but I shouldn't say if It is what I think it is...
I think...
Settle down, if you read my post above, I said I'll be bringing it
Multiplayer is really fun. You can do 1v1 or 2v2. You basically play it exactly the same, except when you do good it will cause negative status effects to your opponents (shaking screen, shrunken notes). That's basically all there is to it, now you know how to play!
I'm going to have Pokemon, Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, Bleach 2, EBA
The word "most" in that sentence means that this is NOT legal. If there is any one game you do not own on that cart, then you are breaking the law. As a developer it's especially a bummer to see you not paying for game software that is pretty cheap to begin with. If you can't afford it, get a job.
If you have a job, and still don't have the money, then borrow it from somebody or just don't play it. Pretty simple, the only people that deserve to play games are the people who pay for them or rent them through legal means.
Don't you use your Flash Cart for other things? I mean there's tons of cool homebrew like DSOrganize, MoonShell, and (my favorite) Comic Book DS.
heres the games i'm bringing
-mario cart
-new smb
-bomberman ds
but of course if theres tourneys in other games i'm sure i'll bring those too
I think you guys are overlooking a brand new DS essential that will be very awesome for PAX, Picross DS.
It has WiFi play and you can share puzzles and have challenge battles. If picto-chat will be filled with dong drawings, then Picross DS will have plenty of original and fun dong puzzles to solve.
I agree with Moe that the New Super Mario Bros. mini-games are also a fun must have. Another awesome game that is fun to play with everyone is Big Brain Academy 8 player battles.
Last and certainly not least is Clubhouse Games. Local wifi you can picto-chat AND play the game. That way you can get your dong pictures in while you play cards. It is a win/win where everyone has fun.
Anyways, I look forward to playing my DS with all you guys.
I just got my nice little DS today.
I suppose I'll have to stock up on some games..
So far, I've been getting addicted to Super Mario, and the minigames!
So excited!
The only time I've ever Pictochat'd is with my brother when we first got our DSs. Any other time I've been around other DSs, we've just straight up played games. But Pictochat at PAX will be awesome.
I plan to stock up on a lot of English games before heading back to Korea, so where is the nearest game store to PAX (that isn't sold out with other PAX attendees buying games)?
PS. Do those stores know we're coming?
There is an EB Games in the Westlake Center mall just a few blocks to the west. If you have a rental car, or don't mind taking the bus, hit up our friends down at Pink Godzilla games (just on the south end of Seattle). They carry both English and Japanese games (a lot of us American gamers have Japanese games too). The guys that work there are also really awesome, and they will give you something like a 15% discount if you buy one of their shirts or another piece of clothing (they even have a female thong if you have a lady friend).
Pink Godzilla is in the exhibit hall. They might have what you want in the store but not at PAX but they might be arrange something for you.
I might need to pick it up. I have played it multiplayer via download play about a dozen times. I can't believe I don't own it, after how much I've played it.
Edit: and yes, Pink Godzilla has a booth there, and since they are near the store location, they may be able to bring something in for you between days. That being said, if you want something quick, try one of the two methods in my last post.
You are coming all the way from Korea, huh? That's awesome. Do you know people in the US?