Tony Hellmann wrote: »I have an announcement:
The PMS Clan has agreed to take over the 4th remaining color faction.
Be afraid.
It has not yet been determined whether they are going to assume the Bleeding Hearts role or take the faction in a new/different direction. Stay tuned.
XBL- Evil Badman; Steam- EvilBadman; Twitter - EvilBadmanI should note that Badman is fucking awesome
You know, I thought that too, but thought it in too bad of taste to actually post....
Thank you for reminding me that all of you are just as sick and depraved as I am, I
Wait, bleeding what? Something is bleeding? There was talk of bleeding hearts, but you all seem to think something else bleeds. What is it? Is it something naughty? Is it bad to talk about? Should I be asking this? Is my innocence at stake? Will I go to Hell if you tell?
It's okay to be sick and depraved if that's who you are, and it says something about your character that you didn't post the obvious, immature, stereotypical, bullshit response. I didn't think the "Bleeding something" comment was sick and depraved, but mean and denigrating. (And stupid: every human bleeds)
Yeeaahh, let's continue to perpetuate antiquated bullshit stereotypes of women all over TDL and PAX.
It's not okay to denigrate Pandora's Mighty Soldiers (or women in general) just because you are ignorant and mis-informed. Or thought you were "joking" or being "funny".
I didn't know anything about the clan or ever heard of them before this thread, and people's responses here regarding their being involved with TDL were surprising to me - it immediately became negative and gave off the vibe that they (and by extension, female gamers) weren't welcome.
[15:02] Tajah: I like you BR but I'm not letting you nom my box
[15:02] BigRed-Worky: Did I mention I hate you all? cause i do
PAX Twitter Shitter~*~ Retired Bar Liaison: 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Annual Triwizard Drinking Tournament~*~
I think the fact that they call themselves the PMS clan is a nod to women having a sense of humor about themselves. I didn't even know it stood for "Pandora's Mighty Soldiers;" I think it is great way for the clan to label themselves as a worthy femme opponent.
Being female myself, I see nothing negative about this thread at all. There's nothing antiquated about PMS jokes; they're still alive and hilarious. Maybe I'm missing a post here, but if anything this post is empowering vs. denigrating because they're earning a reputation as gamers to be feared. No one here has banned them from playing TDL, no one here has made fun of them for joining.
Really, EvilBadman didn't even write a negative comment about periods. He referred to them in a 2-word post. No room for disgusting comments, degrading remarks or anything that could be viewed as negative when the name of the clan could be seen as equally derogatory. BrokenAngel even said she had the same thought. You attacked Big Guy for commenting on how tough women are. He's right, we endure a lot. We can lose that much blood from our system (with a LOT of nutrients, I might add) each month and still keep pace with everyone else. Big Guy's comment was a compliment, not a stereotype.
The fact that a female clan is joining TDL makes me want to play. It doesn't make me feel like I'm ostracized from the game. You're the only one here who is perpetuating stereotypes and bullshit, so please stop raining on the parade.
P.S. If you want to argue/discuss/flame feminism with me, PM me so we can keep this thread open for TDL discussion.
I think the fact that they call themselves the PMS clan is a nod to women having a sense of humor about themselves. I didn't even know it stood for "Pandora's Mighty Soldiers;" I think it is great way for the clan to label themselves as a worthy femme opponent.[/COLOR]
--> That's the point - he (and you) didn't even learn about the clan, who they were, or anything before making the easy joke out loud in a public forum. I thought it was a quip myself, but I didn't make crap, unfunny jokes about it in a public forum before I made an attempt to know what I was talking about by checking out their website.
Being female myself, I see nothing negative about this thread at all. There's nothing antiquated about PMS jokes; they're still alive and hilarious.
--> You can be female and not see anything negative, I can be female and see something negative. Not all women think/act the same, and we shouldn't be wholly defined by our biology - particularly in a negative manner. That was my point.
Something can be alive and hilarious and be based on antiquated stereotypes and beliefs. I have Chapelle's Show on dvd. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, PM me)
Maybe I'm missing a post here, but if anything this post is empowering vs. denigrating because they're earning a reputation as gamers to be feared.
--> You're missing *something*, for sure. Tony's post about the PMS Clan is empowering because he didn't define the clan by their bodies but by their gaming prowess. The lame "Bleeding something" comment was equating a woman to a biological function. Why bring it up? It didn't have anything to do with their ability to rock TDL.
No one here has banned them from playing TDL, no one here has made fun of them for joining.
--> I found the comment denigrating because it took the focus from TDL and gaming to being on the rag. It allowed the next person to make the old and not funny comment. Re-read the entire thread and see how quick it goes from talking about the Bleeding Hearts faction to equating them with pussies after Tony mentions the PMS clan.
Really, EvilBadman didn't even write a negative comment about periods. He referred to them in a 2-word post. No room for disgusting comments, degrading remarks or anything that could be viewed as negative when the name of the clan could be seen as equally derogatory.
--> In your opinion. I stated that I felt the ensuing commentary after Tony's post was negative and denigrating. Just my opinion, it's okay if you disagree and don't like it. I posted it because there's a chance others felt the same way but chose to say nothing.
BrokenAngel even said she had the same thought. You attacked Big Guy for commenting on how tough women are. He's right, we endure a lot. We can lose that much blood from our system (with a LOT of nutrients, I might add) each month and still keep pace with everyone else. Big Guy's comment was a compliment, not a stereotype.
1. BrokenAngel being a female doesn't make it okay. You and she not having a problem with the comment doesn't make it okay to everyone.
2. I don't think I attacked BigGuy, just pointed out that I didn't find his commentary funny, harmless, or whatever - and in fact didn't appreciate it at all. So I called him out - big deal. You're calling me out on it, and I'm responding.
3. BigGuy's comment is a twist on the original line about menstruation, which is "I don't trust anything that bleeds....". My point was: if you stab a human, it bleeds. You stab an animal, it bleeds. It's not solely about being female - but someone took it there because of the PMS clan's involvement. In no way did I consider it a compliment.
And anyone who doesn't know about menstruation can wikipedia, google, or WebMD it. No need to patronize with the talk of "nutrient loss". *gag*
The fact that a female clan is joining TDL makes me want to play. It doesn't make me feel like I'm ostracized from the game. You're the only one here who is perpetuating stereotypes and bullshit, so please stop raining on the parade.
I PM'd Tony with the fact that I was really on the fence about TDL until I read up on the PMS Clan - and yeah, their involvement totally makes me want to play. It seemed to me that other posters were making the insinuation that Bleeding Hearts = Bleeding Pussies (b/c of the female clan's involvement) was juvenile and denigrating and unnecessary. I apologize if I didn't make this clearer from the get-go.
The comments after Tony's post rained on my parade. They made me rethink my decision to go to PAX, because who wants to hang with misogynists and people who not only think women can't game but look down on them as a whole? Who objectify women and define them by their body parts and biological functions?
Then I realized that that's bullshit and decided to speak out. Because whether it was their intention or not, that's what I took from it. If you post it, own it. All of it, not just the potential good but the possible bad.
P.S. If you want to argue/discuss/flame feminism with me, PM me so we can keep this thread open for TDL discussion.
Now we can take it to PM, if you have anything else that you have questions about. Please do not be confused - I may be a PA forum n00b but I am in no way new to forums, intelligent debate, or afraid of intellectual confrontation. And for the record, don't try to bitchslap me in public and then tell me to take it to PM. Fuck off if you can't hang. We can all be friends and still agree to disagree without being douchebags.
I apologize to BigGuy if I misconstrued or misunderstood his comment.
[15:02] Tajah: I like you BR but I'm not letting you nom my box
[15:02] BigRed-Worky: Did I mention I hate you all? cause i do
PAX Twitter Shitter~*~ Retired Bar Liaison: 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Annual Triwizard Drinking Tournament~*~