We can't tell you who we are. Or where we live. It's too risky, and we've got to be careful. Really careful. So we don't trust anyone.
Because if they find us . . . well, we just won't let them find us.
The thing you should know is that everyone is in really big trouble. Yeah. Even you._______________________________________________________Rules
- All public voting closes at 7PM PST/10PM EST every night.
- All private actions must be in by 6:45 PM PST/9:45 PM EST every night.
- Vote using the following syntax: !vote Wiggin and retract using the syntax: !retract Wiggin. Please do NOT edit your vote posts; just retract & vote for someone else when changing your vote.
- The person with the most votes at the end of each day will be taken in by police for questioning, and thus removed from the game.
- If a player is Controlled, their win condition is immediately converted to the Yeerk conditions. A Controlled player's Role, Powers, and Siblings will be revealed to other Yeerks. All other information is at the discretion of the player to reveal or not.
- Do not forward/share/screenshot/etc. your role PM(s).
- No abstentions. Individuals with a private attack must use it every night OR PM me that they are choosing NOT to. All participants must vote every night.
- You must have at least two on-topic posts per game day. This will be strictly enforced. If you are removed from the game for inactivity you will be replaced with a reserve player. If there are no reserves, your character will be killed.
- Narration/Results for each day will indicate attack attempts and failures, deaths/arrests, etc. Players that have been Controlled will not be revealed.
- If you would like clarification on a rule, mechanic, ability or anything else, make a post containing !Clarification. If you have a question that may compromise your role in public, PM your clarification request to me.
- Roles (including Controller status) will be revealed upon death/arrest.
- You may make one goodbye post if you die, but no more than that.
- Dead players may not converse with active participants on any game-related matters.
- There is no dead thread; do not make one or discuss the game with anyone alive, to re-iterate the previous point.
In the event of a tie, all parties will be removed by mob vote.
If a player is replaced by a reserve, any public votes the old player may have had DO NOT transfer. Any Special abilities targeting the old player MUST BE RE-SUBMITTED to target their replacement.
Players cannot drop out of gameplay when two hours or less remain in the game day.
1. Critical (Controller) - Killed by Jake (Day 5)
2. iamtheaznman - Killed by Visser Three (Day 5)
3. Durax - Killed by Visser Three (Day 4)
4. Bogey (Controller) - Killed by Jake (Day 7)
5. Shenanigans (Orignal Yeerk / Tom) - Killed by Jake (Day 9)
6. Nuzak (Tobias) (Controller) - Arrested (Day 5)
7. TheKovakistani (Controller) - Arrested (Day 6)
8. DrCongo (Original yeerk) - Arrested (Day 9)
9. AkimboLegs
10. Jimothy - Killed by Visser Three (Day 7)
11. real_pochacco (Jake) - Killed by David (Day 9)
12. manaleak34
13. Tossrock (Ax) - Killed by David (Day 2)
14. NATIK - Arrested (Day 8)
15. randomproxy
16. Squashua - Arrested (Day 3)
17. Seriously - Killed by Visser Three (Day 5)
18. SpeedySwaf
19. WhiteZinfandel
20. arod_77 (Visser Three) - Killed by Jake (Day 8)
21. Drijen (Controller) - Killed by Jake (Day 4)
22. FirstComradeStalin - Arrested (Day 1)
23. Meister
24. PotU
25. Mr. Embarkation (Original Yeerk) - Arrested (Day 4)
26. The Geebs That Is A Mod (Crayak) - Killed by Jake (Day 7)
27. SojakFA
28. Xevo - Killed by Ax (Day 1)
29. redimpulse - Killed by Visser Three (Day 8)
30. g01iath
31. Atari Soul - Killed by Visser Three (Day 3)
32. Strato - Killed by Visser Three (Day 2)
33. Raneados (Marco) (Controller) - Killed by Jake (Day 3)
34. AbsenceofLight - Arrested (Day 2)
35. Hunter - Killed by Visser Three (Day 1)
36. mrpaku
37. precisionk
38. Oatway - Killed by David (Day 4)
39. Shankill Butcher
40. cj iwakura (Ellimist) - Killed by David (Day 8)
41. Zot - Killed by David (Day 1)
42. CJTheran
43. Zoolander - Killed by Marco (Day 1)
44. scarlet st.
45. Anjin-San (Cassie) - Killed by Visser Three (Day 1)
46. Darkseid (Rachel) - Killed by Visser Three (Day 6)
47. Neville - Killed by Visser Three (Day 6)
48. FreeAgent
49. Quetzi - Killed by Visser Three (Day 3)
50. JohnHam - Killed by Ax (Day 2)
51. Seta 3000
52. Fembot (Controller) - Arrested (Day 5)
53. Dislexic (Erek King) - Killed by Visser Three (Day 7)
54. Munkus Beaver - Killed by Rachel (Day 5)
55. Dave The Rave - Killed by Visser Three (Day 8)
56. Daric - Killed by Visser Three (Day 2)
57. Red Bird - Killed by Marco (Day 2)
58. Qorzm
59. CableCarrier - Killed by David (Day 7)
60. scarlet ave. (Controller) - Killed by David (Day 6)
Munkus Beaver replaces Hylianbunny (Day 1)
Seriously replaces SoonerMan (Day 1)
cj iwakura replaces Lucky7 (Day 1)
Qorzm replaces the wook (Day 1)
SojakFA replaces DarkPrimus (Day 2)
Orestes replaces Abraham F. Hawk (Day 2)
manaleak34 replaces ramenXnoodles (Day 3)
NATIK replaces tomisbored (Day 3)
Dislexic replaces Defunker (Day 3)
Seta 3000 replaces Osvik (Day 3)
g01iath replaces DeForce (Day 3)
scarlet st. replaces Riggs Blitzkrieg (Day 5)
WhiteZinfandel replaces Orestes (Day 7)
precisionk replaces
(Day 7)
Day 1 ends Thursday, 7PM PST / 10PM EST________________________________________________________Day 0: Jake
None of us could have guessed what was waiting for us that night. Who knows why we all decided to walk home together? Why did we cut through that abandoned construction site? It's questions like these that keep me up at night more than anything I've seen or done since.
The ship just appeared in the sky and dropped down next to us. No fanfare. No laser light show. Nothing. It just sits there like it's the most normal thing in the world. Then it opens, and what looks like a blue centaur with a scorpion tail and way too many fingers and eyes steps out. Elfangor.
Prince Elfangor. He tells us that our planet is under attack. Yeerks, he calls them. Slugs that squeeze into your ear and wrap themselves around your brain. Suddenly you can't move. You can't speak. You can't even blink. The Yeerk owns you, and all you can do is scream in your own head.
Then he does the impossible.
He gives us--all of us--the power to morph into any animal we touch. It's the only weapon he has to offer us against the Yeerks, and we're the only ones around to take it. The fate of the planet is handed to a bunch of dumb teenagers.
Another ship comes down. Elfangor tells us to hide, and for good reason: this is a Yeerk ship.
His ship. Visser Three. The biggest, baddest Yeerk there is, and the only one that can morph like us. He literally chews Elfangor to pieces while we watch.
Since that day, we've done whatever we can to slow them down. But it's a losing battle. Every day, there's more and more of these Controllers. Even Tom is... don't want to talk about it now.
We've got a sixth member in Aximili, or Ax for short. Elfangor's little brother. He's still not used to living among humans yet, but he's learning.
Then there was David. He found the cube that let us morph in the first place, and we recruited him. It turned out to be a huge mistake. Nobody deserves what we did to him, but there was no other choice.
We've been staking out a possible Yeerk pool entrance for the past few days. Going to make a move soon.
Narration Links
Signup thread
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Role PMs
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
Reserved for Bogey to edit in the schedule.
Human horns are outlawed.
Because there's nothing else to talk about tonight.
EDIT: But hey, Bleach is coming on. I don't know why I watch it, but I do.
it's Park Ranger Smith!
!vote Embarkation
I hope I'm pretty high on the list because I've been talking about mine for I think about a month now.
Talking about being a bear too much.
I am getting this network going.
So contact me. >_>
Not to be a dick, but come on. I meant, edit the post.
probably evil and doesn't even know it yet
Because he's weird.
(placeholder, hoooo!)
protip: if you fuck about WHOOPS Wiggin can effing kill you
Nowhere to run no solid ground:whistle:
EDIT: I won't kill you for breaking rules, I'm not that big of a dick. I just don't want to fuck something up because somebody thought it would be funny.
The thing with Zot was a mistake, so it's cool.
Night 1 narration: "Fuck you guys for bandwagoning. You all die. WIGGIN WINS."
!vote Shankhill Butcher
All the same reasons to trust you.
Namely, none.
I'm sorry, do you have trouble hearing me with that ALIEN IN YOUR EAR?!
!vote Shankill Butcher
ran a RNG for a placeholder vote, just in case bad things happen