So I fucked up my registration, and I need a second BYOC pass.
I'm kind of fucked at the moment otherwise.
I don't even quite know who to message asking if there's any way to get 'day of' or something, I've tried looking, or maybe I'm just not seeing anything.
Anyways try not to scalp me on this, but I don't care if I have to pay for extra postage to get me this thing on time or what.
From what I understand, they will be reseling seats for no-shows. But that's kind of iffy, and of course first-come-first-served. Other than that, or if someone who doesn't want one anymore has one, there are no more BYOC passes available. (And I think TrainwreckX probably has first dibs, considering how much he's been begging for one. )
Typically day of sales are available starting Saturday morning, but as Kyouteki says, that's not something to depend on. If you're not prepared to lose the gamble, I don't recommend packing up the computer unless you can get your hands on a byoc badge before the event.
A very special someone at pax is gonna get his choice of free alcohol too
Or a free meal at the dinner, if alcohol isn't for him